Coverage for /home/runner/work/tket/tket/pytket/pytket/utils/ 92%

223 statements  

« prev     ^ index     » next v7.6.12, created at 2025-03-14 10:02 +0000

1# Copyright Quantinuum 


3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); 

4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. 

5# You may obtain a copy of the License at 




9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software 

10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, 

11# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. 

12# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and 

13# limitations under the License. 


15import itertools 

16from collections import Counter, OrderedDict 

17from import Callable, Iterable 

18from functools import lru_cache 

19from math import ceil, log2 

20from typing import cast 


22import numpy as np 


24from pytket.backends import Backend 

25from pytket.backends.backendresult import BackendResult 

26from pytket.circuit import Bit, CircBox, Circuit, Node, OpType, Qubit 

27from pytket.passes import DecomposeBoxes, FlattenRegisters 

28from pytket.utils.outcomearray import OutcomeArray 

29from pytket.utils.results import CountsDict, StateTuple 


31ParallelMeasures = list[dict[Qubit, Bit]] 



34def compress_counts( 

35 counts: dict[StateTuple, float], tol: float = 1e-6, round_to_int: bool = False 

36) -> CountsDict: 

37 """Filter counts to remove states that have a count value (which can be a 

38 floating-point number) below a tolerance, and optionally round to an 

39 integer. 


41 :param counts: Input counts 

42 :type counts: Dict[StateTuple, float] 

43 :param tol: Value below which counts are pruned. Defaults to 1e-6. 

44 :type tol: float, optional 

45 :param round_to_int: Whether to round each count to an integer. Defaults to False. 

46 :type round_to_int: bool, optional 


48 :return: Filtered counts 

49 :rtype: CountsDict 

50 """ 

51 valprocess: Callable[[float], int | float] = lambda x: ( 

52 int(round(x)) if round_to_int else x 

53 ) 

54 processed_pairs = ( 

55 (key, valprocess(val)) for key, val in counts.items() if val > tol 

56 ) 

57 return {key: val for key, val in processed_pairs if val > 0} 




61def binary_to_int(bintuple: tuple[int]) -> int: 

62 """Convert a binary tuple to corresponding integer, with most significant bit as 

63 the first element of tuple. 


65 :param bintuple: Binary tuple 

66 :type bintuple: Tuple[int] 


68 :return: 

69 Integer :rtype: int 

70 """ 

71 integer = 0 

72 for index, bitset in enumerate(reversed(bintuple)): 

73 if bitset: 

74 integer |= 1 << index 

75 return integer 




79def int_to_binary(val: int, dim: int) -> tuple[int, ...]: 

80 """Convert an integer to corresponding binary tuple, with most significant bit as 

81 the first element of tuple. 


83 :param val: input integer 

84 :type val: int 

85 :param dim: Bit width 

86 :type dim: int 


88 :return: Binary tuple of width dim 

89 :rtype: Tuple[int, ...] 

90 """ 

91 return tuple(map(int, format(val, f"0{dim}b"))) 




95### _compute_dot and helper functions ### 


97### With thanks to 


99### and especially 


101### on which this code is based. 

102def _unfold(tens: np.ndarray, mode: int, dims: list[int]) -> np.ndarray: 

103 """Unfolds tensor into matrix. 


105 :param tens: Tensor with shape equivalent to dimensions 

106 :type tens: np.ndarray 

107 :param mode: Specifies axis move to front of matrix in unfolding of tensor 

108 :type mode: int 

109 :param dims: Gives shape of tensor passed 

110 :type dims: List[int] 


112 :return: Matrix with shape (dims[mode], prod(dims[/mode])) 

113 :rtype: np.ndarray 

114 """ 

115 if mode == 0: 

116 return tens.reshape(dims[0], -1) 

117 return np.moveaxis(tens, mode, 0).reshape(dims[mode], -1) 



120def _refold(vec: np.ndarray, mode: int, dims: list[int]) -> np.ndarray: 

121 """Refolds vector into tensor. 


123 :param vec: Tensor with length equivalent to the product of dimensions given in 

124 dims 

125 :type vec: np.ndarray 

126 :param mode: Axis tensor was unfolded along 

127 :type mode: int 

128 :param dims: Shape of tensor 

129 :type dims: List[int] 


131 :return: Tensor folded from vector with shape equivalent to given dimensions 

132 :rtype: np.ndarray 

133 """ 

134 if mode == 0: 

135 return vec.reshape(dims) 

136 # Reshape and then move dims[mode] back to its 

137 # appropriate spot (undoing the `unfold` operation). 

