Source code for hugr.tys

"""HUGR edge kinds, types, type parameters and type arguments."""

from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Protocol, runtime_checkable

import hugr._serialization.tys as stys
from hugr.utils import comma_sep_repr, comma_sep_str, ser_it

    from import Iterable, Sequence

    from hugr import ext

ExtensionId = stys.ExtensionId
ExtensionSet = stys.ExtensionSet
TypeBound = stys.TypeBound

[docs] @runtime_checkable class TypeParam(Protocol): """A HUGR type parameter.""" def _to_serial(self) -> stys.BaseTypeParam: """Convert to serializable model.""" ... # pragma: no cover def _to_serial_root(self) -> stys.TypeParam: return stys.TypeParam(root=self._to_serial()) # type: ignore[arg-type]
[docs] @runtime_checkable class TypeArg(Protocol): """A HUGR type argument, which can be bound to a :class:TypeParam.""" def _to_serial(self) -> stys.BaseTypeArg: """Convert to serializable model.""" ... # pragma: no cover def _to_serial_root(self) -> stys.TypeArg: return stys.TypeArg(root=self._to_serial()) # type: ignore[arg-type]
[docs] def resolve(self, registry: ext.ExtensionRegistry) -> TypeArg: """Resolve types in the argument using the given registry.""" return self
[docs] @runtime_checkable class Type(Protocol): """A HUGR type."""
[docs] def type_bound(self) -> stys.TypeBound: """The bound of this type. Example: >>> Tuple(Bool, Bool).type_bound() <TypeBound.Copyable: 'C'> >>> Tuple(Qubit, Bool).type_bound() <TypeBound.Any: 'A'> """ ... # pragma: no cover
def _to_serial(self) -> stys.BaseType: """Convert to serializable model.""" ... # pragma: no cover def _to_serial_root(self) -> stys.Type: return stys.Type(root=self._to_serial()) # type: ignore[arg-type]
[docs] def type_arg(self) -> TypeTypeArg: """The :class:`TypeTypeArg` for this type. Example: >>> Qubit.type_arg() TypeTypeArg(ty=Qubit) """ return TypeTypeArg(self)
[docs] def resolve(self, registry: ext.ExtensionRegistry) -> Type: """Resolve types in the type using the given registry.""" return self
#: Row of types. TypeRow = list[Type] # -------------------------------------------- # --------------- TypeParam ------------------ # --------------------------------------------
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class TypeTypeParam(TypeParam): """A type parameter indicating a type with a given boumd.""" bound: TypeBound def _to_serial(self) -> stys.TypeTypeParam: return stys.TypeTypeParam(b=self.bound) def __str__(self) -> str: return str(self.bound)
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class BoundedNatParam(TypeParam): """A type parameter indicating a natural number with an optional upper bound.""" upper_bound: int | None = None def _to_serial(self) -> stys.BoundedNatParam: return stys.BoundedNatParam(bound=self.upper_bound) def __str__(self) -> str: if self.upper_bound is None: return "Nat" return f"Nat({self.upper_bound})"
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class StringParam(TypeParam): """String type parameter.""" def _to_serial(self) -> stys.StringParam: return stys.StringParam() def __str__(self) -> str: return "String"
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class ListParam(TypeParam): """Type parameter which requires a list of type arguments.""" param: TypeParam def _to_serial(self) -> stys.ListParam: return stys.ListParam(param=self.param._to_serial_root()) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"[{self.param}]"
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class TupleParam(TypeParam): """Type parameter which requires a tuple of type arguments.""" params: list[TypeParam] def _to_serial(self) -> stys.TupleParam: return stys.TupleParam(params=ser_it(self.params)) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"({comma_sep_str(self.params)})"
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class ExtensionsParam(TypeParam): """An extension set parameter.""" def _to_serial(self) -> stys.ExtensionsParam: return stys.ExtensionsParam() def __str__(self) -> str: return "Extensions"
# ------------------------------------------ # --------------- TypeArg ------------------ # ------------------------------------------
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class TypeTypeArg(TypeArg): """A type argument for a :class:`TypeTypeParam`.""" ty: Type def _to_serial(self) -> stys.TypeTypeArg: return stys.TypeTypeArg(ty=self.ty._to_serial_root())
[docs] def resolve(self, registry: ext.ExtensionRegistry) -> TypeArg: return TypeTypeArg(self.ty.resolve(registry))
def __str__(self) -> str: return f"Type({self.ty!s})"
