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1# Copyright Quantinuum
3# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5# You may obtain a copy of the License at
9# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11# WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13# limitations under the License.
14from typing import cast
16from pytket import Circuit
17from pytket.circuit import CircBox, PauliExpBox
18from pytket.partition import (
19 GraphColourMethod,
20 PauliPartitionStrat,
21 term_sequence,
24from .._tket.unit_id import UnitID
25from .operators import QubitPauliOperator
28def gen_term_sequence_circuit(
29 operator: QubitPauliOperator,
30 reference_state: Circuit,
31 partition_strat: PauliPartitionStrat = PauliPartitionStrat.CommutingSets,
32 colour_method: GraphColourMethod = GraphColourMethod.Lazy,
33) -> Circuit:
34 """
35 Sequences the terms of a :py:class:`QubitPauliOperator` :math:`P` to generate
36 a circuit approximating :math:`e^{-i \\frac{\\pi}{2} P}`. This method
37 performs Trotterisation on :math:`P` with a single Trotter step.
39 This method uses a given partitioning strategy and a graph colouring
40 method for term sequencing.
42 The resulting Circuit will contain a sequence of CircBoxes. Each CircBox
43 corresponds to a set of Pauli strings. Each exponentiated Pauli string
44 in the set is realised as a PauliExpBox.
46 The ordering of terms prioritises reducing the two qubit gate count of the
47 circuit when the PauliSimp or GuidedPauliSimp passes are applied rather
48 than minimising the trotter error.
50 :param operator: The operator terms to sequence
51 :type operator: QubitPauliOperator
52 :param reference_state: reference state to add sequenced terms to.
53 :type reference_state: Circuit
54 :param partition_strat: a Partition strategy
55 :type partition_strat: PauliPartitionStrat, Optional
56 :param colour_method: a graph colouring method
57 :type colour_method: GraphColourMethod, Optional
58 """
59 qps_list = list(operator._dict.keys())
60 qps_list_list = term_sequence(qps_list, partition_strat, colour_method)
61 n_qbs = reference_state.n_qubits
62 circ = reference_state.copy()
63 qbs = circ.qubits
64 for out_qps_list in qps_list_list:
65 circ_to_box = Circuit(n_qbs)
66 for qps in out_qps_list:
67 coeff = operator[qps]
68 qps_map =
69 if qps_map:
70 qubits = list()
71 paulis = list()
72 for qb, pauli in qps_map.items():
73 qubits.append(qb)
74 paulis.append(pauli)
75 pbox = PauliExpBox(paulis, coeff)
76 circ_to_box.add_pauliexpbox(pbox, qubits)
77 else:
78 circ_to_box.add_phase(-coeff / 2)
79 cbox = CircBox(circ_to_box)
80 unit_ids = cast(list[UnitID], qbs)
81 circ.add_circbox(cbox, unit_ids)
82 return circ