138 tens = vec.reshape([dims[mode]] + [d for m, d in enumerate(dims) if m != mode]) 

139 return np.moveaxis(tens, 0, mode) 



142def _compute_dot(submatrices: Iterable[np.ndarray], vector: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: 

143 """Multiplies the kronecker product of the given submatrices with given vector. 


145 :param submatrices: Submatrices multiplied 

146 :type submatrices: Iterable[np.ndarray] 

147 :param vector: Vector multplied 

148 :type vector: np.ndarray 


150 :return: Kronecker product of arguments 

151 :rtype: np.ndarray 

152 """ 

153 dims = [A.shape[0] for A in submatrices] 

154 vt = vector.reshape(dims) 

155 for i, A in enumerate(submatrices): 

156 vt = _refold(A @ _unfold(vt, i, dims), i, dims) 

157 return vt.ravel() 



160def _bayesian_iteration( 

161 submatrices: Iterable[np.ndarray], 

162 measurements: np.ndarray, 

163 t: np.ndarray, 

164 epsilon: float, 

165) -> np.ndarray: 

166 """Transforms T corresponds to a Bayesian iteration, used to modfiy 

167 measurements. 


169 :param submatrices: submatrices to be inverted and applied to measurements. 

170 :type submatrices: Iterable[np.ndarray] 

171 :param measurements: Probability distribution over set of states to be amended. 

172 :type measurements: np.ndarray 

173 :param t: Some transform to act on measurements. 

174 :type t: np.ndarray 

175 :param epsilon: A stabilization parameter to define an affine transformation for 

176 application to submatrices, eliminating zero probabilities. 

177 :type epsilon: float 


179 :return: Transformed distribution vector. 

180 :rtype: np.ndarray 

181 """ 

182 # Transform t according to the Bayesian iteration 

183 # The parameter epsilon is a stabilization parameter which defines an affine 

184 # transformation to apply to the submatrices to eliminate zero probabilities. This 

185 # transformation preserves the property that all columns sum to 1 

186 if epsilon == 0: 186 ↛ 190line 186 didn't jump to line 190 because the condition on line 186 was always true

187 # avoid copying if we don't need to 

188 As = submatrices 

189 else: 

190 As = [ 

191 epsilon / submatrix.shape[0] + (1 - epsilon) * submatrix 

192 for submatrix in submatrices 

193 ] 

194 z = _compute_dot(As, t) 

195 if np.isclose(z, 0).any(): 195 ↛ 196line 195 didn't jump to line 196 because the condition on line 195 was never true

196 raise ZeroDivisionError 

197 return cast( 

198 np.ndarray, t * _compute_dot([A.transpose() for A in As], measurements / z) 

199 ) 



202def _bayesian_iterative_correct( 

203 submatrices: Iterable[np.ndarray], 

204 measurements: np.ndarray, 

205 tol: float = 1e-5, 

206 max_it: int | None = None, 

207) -> np.ndarray: 

208 """Finds new states to represent application of inversion of submatrices on 

209 measurements. Converges when update states within tol range of previously 

210 tested states. 


212 :param submatrices: Matrices comprising the pure noise characterisation. 

213 :type submatrices: Iterable[np.ndarray] 

214 :param input_vector: Vector corresponding to some counts distribution. 

215 :type input_vector: np.ndarray 

216 :param tol: tolerance of closeness of found results 

217 :type tol: float 

218 :param max_it: Maximum number of inversions attempted to correct results. 

219 :type max_it: int 

220 """ 

221 # based on method found in 


223 vector_size = measurements.size 

224 # uniform initial 

225 true_states = np.full(vector_size, 1 / vector_size) 

226 prev_true = true_states.copy() 

227 converged = False 

228 count = 0 

229 epsilon: float = 0 # stabilization parameter, adjusted dynamically 

230 while not converged: 

231 if max_it: 

232 if count >= max_it: 

233 break 

234 count += 1 

235 try: 

236 true_states = _bayesian_iteration( 

237 submatrices, measurements, true_states, epsilon 

238 ) 

239 converged = np.allclose(true_states, prev_true, atol=tol) 

240 prev_true = true_states.copy() 

241 except ZeroDivisionError: 

242 # Shift the stabilization parameter up a bit (always < 0.5). 

