.. _sec-installation: Installation ============ .. highlight:: bash ``lambeq`` can be installed with the command:: pip install lambeq The default installation of ``lambeq`` includes :term:`Bobcat` parser, a state-of-the-art statistical parser fully integrated with the toolkit. To install ``lambeq`` with optional dependencies for extra features, run:: pip install lambeq[extras] DepCCG support -------------- .. note:: The DepCCG-related functionality is no longer actively supported in ``lambeq``, and may not work as expected. We strongly recommend using the default :term:`Bobcat` parser which comes as part of ``lambeq``. If you still want to use DepCCG, for example because you plan to apply ``lambeq`` on Japanese, you can install DepCCG separately following the instructions on the `DepCCG homepage `_. After installing DepCCG, you can download its model by using the script provided in the ``contrib`` folder of the ``lambeq`` repository:: python contrib/download_depccg_model.py