
Below are some use-case notebooks. These both illustrate the flexibility of qujax and the power of directly interfacing with JAX and its package ecosystem.

  • heisenberg_vqe.ipynb - an implementation of the variational quantum eigensolver to find the ground state of a quantum Hamiltonian.

  • maxcut_vqe.ipynb - an implementation of the variational quantum eigensolver to solve a MaxCut problem. Trains with Adam via optax and uses more realistic stochastic parameter shift gradients.

  • noise_channel.ipynb - uses the densitytensor simulator to fit the parameters of a depolarising noise channel.

  • qaoa.ipynb - uses a problem-inspired QAOA ansatz to find the ground state of a quantum Hamiltonian. Demonstrates how to encode more sophisticated parameters that control multiple gates.

  • barren_plateaus.ipynb - illustrates how to sample gradients of a cost function to identify the presence of barren plateaus. Uses batched/vectorized evaluation to speed up computation.

  • reducing_jit_compilation_time.ipynb - explains how JAX compilation works and how that can lead to excessive compilation times when executing quantum circuits. Presents a solution for the case of circuits with a repeating structure.

  • variational_inference.ipynb - uses a parameterised quantum circuit as a variational distribution to fit to a target probability mass function. Uses Adam via optax to minimise the KL divergence between circuit and target distributions.

  • classification.ipynb - train a quantum circuit for binary classification using data re-uploading.

  • generative_modelling.ipynb - uses a parameterised quantum circuit as a generative model for a real life dataset. Trains via stochastic gradient Langevin dynamics on the maximum mean discrepancy between statetensor and dataset.

The pytket repository also contains tk_to_qujax implementations for some of the above at pytket-qujax_classification.ipynb, pytket-qujax_heisenberg_vqe.ipynb and pytket-qujax_qaoa.ipynb.