243 epsilon = 0.99 * epsilon + 0.01 * 0.5 


245 return true_states 



248def reduce_matrix(indices_to_remove: list[int], matrix: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: 

249 """Removes indices from indices_to_remove from binary associated to indexing of 

250 matrix, producing a new transition matrix. To do so, it assigns all transition 

251 probabilities as the given state in the remaining indices binary, with the removed 

252 binary in state 0. This is an assumption on the noise made because it is likely 

253 that unmeasured qubits will be in that state. 


255 :param indices_to_remove: Binary index of state matrix is mapping to be removed. 

256 :type indices_to_remove: List[int] 

257 :param matrix: Transition matrix where indices correspond to some binary state. 

258 :type matrix: np.ndarray 


260 :return: Transition matrix with removed entries. 

261 :rtype: np.ndarray 

262 """ 


264 new_n_qubits = int(log2(matrix.shape[0])) - len(indices_to_remove) 

265 if new_n_qubits == 0: 

266 return np.array([]) 

267 bin_map = dict() 

268 mat_dim = 1 << new_n_qubits 

269 for index in range(mat_dim): 

270 # get current binary 

271 bina = list(int_to_binary(index, new_n_qubits)) 

272 # add 0's to fetch old binary to set values from 

273 for i in sorted(indices_to_remove): 

274 bina.insert(i, 0) 

275 # get index of values 

276 bin_map[index] = binary_to_int(tuple(bina)) 


278 new_mat = np.zeros((mat_dim,) * 2, dtype=float) 

279 for i in range(len(new_mat)): 

280 old_row_index = bin_map[i] 

281 for j in range(len(new_mat)): 

282 old_col_index = bin_map[j] 

283 new_mat[i, j] = matrix[old_row_index, old_col_index] 

284 return new_mat 



287def reduce_matrices( 

288 entries_to_remove: list[tuple[int, int]], matrices: list[np.ndarray] 

289) -> list[np.ndarray]: 

290 """Removes some dimensions from some matrices. 


292 :param entries_to_remove: Via indexing, details dimensions to be removed. 

293 :type entries_to_remove: List[Tuple[int, int]] 

294 :param matrices: All matrices to have dimensions removed. 

295 :type matrices: List[np.ndarray] 


297 :return: Matrices with some dimensions removed. 

298 :rtype: List[np.ndarray] 

299 """ 

300 organise: dict[int, list] = dict({k: [] for k in range(len(matrices))}) 

301 for unused in entries_to_remove: 

302 # unused[0] is index in matrices 

303 # unused[1] is qubit index in matrix 

304 organise[unused[0]].append(unused[1]) 

305 output_matrices = [reduce_matrix(organise[m], matrices[m]) for m in organise] 

306 return [ 

307 mat / np.sum(mat, axis=0) for mat in [x for x in output_matrices if len(x) != 0] 

308 ] 



311class SpamCorrecter: 

312 """A class for generating "state preparation and measurement" (SPAM) calibration 

313 experiments for ``pytket`` backends, and correcting counts generated from them. 


315 Supports saving calibrated state to a dictionary format, and restoring from the 

316 dictionary. 

317 """ 


319 def __init__(self, qubit_subsets: list[list[Node]], backend: Backend | None = None): 

320 """Construct a new `SpamCorrecter`. 


322 :param qubit_subsets: A list of lists of correlated Nodes of an `Architecture`. 

323 Qubits within the same list are assumed to only have SPAM errors correlated 

324 with each other. Thus to allow SPAM errors between all qubits you should 

325 provide a single list. 

326 :type qubit_subsets: List[List[Node]] 

327 :param backend: Backend on which the experiments are intended to be run 

328 (optional). If provided, the qubits in `qubit_subsets` must be nodes in the 

329 backend's associated `Architecture`. If not provided, it is assumed that the 

330 experiment will be run on an `Architecture`with the nodes in 

331 `qubit_subsets`, and furthermore that the intended architecture natively 

332 supports X gates. 


334 :raises ValueError: There are repeats in the `qubit_subsets` specification. 

