Coverage for /home/runner/work/tket/tket/pytket/pytket/quipper/ 80%

395 statements  

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1# Copyright Quantinuum 


3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 

4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 

5# You may obtain a copy of the License at 




9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 

10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 

11# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 

12# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 

13# limitations under the License. 


15from enum import Enum, unique 

16from math import pi 

17from typing import NamedTuple 


19from lark import Lark, Transformer, Tree 


21from pytket.circuit import CircBox, Circuit, OpType 


23# The Lark grammar, transformer and type definitions below are adapted from the 

24# code in Eddie Schoute's `quippy` project 

25# ( The main enhancements are support 

26# for multi-qubit gates and correct handling of negative controls on qubit 0. 



29# Types 

30class Wire(NamedTuple): 

31 i: int 



34class ControlWire(NamedTuple): 

35 wire: Wire 

36 negative: bool 



39class Control(NamedTuple): 

40 controlled: list[ControlWire] 

41 no_control: bool 




45class TypeAssignment_Type(Enum): 

46 Qbit = 1 

47 Cbit = 2 



50class TypeAssignment(NamedTuple): 

51 wire: Wire 

52 type: TypeAssignment_Type 



55class Gate: 

56 pass 




60class QGate_Op(Enum): 

61 Not = 1 # Pauli X 

62 H = 2 # Hadamard 

63 MultiNot = 3 # Multi-target not 

64 Y = 4 # Pauli Y 

65 Z = 5 # Pauli Z 

66 S = 6 # Clifford S 

67 T = 7 # Clifford T = sqrt(S) 

68 E = 8 # Clifford E = H S (omega)^3 

69 Omega = 9 # scalar = exp(i pi / 4) 

70 V = 10 # V = sqrt(X) 

71 Swap = 11 

72 W = 12 # W is self-inverse and diagonalizes Swap 

73 IX = 13 # i X 



76class QGate( 

77 Gate, 

78 NamedTuple( 

79 "QGate", 

80 [ 

81 ("op", QGate_Op), 

82 ("inverted", bool), 

83 ("wires", list[Wire]), 

84 ("control", Control), 

85 ], 

86 ), 


88 pass 




92class QRot_Op(Enum): 

93 ExpZt = 1 # exp(−i Z t) 

94 R = 2 # R(2 / 2^t) (notation is confusing but see Monad.hs) 



97class QRot( 

98 Gate, 

99 NamedTuple( 

100 "QRot", 

101 [("op", QRot_Op), ("inverted", bool), ("timestep", float), ("wire", Wire)], 

102 ), 


104 pass 



107class QInit(Gate, NamedTuple("QInit", [("value", bool), ("wire", Wire)])): 

108 pass 



111class CInit(Gate, NamedTuple("CInit", [("value", bool), ("wire", Wire)])): 

112 pass 



115class QTerm(Gate, NamedTuple("QTerm", [("value", bool), ("wire", Wire)])): 

116 pass 



119class CTerm(Gate, NamedTuple("CTerm", [("value", bool), ("wire", Wire)])): 

120 pass 



123class QMeas(Gate, NamedTuple("QMeas", [("wire", Wire)])): 

124 pass 



127class QDiscard(Gate, NamedTuple("QDiscard", [("wire", Wire)])): 

128 pass 



131class CDiscard(Gate, NamedTuple("CDiscard", [("wire", Wire)])): 

132 pass 



135class SubroutineCall( 

136 Gate, 

137 NamedTuple( 

138 "SubroutineCall", 

139 [ 

140 ("repetitions", int), 

141 ("name", str), 

142 ("shape", str), 

143 ("inverted", bool), 

144 ("inputs", list[Wire]), 

145 ("outputs", list[Wire]), 

146 ("control", Control), 

147 ], 

148 ), 


150 pass 



153class Comment( 

154 Gate, 

155 NamedTuple( 

156 "Comment", 

157 [ 

158 ("comment", str), 

159 ("inverted", bool), 

160 ("wire_comments", list[tuple[Wire, str]]), 

161 ], 

162 ), 


164 pass 



167class Program(NamedTuple): 

168 inputs: list[TypeAssignment] 