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class BoundedNatArg(TypeArg): """A type argument for a :class:`BoundedNatParam`.""" n: int def _to_serial(self) -> stys.BoundedNatArg: return stys.BoundedNatArg(n=self.n) def __str__(self) -> str: return str(self.n)
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class StringArg(TypeArg): """A utf-8 encoded string type argument.""" value: str def _to_serial(self) -> stys.StringArg: return stys.StringArg(arg=self.value) def __str__(self) -> str: return f'"{self.value}"'
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class SequenceArg(TypeArg): """Sequence of type arguments, for a :class:`ListParam` or :class:`TupleParam`.""" elems: list[TypeArg] def _to_serial(self) -> stys.SequenceArg: return stys.SequenceArg(elems=ser_it(self.elems))
[docs] def resolve(self, registry: ext.ExtensionRegistry) -> TypeArg: return SequenceArg([arg.resolve(registry) for arg in self.elems])
def __str__(self) -> str: return f"({comma_sep_str(self.elems)})"
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class ExtensionsArg(TypeArg): """Type argument for an :class:`ExtensionsParam`.""" extensions: ExtensionSet def _to_serial(self) -> stys.ExtensionsArg: return stys.ExtensionsArg(es=self.extensions) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"Extensions({comma_sep_str(self.extensions)})"
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class VariableArg(TypeArg): """A type argument variable.""" idx: int param: TypeParam def _to_serial(self) -> stys.VariableArg: return stys.VariableArg(idx=self.idx, cached_decl=self.param._to_serial_root()) def __str__(self) -> str: return f"${self.idx}"
# ---------------------------------------------- # --------------- Type ------------------------- # ----------------------------------------------
[docs] @dataclass() class Sum(Type): """Algebraic sum-over-product type. Instances of this type correspond to tuples (products) over one of the `variant_rows` in the sum type, tagged by the index of the row. """ variant_rows: list[TypeRow] def _to_serial(self) -> stys.GeneralSum: return stys.GeneralSum(rows=[ser_it(row) for row in self.variant_rows]) def as_tuple(self) -> Tuple: assert ( len(self.variant_rows) == 1 ), "Sum type must have exactly one row to be converted to a Tuple" return Tuple(*self.variant_rows[0]) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"Sum({self.variant_rows})" def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: return isinstance(other, Sum) and self.variant_rows == other.variant_rows
[docs] def type_bound(self) -> TypeBound: return TypeBound.join(*(t.type_bound() for r in self.variant_rows for t in r))
[docs] def resolve(self, registry: ext.ExtensionRegistry) -> Sum: """Resolve types in the sum type using the given registry.""" return Sum([[ty.resolve(registry) for ty in row] for row in self.variant_rows])
[docs] @dataclass(eq=False) class UnitSum(Sum): """Simple :class:`Sum` type with `size` variants of empty rows.""" size: int = field(compare=False) def __init__(self, size: int): self.size = size super().__init__(variant_rows=[[]] * size) def _to_serial(self) -> stys.UnitSum: # type: ignore[override] return stys.UnitSum(size=self.size) def __repr__(self) -> str: if self == Bool: return "Bool" elif self == Unit: return "Unit" return f"UnitSum({self.size})"
[docs] def resolve(self, registry: ext.ExtensionRegistry) -> UnitSum: return self
[docs] @dataclass(eq=False) class Tuple(Sum): """Product type with `tys` elements. Instances of this type correspond to :class:`Sum` with a single variant. """ def __init__(self, *tys: Type): self.variant_rows = [list(tys)] def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"Tuple{tuple(self.variant_rows[0])}"
[docs] @dataclass(eq=False) class Option(Sum): """Optional tuple of elements. Instances of this type correspond to :class:`Sum` with two variants. The second variant is the tuple of elements, the first is empty. """ def __init__(self, *tys: Type): self.variant_rows = [[], list(tys)] def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"Option({comma_sep_repr(self.variant_rows[1])})"
[docs] @dataclass(eq=False) class Either(Sum): """Two-variant tuple of elements. Instances of this type correspond to :class:`Sum` with a Left and a Right variant. In fallible contexts, the Right variant is used to represent success, and the Left variant is used to represent failure. """ def __init__(self, left: Iterable[Type], right: Iterable[Type]): self.variant_rows = [list(left), list(right)] def __repr__(self) -> str: # pragma: no cover left, right = self.variant_rows return f"Either(left={left}, right={right})" def __str__(self) -> str: left, right = self.variant_rows left_str = left[0] if len(left) == 1 else tuple(left) right_str = right[0] if len(right) == 1 else tuple(right) return f"Either({left_str}, {right_str})"