335 """ 

336 self.correlations = qubit_subsets 


338 self.all_qbs = [qb for subset in qubit_subsets for qb in subset] 


340 def to_tuple(inp: list[Node]) -> tuple: 

341 return tuple(inp) 


343 self.subsets_matrix_map = OrderedDict.fromkeys( 

344 sorted(map(to_tuple, self.correlations), key=len, reverse=True) 

345 ) 

346 # ordered from largest to smallest via OrderedDict & sorted 

347 self.subset_dimensions = [len(subset) for subset in self.subsets_matrix_map] 


349 if len(self.all_qbs) != len(set(self.all_qbs)): 349 ↛ 350line 349 didn't jump to line 350 because the condition on line 349 was never true

350 raise ValueError("Qubit subsets are not mutually disjoint.") 


352 xcirc = Circuit(1).X(0) 

353 if backend is not None: 353 ↛ 354line 353 didn't jump to line 354 because the condition on line 353 was never true

354 if backend.backend_info is None: 

355 raise ValueError("No architecture associated with backend.") 

356 nodes = backend.backend_info.nodes 

357 if not all(node in nodes for node in self.all_qbs): 

358 raise ValueError("Nodes do not all belong to architecture.") 

359 backend.default_compilation_pass().apply(xcirc) 

360 FlattenRegisters().apply(xcirc) 


362 = CircBox(xcirc) 


364 def calibration_circuits(self) -> list[Circuit]: 

365 """Generate calibration circuits according to the specified correlations. 


367 :return: A list of calibration circuits to be run on the machine. The circuits 

368 should be processed without compilation. Results from these circuits must 

369 be given back to this class (via the `calculate_matrices` method) in the 

370 same order. 

371 :rtype: List[Circuit] 

372 """ 


374 major_state_dimensions = self.subset_dimensions[0] 

375 n_circuits = 1 << major_state_dimensions 

376 # output 

377 self.prepared_circuits = [] 

378 self.state_infos = [] 


380 # set up base circuit for appending xbox to 

381 base_circuit = Circuit() 

382 c_reg = [] 

383 for index, qb in enumerate(self.all_qbs): 

384 base_circuit.add_qubit(qb) 

385 c_bit = Bit(index) 

386 c_reg.append(c_bit) 

387 base_circuit.add_bit(c_bit) 


389 # generate state circuits for given correlations 

390 for major_state_index in range(n_circuits): 

391 state_circuit = base_circuit.copy() 

392 # get bit string corresponding to basis state of biggest subset of qubits 

393 major_state = int_to_binary(major_state_index, major_state_dimensions) 

394 new_state_dicts = {} 

395 # parallelise circuits, run uncorrelated subsets 

396 # characterisation in parallel 

397 for dim, qubits in zip(self.subset_dimensions, self.subsets_matrix_map): 

398 # add state to prepared states 

399 new_state_dicts[qubits] = major_state[:dim] 

400 # find only qubits that are expected to be in 1 state, 

401 # add xbox to given qubits 

402 for flipped_qb in itertools.compress(qubits, major_state[:dim]): 

403 state_circuit.add_circbox(, [flipped_qb]) 

404 # Decompose boxes, add barriers to preserve circuit, add measures 

405 DecomposeBoxes().apply(state_circuit) 

406 for qb, cb in zip(self.all_qbs, c_reg): 

407 state_circuit.Measure(qb, cb) 


409 # add to returned types 

410 self.prepared_circuits.append(state_circuit) 

411 self.state_infos.append((new_state_dicts, state_circuit.qubit_to_bit_map)) 

412 return self.prepared_circuits 


414 def calculate_matrices(self, results_list: list[BackendResult]) -> None: 

415 """Calculate the calibration matrices from the results of running calibration 

416 circuits. 


418 :param results_list: List of results from Backend. Must be in the same order as 

419 the corresponding circuits generated by `calibration_circuits`. 

420 :type counts_list: List[BackendResult] 


422 :raises RuntimeError: Calibration circuits have not been generated yet. 

423 """ 

424 if not self.state_infos: 424 ↛ 425line 424 didn't jump to line 425 because the condition on line 424 was never true

425 raise RuntimeError( 

426 "Ensure calibration states/circuits have been calculated first." 

