GCC Code Coverage Report

Directory: ./
File: PauliGraph/include/PauliGraph/PauliGraph.hpp
Date: 2022-10-15 05:10:18
Exec Total Coverage
Lines: 2 2 100.0%
Functions: 1 1 100.0%
Branches: 0 0 -%
Decisions: 0 0 -%

Line Branch Decision Exec Source
1 // Copyright 2019-2022 Cambridge Quantum Computing
2 //
3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 //
7 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 //
9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 // limitations under the License.
15 #pragma once
17 #include <fstream>
18 #include <stdexcept>
20 #include "Clifford/CliffTableau.hpp"
21 #include "Utils/Expression.hpp"
22 #include "Utils/GraphHeaders.hpp"
23 #include "Utils/PauliStrings.hpp"
24 #include "Utils/SequencedContainers.hpp"
26 namespace tket {
27 class Gate;
29 struct PauliGadgetProperties {
30 QubitPauliTensor tensor_;
31 Expr angle_;
32 };
34 struct DependencyEdgeProperties {};
36 typedef boost::adjacency_list<
37 boost::listS, boost::listS, boost::bidirectionalS, PauliGadgetProperties,
38 DependencyEdgeProperties>
39 PauliDAG;
40 typedef boost::graph_traits<PauliDAG>::vertex_descriptor PauliVert;
41 typedef boost::graph_traits<PauliDAG>::edge_descriptor PauliEdge;
43 typedef sequence_set_t<PauliVert> PauliVertSet;
44 typedef sequence_set_t<PauliEdge> PauliEdgeSet;
45 typedef std::list<std::pair<OpType, qubit_vector_t>> Conjugations;
47 class Circuit;
49 class MidCircuitMeasurementNotAllowed : public std::logic_error {
50 public:
51 1 explicit MidCircuitMeasurementNotAllowed(const std::string &message)
52 1 : std::logic_error(message) {}
53 };
55 /**
56 * Dependency graph of a circuit wrt Pauli Gadgets.
57 * Constructed by effectively commuting all non-Clifford gates to the front
58 * of the circuit and determining their dependencies based on commutation
59 * of the Pauli strings.
60 * The Clifford effect of a circuit is maintained as a tableau, thought of as
61 * being applied after all of the gadgets.
62 */
63 class PauliGraph {
64 public:
65 /** Construct an empty dependency graph for the identity over n qubits. */
66 explicit PauliGraph(unsigned n);
68 /** Construct an empty dependency graph for the identity over given qubits. */
69 explicit PauliGraph(const qubit_vector_t &qbs, const bit_vector_t &bits = {});
71 /**
72 * Applies the given gate to the end of the circuit.
73 * Clifford gates transform the tableau.
74 * Non-Clifford gates are transformed into gadgets by the tableau and added
75 * to the graph.
76 */
77 void apply_gate_at_end(const Gate &gate, const unit_vector_t &args);
79 /** Visualisation of the dependency graph */
80 void to_graphviz_file(const std::string &filename) const;
81 void to_graphviz(std::ostream &out) const;
83 const CliffTableau &get_clifford_ref() { return cliff_; }
84 unsigned n_vertices() const { return boost::num_vertices(this->graph_); }
86 friend PauliGraph circuit_to_pauli_graph(const Circuit &circ);
87 friend Circuit pauli_graph_to_circuit_individually(
88 const PauliGraph &pg, CXConfigType cx_config);
89 friend Circuit pauli_graph_to_circuit_pairwise(
90 const PauliGraph &pg, CXConfigType cx_config);
91 friend Circuit pauli_graph_to_circuit_sets(
92 const PauliGraph &pg, CXConfigType cx_config);
94 private:
95 /** The dependency graph of Pauli gadgets */
96 PauliDAG graph_;
97 /** The tableau of the Clifford effect of the circuit */
98 CliffTableau cliff_;
99 /** The record of measurements at the very end of the circuit */
100 boost::bimap<Qubit, Bit> measures_;
101 bit_vector_t bits_;
102 /**
103 * Caches of the set of Pauli gadgets that can be commuted to the start
104 * or the end of the circuit.
105 */
106 PauliVertSet start_line_;
107 PauliVertSet end_line_;
109 PauliVertSet get_successors(const PauliVert &vert) const;
110 PauliVertSet get_predecessors(const PauliVert &vert) const;
111 PauliEdgeSet get_in_edges(const PauliVert &vert) const;
112 PauliEdgeSet get_out_edges(const PauliVert &vert) const;
113 PauliVert source(const PauliEdge &edge) const;
114 PauliVert target(const PauliEdge &edge) const;
116 /**
117 * Appends a pauli gadget at the end of the dependency graph.
118 * Assumes this is the result AFTER pushing it through the Clifford
119 * tableau.
120 */
121 void apply_pauli_gadget_at_end(
122 const QubitPauliTensor &pauli, const Expr &angle);
124 /**
125 * Iterates through the vertices of a PauliGraph in a topological ordering.
126 * When there are multiple commuting vertices that could be emitted, this
127 * selects the one with the lowest lexicographic ordering on the Pauli string.
128 */
129 class TopSortIterator {
130 public:
131 TopSortIterator();
132 explicit TopSortIterator(const PauliGraph &pg);
134 const PauliVert &operator*() const;
135 const PauliVert *operator->() const;
136 bool operator==(const TopSortIterator &other) const;
137 bool operator!=(const TopSortIterator &other) const;
139 TopSortIterator operator++(int);
140 TopSortIterator &operator++();
142 private:
143 const PauliGraph *pg_;
144 PauliVert current_vert_;
145 std::set<std::pair<QubitPauliTensor, PauliVert>>
146 search_set_; // Use pair to force ordering by string
147 std::unordered_set<PauliVert> visited_;
148 };
150 TopSortIterator begin() const;
151 TopSortIterator end() const;
152 };
154 } // namespace tket