Definitions of HUGR operations.
Declare an external type alias. |
Declare a type alias. |
Abstract interface that types can implement to behave as an extension dataflow operation. |
Tag operation for the Break variant of a TailLoop controlling Either type. |
Parent operation of a control flow graph. |
Call a function inside a dataflow graph. |
Higher order evaluation of a |
Parent of a dataflow graph that is a branch of a |
A |
'Switch' operation on the variants of an incoming sum type, evaluating the corresponding one of the child |
A static constant value. |
Tag operation for the Continue variant of a TailLoop controlling Either type. |
Serializable version of non-core dataflow operation defined in an extension. |
Simple dataflow graph operation. |
Parent of non-entry basic block in a control flow graph. |
Abstract dataflow operation. |
Abstract parent of dataflow graph operations. |
Unique exit block of a control flow graph. |
A non-core dataflow operation defined in an extension. |
Function declaration operation, defines the signature of a function. |
Function definition operation, parent of a dataflow graph that defines the function. |
Input operation in dataflow graph. |
Tag operation for the Left variant of an type. |
Load a constant value into a dataflow graph. |
Load a statically defined function as a higher order value. |
Operation to create a tuple from a sequence of wires. |
Root operation of a HUGR which corresponds to a full module definition. |
Identity operation that passes through its input. |
An abstract HUGR operation. |
Output operation in dataflow graph. |
Base class for operations that are registered with an extension using |
Tag operation for the Right variant of an type. |
Tag operation for the Some variant of an Option type. |
Tag a row of incoming values to make them a variant of a sum type. |
Tail controlled loop operation, child dataflow graph iterates while it outputs the first variant of a sum type. |
Operation to unpack a tuple into its elements. |
Op types have not been set during building. |
Port is not valid for this operation. |
Could not instantiate a polymorphic function. |