427 ) 


429 counter = 0 

430 self.node_index_dict: dict[Node, tuple[int, int]] = dict() 


432 for qbs, dim in zip(self.subsets_matrix_map, self.subset_dimensions): 

433 # for a subset with n qubits, create a 2^n by 2^n matrix 

434 self.subsets_matrix_map[qbs] = np.zeros((1 << dim,) * 2, dtype=float) 

435 for i in range(len(qbs)): 

436 qb = qbs[i] 

437 self.node_index_dict[qb] = (counter, i) 

438 counter += 1 


440 for result, state_info in zip(results_list, self.state_infos): 

441 state_dict = state_info[0] 

442 qb_bit_map = state_info[1] 

443 for qb_sub in self.subsets_matrix_map: 

444 # bits of counts to consider 

445 bits = [qb_bit_map[q] for q in qb_sub] 

446 counts_dict = result.get_counts(cbits=bits) 

447 for measured_state, count in counts_dict.items(): 

448 # intended state 

449 prepared_state_index = binary_to_int(state_dict[qb_sub]) 

450 # produced state 

451 measured_state_index = binary_to_int(measured_state) 

452 # update characterisation matrix 

453 M = self.subsets_matrix_map[qb_sub] 

454 assert type(M) is np.ndarray 

455 M[measured_state_index, prepared_state_index] += count 


457 # normalise everything 

458 self.characterisation_matrices = [ 

459 mat / np.sum(cast(np.ndarray, mat), axis=0) 

460 for mat in self.subsets_matrix_map.values() 

461 ] 


463 def get_parallel_measure(self, circuit: Circuit) -> ParallelMeasures: 

464 """For a given circuit, produces and returns a ParallelMeasures object required 

465 for correcting counts results. 


467 :param circuit: Circuit with some Measure operations. 

468 :type circuit: Circuit 


470 :return: A list of dictionaries mapping Qubit to Bit where each separate 

471 dictionary details some set of Measurement operations run in parallel. 

472 :rtype: ParallelMeasures 

473 """ 

474 parallel_measure = [circuit.qubit_to_bit_map] 

475 # implies mid-circuit measurements, or that at least missing 

476 # bits need to be checked for Measure operation 

477 if len(parallel_measure[0]) != len(circuit.bits): 

478 used_bits = set(parallel_measure[0].values()) 

479 for mc in circuit.commands_of_type(OpType.Measure): 

480 bit = mc.bits[0] 

481 if bit not in used_bits: 

482 # mid-circuit measure, add as a separate parallel measure 

483 parallel_measure.append({mc.qubits[0]: bit}) 

484 return parallel_measure 


486 def correct_counts( 

487 self, 

488 result: BackendResult, 

489 parallel_measures: ParallelMeasures, 

490 method: str = "bayesian", 

491 options: dict | None = None, 

492 ) -> BackendResult: 

493 """Modifies count distribution for result, such that the inversion of the pure 

494 noise map represented by characterisation matrices is applied to it. 


496 :param result: BackendResult object to be negated by pure noise object. 

497 :type result: BackendResult 

498 :param parallel_measures: Used to permute corresponding BackendResult object so 

499 counts order matches noise characterisation and to amend characterisation 

500 matrices to correct the right bits. SpamCorrecter.get_parallel_measure 

501 returns the required object for a given circuit. 

502 :type parallel_measures: ParallelMeasures 


504 :raises ValueError: Measured qubit in result not characterised. 


506 :return: A new result object with counts modified to reflect SPAM correction. 

507 :rtype: BackendResult 

508 """ 

509 # the correction process assumes that when passed a list of matrices 

510 # and a distribution to correct, that the j rows of matrix i 

511 # corrects for the i, i+1,...i+j states in the passed distribution 

512 # given information of which bits are measured on which qubits from 

513 # parallel_measures, the following first produces matrices such that 

514 # this condition is true 


516 char_bits_order = [] 

517 correction_matrices = [] 


519 for mapping in parallel_measures: 

520 # reduce_matrices removes given qubits corresponding entries from 

521 # characterisation matrices 

522 unused_qbs = set(self.all_qbs.copy()) 

523 for q in mapping: 

524 # no q duplicates as mapping is dict from qubit to bit 

525 if q not in unused_qbs: 525 ↛ 526line 525 didn't jump to line 526 because the condition on line 525 was never true

526 raise ValueError( 

527 f"Measured qubit {q} is not characterised by SpamCorrecter" 