169 gates: list[Gate] 

170 outputs: list[TypeAssignment] 




174class Subroutine_Control(Enum): 

175 yes = 1 

176 no = 2 

177 classically = 3 



180class Subroutine(NamedTuple): 

181 name: str 

182 shape: str 

183 controllable: Subroutine_Control 

184 circuit: Program 



187class Start(NamedTuple): 

188 circuit: Program 

189 subroutines: list[Subroutine] 



192# Transformer 

193class QuipperTransformer(Transformer): 

194 def int(self, t: list) -> int: 

195 return int(t[0]) 


197 def float(self, t: list) -> float: 

198 return float(t[0]) 


200 def string(self, t: list) -> str: 

201 return str(t[0][1:-1]) 


203 def wire(self, t: list) -> Wire: 

204 return Wire(t[0]) 


206 wire_list = list 


208 def wire_string_list(self, t: list) -> list[tuple[Wire, str]]: 

209 wires = (el for i, el in enumerate(t) if i % 2 == 0) 

210 labels = (el for i, el in enumerate(t) if i % 2 == 1) 

211 return list(zip(wires, labels)) 


213 def pos_control_wire(self, t: list) -> ControlWire: 

214 return ControlWire(t[0], False) 


216 control_wire_list = list 


218 def neg_control_wire(self, t: list) -> ControlWire: 

219 return ControlWire(t[0], True) 


221 def type_assignment(self, t: list) -> TypeAssignment: 

222 ty = TypeAssignment_Type.Qbit if t[1] == "Qbit" else TypeAssignment_Type.Cbit 

223 return TypeAssignment(t[0], ty) 


225 def arity(self, t: list) -> list[Tree]: 

226 return list(t) 


228 def qgate(self, t: list) -> QGate: 

229 ops = QGate_Op 

230 n = t[0] 

231 if n == "not" or n == "x" or n == "X": 

232 op = ops.Not 

233 elif n == "H": 

234 op = ops.H 

235 elif n == "multinot": 

236 op = ops.MultiNot 

237 elif n == "Y": 

238 op = ops.Y 

239 elif n == "Z": 

240 op = ops.Z 

241 elif n == "S": 

242 op = ops.S 

243 elif n == "E": 

244 op = ops.E 

245 elif n == "T": 

246 op = ops.T 

247 elif n == "V": 

248 op = ops.V 

249 elif n == "swap": 

250 op = ops.Swap 

251 elif n == "omega": 

252 op = ops.Omega 

253 elif n == "iX": 

254 op = ops.IX 

255 elif n == "W": 255 ↛ 258line 255 didn't jump to line 258 because the condition on line 255 was always true

256 op = ops.W 

257 else: 

258 raise RuntimeError(f"Unknown QGate operation: {n}") 

259 return QGate(op=op, inverted=len(t[1].children) > 0, wires=t[2], control=t[3]) 


261 def qrot1(self, t: list) -> QRot: 

262 return QRot( 

263 op=QRot_Op.ExpZt, timestep=t[0], inverted=len(t[1].children) > 0, wire=t[2] 

264 ) 


266 def qrot2(self, t: list) -> QRot: 

267 return QRot( 

268 op=QRot_Op.R, timestep=t[0], inverted=len(t[1].children) > 0, wire=t[2] 

269 ) 


271 def qinit(self, t: list) -> QInit: 

272 return QInit(value=(t[0] == "QInit1"), wire=t[1]) 


274 def cinit(self, t: list) -> CInit: 

275 return CInit(value=(t[0] == "CInit1"), wire=t[1]) 


277 def qterm(self, t: list) -> QTerm: 

278 return QTerm(value=(t[0] == "QTerm1"), wire=t[1]) 


280 def cterm(self, t: list) -> CTerm: 

281 return CTerm(value=(t[0] == "CTerm1"), wire=t[1]) 


283 def qmeas(self, t: list) -> QMeas: 

284 return QMeas(wire=t[0]) 


286 def qdiscard(self, t: list) -> QDiscard: 

287 return QDiscard(wire=t[0]) 


289 def cdiscard(self, t: list) -> CDiscard: 

