GCC Code Coverage Report

Directory: ./
File: Placement/include/Placement/Placement.hpp
Date: 2022-10-15 05:10:18
Exec Total Coverage
Lines: 5 35 14.3%
Functions: 5 18 27.8%
Branches: 0 32 0.0%
Decisions: 0 0 -%

Line Branch Decision Exec Source
1 // Copyright 2019-2022 Cambridge Quantum Computing
2 //
3 // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
4 // you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
5 // You may obtain a copy of the License at
6 //
7 // http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
8 //
9 // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
10 // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
11 // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
12 // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
13 // limitations under the License.
15 #pragma once
17 #include <algorithm>
18 #include <iostream>
19 #include <map>
20 #include <memory>
21 #include <stdexcept>
22 #include <string>
23 #include <utility>
24 #include <vector>
26 #include "Architecture/Architecture.hpp"
27 #include "Characterisation/DeviceCharacterisation.hpp"
28 #include "Circuit/Circuit.hpp"
29 #include "Graphs/Utils.hpp"
30 #include "Utils/BiMapHeaders.hpp"
31 #include "Utils/GraphHeaders.hpp"
32 #include "Utils/Json.hpp"
34 namespace tket {
36 extern template class graphs::DirectedGraphBase<Qubit>;
37 extern template class graphs::DirectedGraph<Qubit>;
39 struct QubitWeight;
40 struct InteractionWeight;
41 class Placement;
43 typedef std::map<Qubit, Node> qubit_mapping_t;
44 typedef boost::bimap<Qubit, Node> qubit_bimap_t;
45 typedef qubit_bimap_t::left_map::const_iterator l_const_iterator_t;
46 typedef qubit_bimap_t::right_map::const_iterator r_const_iterator_t;
47 // Adjacent elements in a QubitLine interact in some timesteps such that
48 // these qubits do not need to be moved to be executed
49 typedef qubit_vector_t QubitLine;
50 typedef std::vector<QubitLine>
51 QubitLineList; // Used in placement of qubits methods
53 typedef std::shared_ptr<Placement> PlacementPtr;
55 JSON_DECL(PlacementPtr)
57 class QubitGraphInvalidity : public std::logic_error {
58 public:
59 explicit QubitGraphInvalidity(const std::string& message)
60 : std::logic_error(message) {}
61 };
63 class PlacementError : public std::logic_error {
64 public:
65 explicit PlacementError(const std::string& message)
66 : std::logic_error(message) {}
67 };
69 /** Print a map to stdout. */
70 template <class MapType>
71 void print_map(const MapType& m) {
72 typedef typename MapType::const_iterator const_iterator;
73 for (const_iterator iter = m.begin(), iend = m.end(); iter != iend; ++iter) {
74 std::cout << iter->first << "-->" << iter->second << std::endl;
75 }
76 }
78 // structure of configuration parameters for placement
79 struct PlacementConfig {
80 // circuit look ahead limit
81 unsigned depth_limit;
82 // max edges in interaction graph
83 unsigned max_interaction_edges;
84 // max number of matches from monomorphism calculator.
85 unsigned monomorphism_max_matches = 1000;
87 /*
88 value of num_gates/num_qubits above which to contract architecture before
89 placement for high values of this ratio it is assumed swap count is more
90 critical than initial noise minimisation for which is architecture contraction
91 to most mst highly connected subgraph is critical
92 */
93 unsigned arc_contraction_ratio = 10;
94 // Timeout, corresponds to milliseconds. Default 1 minute.
95 unsigned timeout = 60000;
97 PlacementConfig(){};
99 PlacementConfig(
100 unsigned _depth_limit, unsigned _max_interaction_edges,
101 unsigned _monomorphism_max_matches = 1000,
102 unsigned _arc_contraction_ratio = 10, unsigned _timeout = 60000);
104 bool operator==(const PlacementConfig& other) const;
105 };
107 JSON_DECL(PlacementConfig)
109 // stores and tracks the points of the circuit up to which has been solved
110 struct PlacementFrontier {
111 // set of 2qb vertices which need to be solved for
112 std::shared_ptr<Slice> slice;
113 // Quantum Edges coming in to vertices in slice, indexed by qubit
114 std::shared_ptr<unit_frontier_t> quantum_in_edges;
115 // Quantum Edges leaving vertices in slice, indexed by qubit
116 std::shared_ptr<unit_frontier_t> quantum_out_edges;
117 // Boolean edges coming in to vertices in slice. Guarantees that all edges
118 // into every vertex in slice is represented in next_cut
119 std::shared_ptr<b_frontier_t> boolean_in_edges;
121 // reference to circuit that it acts on
122 const Circuit& circ;
124 // initialise at front of circuit
125 explicit PlacementFrontier(const Circuit& _circ);
126 // move to next slice
127 void next_slicefrontier();
128 };
130 // Class for storing interaction graph.
131 // Interacting qubits have an edge between them.