528 ) 

529 unused_qbs.remove(q) # type:ignore[arg-type] 

530 char_bits_order.append(mapping[q]) 

531 correction_matrices.extend( 

532 reduce_matrices( 

533 [self.node_index_dict[q] for q in unused_qbs], 

534 self.characterisation_matrices, 

535 ) 

536 ) 


538 # get counts object for returning later 

539 counts = result.get_counts(cbits=char_bits_order) 

540 in_vec = np.zeros(1 << len(char_bits_order), dtype=float) 

541 # turn from counts to probability distribution 

542 for state, count in counts.items(): 

543 in_vec[binary_to_int(state)] = count 

544 Ncounts = np.sum(in_vec) 

545 in_vec_norm = in_vec / Ncounts 


547 # with counts and characterisation matrices orders matching, 

548 # correct distribution 

549 if method == "invert": 

550 try: 

551 subinverts = [ 

552 np.linalg.inv(submatrix) for submatrix in correction_matrices 

553 ] 

554 except np.linalg.LinAlgError: 

555 raise ValueError( 

556 "Unable to invert calibration matrix: please re-run " 

557 "calibration experiments or use an alternative correction method." 

558 ) 

559 # assumes that order of rows in flattened subinverts equals 

560 # order of bits in input vector 

561 outvec = _compute_dot(subinverts, in_vec_norm) 

562 # The entries of v will always sum to 1, but they may not all 

563 # be in the range [0,1]. In order to make them genuine 

564 # probabilities (and thus generate meaningful counts), 

565 # we adjust them by setting all negative values to 0 and scaling 

566 # the remainder. 

567 outvec[outvec < 0] = 0 

568 outvec /= sum(outvec) 


570 elif method == "bayesian": 

571 if options is None: 

572 options = {} 

573 tol_val = options.get("tol", 1 / Ncounts) 

574 maxit = options.get("maxiter", None) 

575 outvec = _bayesian_iterative_correct( 

576 correction_matrices, in_vec_norm, tol=tol_val, max_it=maxit 

577 ) 


579 else: 

580 valid_methods = ("invert", "bayesian") 

581 raise ValueError("Method must be one of: ", *valid_methods) 


583 outvec *= Ncounts 


585 # counter object with binary from distribution 

586 corrected_counts = { 

587 int_to_binary(index, len(char_bits_order)): Bcount 

588 for index, Bcount in enumerate(outvec) 

589 } 

590 counter = Counter( 

591 { 

592 OutcomeArray.from_readouts([key]): ceil(val) 

593 for key, val in corrected_counts.items() 

594 } 

595 ) 

596 # produce and return BackendResult object 

597 return BackendResult(counts=counter, c_bits=char_bits_order) 


599 def to_dict(self) -> dict: 

600 """Get calibration information as a dictionary. 


602 :return: Dictionary output 

603 :rtype: Dict 

604 """ 

605 correlations = [] 

606 for subset in self.correlations: 

607 correlations.append([(uid.reg_name, uid.index) for uid in subset]) 


609 node_index_hashable = [ 

610 ((uid.reg_name, uid.index), self.node_index_dict[uid]) 

611 for uid in self.node_index_dict 

612 ] 

613 char_matrices = [m.tolist() for m in self.characterisation_matrices] 

614 return { 

615 "correlations": correlations, 

616 "node_index_dict": node_index_hashable, 

617 "characterisation_matrices": char_matrices, 

618 } 


620 @classmethod 

621 def from_dict(class_obj, d: dict) -> "SpamCorrecter": 

622 """Build a `SpamCorrecter` instance from a dictionary in the format returned 

623 by `to_dict`. 


625 :return: Dictionary of calibration information. 

626 :rtype: SpamCorrecter 

627 """ 

628 new_inst = class_obj( 

629 [ 

630 [Node(*pair)] 

631 for subset_tuple in d["correlations"] 

632 for pair in subset_tuple 

633 ] 

634 ) 

635 new_inst.node_index_dict = dict( 

636 [ 

637 (Node(*pair[0]), (int(pair[1][0]), int(pair[1][1]))) 

638 for pair in d["node_index_dict"] 

639 ] 

640 ) 

641 new_inst.characterisation_matrices = [ 

642 np.array(m) for m in d["characterisation_matrices"] 

643 ] 

644 return new_inst