290 return CDiscard(wire=t[0]) 


292 def subroutine_call(self, t: list) -> SubroutineCall: 

293 repetitions = 1 

294 if t[0] is not None: 

295 assert isinstance(t[0], int) 

296 repetitions = t[0] 

297 return SubroutineCall( 

298 repetitions=repetitions, 

299 name=t[1], 

300 shape=t[2], 

301 inverted=len(t[3].children) > 0, 

302 inputs=t[4], 

303 outputs=t[5], 

304 control=t[6], 

305 ) 


307 def comment(self, t: list) -> Comment: 

308 wire_comments = t[2] if len(t) > 2 else [] 

309 return Comment( 

310 comment=t[0], inverted=len(t[1].children) > 0, wire_comments=wire_comments 

311 ) 


313 def control_app(self, t: list) -> Control: 

314 if not t: 

315 return Control(controlled=list(), no_control=False) 

316 if len(t) == 2: 

317 return Control(controlled=t[0], no_control=True) 

318 if t[0] == "with nocontrol": 

319 return Control(controlled=list(), no_control=True) 

320 return Control(controlled=t[0], no_control=False) 


322 def circuit(self, t: list) -> Program: 

323 return Program(inputs=t[0], gates=t[1:-1], outputs=t[-1]) 


325 def subroutine(self, t: list) -> Subroutine: 

326 if t[2] == "yes": 

327 controllable = Subroutine_Control.yes 

328 elif t[2] == "no": 328 ↛ 331line 328 didn't jump to line 331 because the condition on line 328 was always true

329 controllable = 

330 else: 

331 controllable = Subroutine_Control.classically 

332 return Subroutine( 

333 name=t[0], shape=t[1], controllable=controllable, circuit=t[3] 

334 ) 


336 def start(self, t: list) -> Start: 

337 circuit = t.pop(0) 

338 return Start(circuit, list(t)) 



341# Utility function 

342def allowed(op: str, arity: int) -> bool: 

343 if op in ["Not", "IX", "H", "Y", "Z", "S", "T", "E", "Omega", "V"]: 

344 return arity == 1 

345 if op in ["Swap", "W"]: 

346 return arity == 2 

347 # MultiNot 

348 return True 



351# Class for constructing a pytket Circuit from a parsed Quipper program 

352class CircuitMaker: 

353 def __init__(self, subr: list[Subroutine]) -> None: 

354 self.subrd = dict((, s) for s in subr) 

355 if len(self.subrd) != len(subr): 355 ↛ 356line 355 didn't jump to line 356 because the condition on line 355 was never true

356 raise TypeError("Repeated subroutine names") 


358 def make_circuit(self, circ: Program) -> Circuit: 

359 inps, outs, gates = circ.inputs, circ.outputs, circ.gates 

360 if inps != outs: 360 ↛ 361line 360 didn't jump to line 361 because the condition on line 360 was never true

361 raise TypeError("Inputs don't match outputs") 

362 qbits = [inp.wire.i for inp in inps if == "Qbit"] 

363 cbits = [inp.wire.i for inp in inps if == "Cbit"] 

364 n_qbits = len(qbits) 

365 n_cbits = len(cbits) 

366 # Construct mappings from wire labels to tket indices. 

367 tkqbits = dict((qbits[i], i) for i in range(n_qbits)) 

368 tkcbits = dict((cbits[i], i) for i in range(n_cbits)) 

369 # Construct circuit in tket. 

370 c = Circuit(n_qbits, n_cbits) 

371 for gate in gates: 

372 if isinstance(gate, SubroutineCall): 

373 s = self.subrd[] 

374 if gate.shape != s.shape: 374 ↛ 376line 374 didn't jump to line 376 because the condition on line 374 was never true

375 # Just a sanity check, otherwise we assume 'shape' OK. 