132 class QubitGraph : public graphs::DirectedGraph<Qubit> {
133 private:
134 using Base = graphs::DirectedGraph<Qubit>;
136 public:
137 QubitGraph() : Base() {}
138 explicit QubitGraph(const qubit_vector_t& _qubits) : Base(_qubits) {}
139 };
143 // generate interaction graph of circuit
144 QubitGraph generate_interaction_graph(
145 const Circuit& circ, unsigned depth_limit = 10);
146 // generate lines of interacting qubits
147 QubitLineList qubit_lines(const Circuit& circ);
148 // generate mapping of qubit lines to lines on architecture. n_qubits is total
149 // number of qubits in circuit
150 qubit_mapping_t lines_on_arc(
151 Architecture arc, QubitLineList qb_lines, unsigned n_qubits);
153 // build interaction graph of circ, max_edges in graph, depth_limit sets how far
154 // to look ahead
155 QubitGraph monomorph_interaction_graph(
156 const Circuit& circ, const unsigned max_edges, unsigned depth_limit);
158 /**
159 * Search for embeddings of the qubit graph in the architecture graph.
160 *
161 * @param arc architecture
162 * @param q_graph qubit graph
163 * @param max_matches maximum number of matches to find
164 * @param timeout timeout in milliseconds
165 * @return vector of matches found, sorted in canonical order
166 */
167 std::vector<qubit_bimap_t> monomorphism_edge_break(
168 const Architecture& arc, const QubitGraph& q_graph, unsigned max_matches,
169 unsigned timeout);
171 /** Solves the pure unweighted subgraph monomorphism problem, trying
172 * to embed the pattern graph into the target graph.
173 * Note that graph edge weights are IGNORED by this function.
174 */
175 std::vector<qubit_bimap_t> get_unweighted_subgraph_monomorphisms(
176 const QubitGraph::UndirectedConnGraph& pattern_graph,
177 const Architecture::UndirectedConnGraph& target_graph, unsigned max_matches,
178 unsigned timeout_ms);
180 node_set_t best_nodes(Architecture& arc, unsigned n_remove);
182 class PatternError : public std::logic_error {
183 public:
184 explicit PatternError(const std::string& message)
185 : std::logic_error(message) {}
186 };
188 // Note: the WSM subgraph monomorphism algorithm
189 // matches any vertex with any vertex
190 // and any edge with any edge, regardless of their bundled properties.
191 struct QubitWeight {
192 QubitWeight() : val(0.) {}
193 explicit QubitWeight(const boost::no_property) : val(0.) {}
194 explicit QubitWeight(double d) : val(d) {}
195 double val;
196 };
198 struct InteractionWeight {
199 InteractionWeight() : val(0.) {}
200 explicit InteractionWeight(const boost::no_property) : val(0.) {}
201 explicit InteractionWeight(double d) : val(d) {}
202 template <typename Property>
203 explicit InteractionWeight(Property p)
204 : val(static_cast<double>(p.m_value)) {}
205 double val;
206 };
208 // structure of qubit mapping with associated cost
209 struct MapCost {
210 qubit_mapping_t map;
211 double cost;
212 2543 bool operator<(const MapCost& other) const { return this->cost < other.cost; }
213 1138 bool operator>(const MapCost& other) const { return this->cost > other.cost; }
214 };
216 class Placement {
217 public:
218 explicit Placement(const Architecture& _arc) : arc_(_arc) {}
219 Placement(){};
221 /**
222 * Modify qubits in place.
223 *
224 * @return true iff circuit or maps are modified
225 */
226 bool place(
227 Circuit& circ_, std::shared_ptr<unit_bimaps_t> maps = nullptr) const;
229 /**
230 * Relabel circuit qubits to device nodes according to given map.
231 *
232 * @return true iff circuit or maps were modified
233 */
234 static bool place_with_map(
235 Circuit& circ, qubit_mapping_t& map_,
236 std::shared_ptr<unit_bimaps_t> maps = nullptr);
238 virtual qubit_mapping_t get_placement_map(const Circuit& circ_) const;
240 // methods that return maps, for base this returns one empty map
241 virtual std::vector<qubit_mapping_t> get_all_placement_maps(
242 const Circuit& circ_) const;
244 static const std::string& unplaced_reg();
246 119 const Architecture& get_architecture_ref() { return arc_; }
247 virtual ~Placement(){};
249 protected:
250 Architecture arc_;
251 };
253 /**
254 * NaivePlacement class provides methods for relabelling any
255 * Qubit objects in some Circuit to Node objects in some Architecture
256 * given the constraint that only Qubit that are not already labelled
257 * as some Node can be relabelled, and only to Architecture Node
258 * that are not already in the Circuit.
259 */
260 class NaivePlacement : public Placement {
261 public:
262 /**
263 * @param _arc Architecture object later relabellings are produced for
264 */
265 explicit NaivePlacement(const Architecture& _arc) { arc_ = _arc; }
266 /**
267 * Given some circuit, returns a map between Qubit which defines some
268 * relabelling of some Circuit qubits to Architecture qubits
269 *
270 * @param circ_ Circuit map relabelling is defined for
271 *
272 * @return Map defining relabelling for circuit Qubit objects
273 */
274 qubit_mapping_t get_placement_map(const Circuit& circ_) const override;
276 /**
277 * Given some circuit, returns a single map for relabelling
278 * in a vector.