376 raise TypeError("Mismatched shape in subroutine call") 

377 if gate.inputs != gate.outputs: 377 ↛ 378line 377 didn't jump to line 378 because the condition on line 377 was never true

378 raise TypeError("Mismatched outputs in subroutine call") 

379 if gate.control.controlled: 379 ↛ 380line 379 didn't jump to line 380 because the condition on line 379 was never true

380 raise NotImplementedError("Controls on subroutine") 

381 subcirc = self.make_circuit(s.circuit) # recurse 

382 if gate.inverted: 

383 subcirc = subcirc.dagger() 

384 cbox = CircBox(subcirc) 

385 for _ in range(gate.repetitions): 

386 c.add_circbox(cbox, [wire.i for wire in gate.inputs]) 

387 elif isinstance(gate, QGate): 

388 # The `nocontrol' flag is irrelevant here. 

389 op = 

390 qctrls, neg_qctrls, cctrls = [], [], [] 

391 for w in gate.control.controlled: 

392 idx = w.children[0].wire.i # type: ignore 

393 is_neg = w.children[0].negative # type: ignore 

394 if idx in qbits: 394 ↛ 399line 394 didn't jump to line 399 because the condition on line 394 was always true

395 tkqidx = tkqbits[idx] 

396 qctrls.append(tkqidx) 

397 if is_neg: 

398 neg_qctrls.append(tkqidx) 

399 elif idx in cbits: 

400 tkcidx = tkcbits[idx] 

401 cctrls.append(tkcidx) 

402 if cctrls: 402 ↛ 403line 402 didn't jump to line 403 because the condition on line 402 was never true

403 raise NotImplementedError("Classical controls") 

404 inv = gate.inverted 

405 wires = [tkqbits[wire.i] for wire in gate.wires] # all must be qubits 

406 n_wires = len(wires) 

407 if not allowed(op, n_wires): 407 ↛ 408line 407 didn't jump to line 408 because the condition on line 407 was never true

408 raise TypeError("'%s' gate with %d wires" % (op, n_wires)) 

409 n_ctrls = len(qctrls) 

410 # Negative control values must be handled using NOT gates 

411 # either side. 

412 for ctrl in neg_qctrls: 

413 c.X(ctrl) 

414 if op == "Not": 

415 if n_ctrls == 0: 

416 c.X(wires[0]) 

417 elif n_ctrls == 1: 

418 c.CX(qctrls[0], wires[0]) 

419 elif n_ctrls == 2: 

420 c.CCX(qctrls[0], qctrls[1], wires[0]) 

421 else: 

422 c.add_gate(OpType.CnX, qctrls + wires) 

423 elif op == "IX": 

424 if n_ctrls == 0: 424 ↛ 426line 424 didn't jump to line 426 because the condition on line 424 was always true

425 c.X(wires[0]) # ignore phase 

426 elif n_ctrls == 1: 

427 c.S(qctrls[0]) 

428 c.CX(qctrls[0], wires[0]) 

429 else: 

430 raise NotImplementedError("IX with more than 1 control") 

431 elif op == "MultiNot": 

432 # Implement as a series of (controlled) X gates. 

433 for wire in wires: 

434 if n_ctrls == 0: 434 ↛ 435line 434 didn't jump to line 435 because the condition on line 434 was never true

435 c.X(wire) 

436 elif n_ctrls == 1: 

437 c.CX(qctrls[0], wire) 

438 elif n_ctrls == 2: 

439 c.CCX(qctrls[0], qctrls[1], wire) 

440 else: 

441 c.add_gate(OpType.CnX, qctrls + [wire]) 

442 elif op == "H": 

443 if n_ctrls == 0: 

444 c.H(wires[0]) 

445 elif n_ctrls == 1: 

446 c.CH(qctrls[0], wires[0]) 

447 else: 

448 raise NotImplementedError("H with more than 1 control") 

449 elif op == "Y": 

450 if n_ctrls == 0: 

451 c.Y(wires[0]) 

452 elif n_ctrls == 1: 452 ↛ 455line 452 didn't jump to line 455 because the condition on line 452 was always true

453 c.CY(qctrls[0], wires[0]) 

454 else: 

455 raise NotImplementedError("Y with more than 1 control") 

456 elif op == "Z": 

457 if n_ctrls == 0: 

458 c.Z(wires[0]) 

459 elif n_ctrls == 1: 459 ↛ 462line 459 didn't jump to line 462 because the condition on line 459 was always true

460 c.CZ(qctrls[0], wires[0]) 

461 else: 

462 raise NotImplementedError("Z with more than 1 control") 

463 elif op == "S": 

464 if n_ctrls == 0: 

465 if inv: 

466 c.Sdg(wires[0]) 

467 else: 

468 c.S(wires[0]) 

469 elif n_ctrls == 1: 469 ↛ 476line 469 didn't jump to line 476 because the condition on line 469 was always true

470 # S = U1(1/2) 

471 if inv: 471 ↛ 472line 471 didn't jump to line 472 because the condition on line 471 was never true

472 c.add_gate(OpType.CU1, -0.5, [qctrls[0], wires[0]]) 

473 else: 

474 c.add_gate(OpType.CU1, 0.5, [qctrls[0], wires[0]]) 

475 else: 

476 raise NotImplementedError("S with more than 1 control") 

477 elif op == "T": 

478 if n_ctrls == 0: 

479 if inv: 

480 c.Tdg(wires[0]) 

481 else: 

482 c.T(wires[0]) 

483 elif n_ctrls == 1: 483 ↛ 490line 483 didn't jump to line 490 because the condition on line 483 was always true

484 # T = U1(1/4) 

485 if inv: 485 ↛ 486line 485 didn't jump to line 486 because the condition on line 485 was never true

486 c.add_gate(OpType.CU1, -0.25, [qctrls[0], wires[0]]) 

487 else: 

488 c.add_gate(OpType.CU1, 0.25, [qctrls[0], wires[0]]) 

489 else: 

490 raise NotImplementedError("T with more than 1 control") 

491 elif op == "E": 

492 # E = H S^3 omega^3 = H Sdg up to a scalar. 

493 if n_ctrls == 0: 493 ↛ 501line 493 didn't jump to line 501 because the condition on line 493 was always true

494 if inv: 

495 c.H(wires[0]) 

496 c.S(wires[0]) 

497 else: 

498 c.Sdg(wires[0]) 

499 c.H(wires[0]) 

500 else: 

501 raise NotImplementedError("Controlled E") 

502 elif op == "Omega": 

503 if n_ctrls == 0: 503 ↛ 505line 503 didn't jump to line 505 because the condition on line 503 was always true

504 pass # ignore phase 

505 elif n_ctrls == 1: 

506 c.Rz(0.25, qctrls[0]) 

507 else: 

508 raise NotImplementedError("Omega with more than 1 control") 

509 elif op == "V": 

510 if n_ctrls == 0: 510 ↛ 516line 510 didn't jump to line 516 because the condition on line 510 was always true

511 if inv: 

512 c.add_gate(OpType.Vdg, wires) 

513 else: 

514 c.add_gate(OpType.V, wires) 

515 else: 

516 raise NotImplementedError("Controlled V") 

517 elif op == "Swap": 

518 if n_ctrls == 0: 

519 c.SWAP(wires[0], wires[1]) 

520 elif n_ctrls == 1: 520 ↛ 523line 520 didn't jump to line 523 because the condition on line 520 was always true

521 c.CSWAP(qctrls[0], wires[0], wires[1]) 

522 else: 

523 raise NotImplementedError("SWAP with more than 2 controls") 

524 elif op == "W": 524 ↛ 544line 524 didn't jump to line 544 because the condition on line 524 was always true

525 # W is self-inverse. 

526 # Is there a simpler way to synthesize this? 

527 if n_ctrls == 0: 527 ↛ 542line 527 didn't jump to line 542 because the condition on line 527 was always true

528 c.Rz(1.25, wires[0]) 

529 c.Ry(1.0, wires[0]) 

530 c.T(wires[1]) 

531 c.Ry(1.0, wires[1]) 

532 c.CX(wires[1], wires[0]) 

533 c.Ry(-0.25, wires[1]) 

534 c.CX(wires[0], wires[1]) 

535 c.Ry(0.25, wires[1]) 

536 c.CX(wires[1], wires[0]) 

537 c.T(wires[0]) 

538 c.Ry(1.0, wires[0]) 

539 c.Rz(1.25, wires[1]) 

540 c.Ry(1.0, wires[1]) 

541 else: 

542 raise NotImplementedError("Controlled W") 

543 else: 

544 raise TypeError("Unknown op type: %s" % op) 

545 # Apply the NOT gates again for the negative controls. 