279 *
280 * @param circ_ Circuit map relabelling is defined for
281 *
282 * @return Vector of a single Map defining relabelling for Circuit
283 * Qubit objects.
284 */
285 std::vector<qubit_mapping_t> get_all_placement_maps(
286 const Circuit& circ_) const override;
287 };
289 class LinePlacement : public Placement {
290 public:
291 explicit LinePlacement(const Architecture& _arc) { arc_ = _arc; }
293 qubit_mapping_t get_placement_map(const Circuit& circ_) const override;
295 // methods that return maps, for base this returns one empty map
296 std::vector<qubit_mapping_t> get_all_placement_maps(
297 const Circuit& circ_) const override;
298 };
300 class GraphPlacement : public Placement {
301 public:
302 explicit GraphPlacement(const Architecture& _arc) {
303 arc_ = _arc;
304 config_.depth_limit = 5;
305 config_.max_interaction_edges = arc_.n_connections();
306 config_.monomorphism_max_matches = 10000;
307 config_.arc_contraction_ratio = 10;
308 }
310 explicit GraphPlacement(
311 const Architecture& _arc, const PlacementConfig& _config)
312 : Placement(_arc), config_(_config) {}
314 explicit GraphPlacement(const PlacementConfig& _config) : config_(_config) {}
316 41 PlacementConfig get_config() { return config_; }
317 void set_config(const PlacementConfig& new_config) { config_ = new_config; }
319 qubit_mapping_t get_placement_map(const Circuit& circ_) const override;
320 // methods that return maps, for base this returns one empty map
321 std::vector<qubit_mapping_t> get_all_placement_maps(
322 const Circuit& circ_) const override;
324 private:
325 PlacementConfig config_;
326 };
328 ///////////////////////////////
330 ///////////////////////////////
332 // Class for performing noise-aware placement using graph monomorphism
333 class Monomorpher {
334 public:
335 Monomorpher(
336 const Circuit& _circ, const Architecture& _arc,
337 const DeviceCharacterisation& _characterisation,
338 const PlacementConfig& _config)
339 : circ(_circ),
340 arc(_arc),
341 characterisation(_characterisation),
342 config(_config) {
343 q_graph = monomorph_interaction_graph(
344 circ, config.max_interaction_edges, config.depth_limit);
345 }
347 // return best maps, up to max_return in number, unsorted
348 std::vector<MapCost> place(unsigned max_return);
349 // calculate cost of map
350 double map_cost(const qubit_bimap_t& n_map);
352 private:
353 const Circuit& circ;
354 Architecture arc;
355 DeviceCharacterisation characterisation;
356 PlacementConfig config;
357 QubitGraph q_graph;
358 };
360 class NoiseAwarePlacement : public Placement {
361 public:
362 NoiseAwarePlacement(
363 const Architecture& _arc,
364 std::optional<avg_node_errors_t> _node_errors = std::nullopt,
365 std::optional<avg_link_errors_t> _link_errors = std::nullopt,
366 std::optional<avg_readout_errors_t> _readout_errors = std::nullopt) {
367 arc_ = _arc;
368 characterisation_ = {
369 _node_errors ? *_node_errors : avg_node_errors_t(),
370 _link_errors ? *_link_errors : avg_link_errors_t(),
371 _readout_errors ? *_readout_errors : avg_readout_errors_t()};
372 config_.depth_limit = 5;
373 config_.max_interaction_edges = arc_.n_connections();
374 config_.monomorphism_max_matches = 10000;
375 config_.arc_contraction_ratio = 10;
376 config_.timeout = 60000;
377 }
378 explicit NoiseAwarePlacement(
379 const Architecture& _arc, const PlacementConfig& _config,
380 std::optional<avg_node_errors_t> _node_errors = std::nullopt,
381 std::optional<avg_link_errors_t> _link_errors = std::nullopt,
382 std::optional<avg_readout_errors_t> _readout_errors = std::nullopt)
383 : Placement(_arc), config_(_config) {
384 characterisation_ = {
385 _node_errors ? *_node_errors : avg_node_errors_t(),
386 _link_errors ? *_link_errors : avg_link_errors_t(),
387 _readout_errors ? *_readout_errors : avg_readout_errors_t()};
388 }
389 explicit NoiseAwarePlacement(const PlacementConfig& _config)
390 : config_(_config) {}
391 5 PlacementConfig get_config() { return config_; }
392 void set_config(const PlacementConfig& new_config) { config_ = new_config; }
393 qubit_mapping_t get_placement_map(const Circuit& circ_) const override;
394 // methods that return maps, for base this returns one empty map
395 std::vector<qubit_mapping_t> get_all_placement_maps(
396 const Circuit& circ_) const override;
398 private:
399 friend void to_json(nlohmann::json& j, const PlacementPtr& placement_ptr);
400 friend void from_json(const nlohmann::json& j, PlacementPtr& placement_ptr);
402 PlacementConfig config_;
403 DeviceCharacterisation characterisation_;
404 };
406 } // namespace tket