546 for ctrl in neg_qctrls: 

547 c.X(ctrl) 

548 elif isinstance(gate, QRot): 548 ↛ 568line 548 didn't jump to line 568 because the condition on line 548 was always true

549 op = 

550 inv = gate.inverted 

551 t = gate.timestep 

552 wire = tkqbits[gate.wire.i] # must be quantum 

553 if op == "ExpZt": 

554 if inv: 

555 c.Rz(-2 * t / pi, wire) 

556 else: 

557 c.Rz(2 * t / pi, wire) 

558 elif op == "R": 558 ↛ 564line 558 didn't jump to line 564 because the condition on line 558 was always true

559 if inv: 

560 c.Rz(-2 / t, wire) 

561 else: 

562 c.Rz(2 / t, wire) 

563 else: 

564 raise TypeError("Unknown op type: %s" % op) 

565 # QInit, QTerm, CInit, CTerm represent 'temporary' wires that 

566 # only occupy part of a circuit (and can be initialized with 0/1). 

567 # Not supported in pytket. 

568 elif isinstance(gate, QInit): 

569 wire = tkqbits[gate.wire.i] # must be quantum 

570 raise NotImplementedError("QInit") 

571 elif isinstance(gate, CInit): 

572 wire = tkcbits[gate.wire.i] # must be clasical 

573 raise NotImplementedError("CInit") 

574 elif isinstance(gate, QTerm): 

575 wire = tkqbits[gate.wire.i] # must be quantum 

576 raise NotImplementedError("QTerm") 

577 elif isinstance(gate, CTerm): 

578 wire = tkcbits[gate.wire.i] # must be clasical 

579 raise NotImplementedError("CTerm") 

580 elif isinstance(gate, QMeas): 

581 # QMeas turns a qubit into a bit. 

582 # Not supported in pytket. 

583 wire = tkqbits[gate.wire.i] # must be quantum 

584 raise NotImplementedError("QMeas") 

585 elif isinstance(gate, QDiscard): 

586 # QDiscard discards a qubit. 

587 # Not supported in pytket. 

588 wire = tkqbits[gate.wire.i] # must be quantum 

589 raise NotImplementedError("QDiscard") 

590 elif isinstance(gate, CDiscard): 

591 # CDiscard discards a bit. 

592 # Not supported in pytket. 

593 wire = tkcbits[gate.wire.i] # must be classical 

594 raise NotImplementedError("CDiscard") 

595 elif isinstance(gate, Comment): 

596 pass 

597 else: 

598 raise TypeError("Unknown gate type: %s" % type(gate)) 

599 return c 



602def circuit_from_quipper(input_file: str) -> Circuit: 

603 # pylint: disable=C0301 

604 """Generate a pytket :py:class:`Circuit` given a program in Quipper ASCII format. 

605 Limitations (due to current limitations of `pytket`): 


607 * Subroutines must be defined over the full set of qubits. 


609 * Global phases are ignored. 


611 * Only limited support for controlled gates (depending on the gate type). 


613 * No support for 'QInit' and 'QTerm'. All qubits must run from the begining 

614 to the end of the circuit. 


616 * No support for the legacy keywords ('QNot', 'QMultinot', 'QHad', 'QSwap', 

617 'QW'). These are now represented in Quipper as types of 'QGate'. 


619 * No support for 'QMeas' (which in Quipper converts a Q wire to a C wire). 


621 * No support for: 'GPhase' (global phase), 'QPrep', 'QUnprep', 'QDiscard', 

622 or 'DTerm'. 


624 * No support for classical operations ('CNot', 'CGate', 'CSwap', 'CInit', 

625 'CTerm', 'CDiscard'). 


627 :param input_file: name of file to read 

628 """ 


630 # Read Quipper program from file. 

631 with open(input_file) as f: 

632 quip = 


634 # Parse the circuit using the QuipperTransformer. 

635 x = Lark( 

636 """ 

637 start : circuit subroutine* _NEWLINE* 

638 circuit : "Inputs:" arity (gate _NEWLINE)* "Outputs:" arity 

639 subroutine: _NEWLINE "Subroutine:" string _NEWLINE "Shape:" string _NEWLINE "Controllable:" SUB_CONTROL _NEWLINE circuit 

640 SUB_CONTROL : "yes" 

641 | "no" 

642 | "classically" 

643 arity : type_assignment ("," type_assignment)* ","? _NEWLINE 

644 type_assignment : wire ":" TYPE 

645 TYPE: "Qbit" 

646 | "Cbit" 

647 control_app : controlled? NO_CONTROL? 

648 ?controlled : "with controls=[" control_wire_list "]" 

649 NO_CONTROL : "with nocontrol" 

650 ?gate : qgate 

651 | qrot1 

652 | qrot2 

653 | gphase 

654 | cnot 

655 | cgate 

656 | cswap 

657 | qprep 

658 | qunprep 

659 | qinit 

660 | cinit 

661 | qterm 

662 | cterm 

663 | qmeas 

664 | qdiscard 

665 | cdiscard 

666 | dterm 

667 | subroutine_call 

668 | comment 

669 !inversion : "*"? 

670 qgate : "QGate[" string "]" inversion "(" wire_list ")" control_app 

671 qrot1 : "QRot[\\"exp(-i%Z)\\"," float "]" inversion "(" wire ")" 

672 qrot2 : "QRot[\\"R(2pi/%)\\"," int "]" inversion "(" wire ")" 

673 gphase : "Gphase() with t=" float control_app "with anchors=[" wire_list "]" 

674 cnot : "CNot(" wire ")" control_app 

675 cgate : "CGate[" string "]" inversion "(" wire_list ")" NO_CONTROL? 

676 cswap : "CSwap(" wire "," wire ")" control_app 

677 qprep : "QPrep(" wire ")" NO_CONTROL? 

678 qunprep : "QUnprep(" wire ")" NO_CONTROL? 

679 qinit : QINIT_STATE "(" wire ")" NO_CONTROL? 

680 QINIT_STATE : "QInit0" | "QInit1" 

681 cinit : CINIT_STATE "(" wire ")" NO_CONTROL? 

682 CINIT_STATE : "CInit0" | "CInit1" 

683 qterm : QTERM_STATE "(" wire ")" NO_CONTROL? 

684 QTERM_STATE : "QTerm0" | "QTerm1" 

685 cterm : CTERM_STATE "(" wire ")" NO_CONTROL? 

686 CTERM_STATE : "CTerm0" | "CTerm1" 

687 qmeas : "QMeas(" wire ")" 

688 qdiscard : "QDiscard(" wire ")" 

689 cdiscard : "CDiscard(" wire ")" 

690 dterm : DTERM_STATE "(" wire ")" 

691 DTERM_STATE : "DTerm0" | "DTerm1" 

692 subroutine_call : "Subroutine" ["(x" int ")"] "[" string ", shape" string "]" inversion "(" wire_list ") -> (" wire_list ")" control_app 

693 comment : "Comment[" string "]" inversion "(" wire_string_list? ")" 

694 wire_string_list: wire ":" string ("," wire ":" string)* 

695 wire : int 

696 wire_list : wire ("," wire)* 

697 pos_control_wire : "+" wire 

698 neg_control_wire : "-" wire 

699 control_wire : pos_control_wire | neg_control_wire 

700 control_wire_list : control_wire ("," control_wire)* 

701 %import common.WS_INLINE -> WS 

702 %ignore WS 

703 %import common.CR 

704 %import common.LF 


706 %import common.ESCAPED_STRING 

707 string: ESCAPED_STRING 

708 %import common.SIGNED_FLOAT 

709 float : SIGNED_FLOAT 

710 %import common.INT 

711 int : INT 

712 """, 

713 parser="lalr", 

714 transformer=QuipperTransformer(), 

715 ).parse(quip) 


717 # Load the subroutine list. 

718 maker = CircuitMaker(x.subroutines) # type: ignore 


720 # Make the tket circuit. 

721 return maker.make_circuit(x.circuit) # type: ignore