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class Variable(Type): """A type variable with a given bound, identified by index.""" idx: int bound: TypeBound def _to_serial(self) -> stys.Variable: return stys.Variable(i=self.idx, b=self.bound)
[docs] def type_bound(self) -> TypeBound: return self.bound
def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"${self.idx}"
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class RowVariable(Type): """A type variable standing in for a row of types, identified by index.""" idx: int bound: TypeBound def _to_serial(self) -> stys.RowVar: return stys.RowVar(i=self.idx, b=self.bound)
[docs] def type_bound(self) -> TypeBound: return self.bound
def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"${self.idx}"
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class USize(Type): """The Prelude unsigned size type.""" def _to_serial(self) -> stys.USize: return stys.USize()
[docs] def type_bound(self) -> TypeBound: return TypeBound.Copyable
def __repr__(self) -> str: return "USize"
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class Alias(Type): """Type alias.""" name: str bound: TypeBound def _to_serial(self) -> stys.Alias: return stys.Alias(, bound=self.bound)
[docs] def type_bound(self) -> TypeBound: return self.bound
def __repr__(self) -> str: return
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class FunctionType(Type): """A function type, defined by input types, output types and extension requirements. """ input: TypeRow output: TypeRow runtime_reqs: ExtensionSet = field(default_factory=ExtensionSet)
[docs] def type_bound(self) -> TypeBound: return TypeBound.Copyable
def _to_serial(self) -> stys.FunctionType: return stys.FunctionType( input=ser_it(self.input), output=ser_it(self.output), runtime_reqs=self.runtime_reqs, )
[docs] @classmethod def empty(cls) -> FunctionType: """Generate an empty function type. Example: >>> FunctionType.empty() FunctionType([], []) """ return cls(input=[], output=[])
[docs] @classmethod def endo( cls, tys: TypeRow, runtime_reqs: ExtensionSet | None = None ) -> FunctionType: """Function type with the same input and output types. Example: >>> FunctionType.endo([Qubit]) FunctionType([Qubit], [Qubit]) """ return cls(input=tys, output=tys, runtime_reqs=runtime_reqs or ExtensionSet())
[docs] def flip(self) -> FunctionType: """Return a new function type with input and output types swapped. Example: >>> FunctionType([Qubit], [Bool]).flip() FunctionType([Bool], [Qubit]) """ return FunctionType(input=list(self.output), output=list(self.input))
def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"FunctionType({self.input}, {self.output})"
[docs] def resolve(self, registry: ext.ExtensionRegistry) -> FunctionType: """Resolve types in the function type using the given registry.""" return FunctionType( input=[ty.resolve(registry) for ty in self.input], output=[ty.resolve(registry) for ty in self.output], runtime_reqs=self.runtime_reqs, )
[docs] def with_runtime_reqs(self, runtime_reqs: ExtensionSet) -> FunctionType: """Adds a list of extension requirements to the function type, and returns the new signature. """ exts = set(self.runtime_reqs) exts = exts.union(runtime_reqs) return FunctionType(self.input, self.output, [*exts])
def __str__(self) -> str: return f"{comma_sep_str(self.input)} -> {comma_sep_str(self.output)}"
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class PolyFuncType(Type): """Polymorphic function type or type scheme. Defined by a list of type parameters that may appear in the :class:`FunctionType` body. """ params: list[TypeParam] body: FunctionType
[docs] def type_bound(self) -> TypeBound: return TypeBound.Copyable
def _to_serial(self) -> stys.PolyFuncType: return stys.PolyFuncType( params=[p._to_serial_root() for p in self.params], body=self.body._to_serial(), )
[docs] def resolve(self, registry: ext.ExtensionRegistry) -> PolyFuncType: """Resolve types in the polymorphic function type using the given registry.""" return PolyFuncType( params=self.params, body=self.body.resolve(registry), )
[docs] def with_runtime_reqs(self, runtime_reqs: ExtensionSet) -> PolyFuncType: """Adds a list of extension requirements to the function type, and returns the new signature. """ return PolyFuncType( params=self.params, body=self.body.with_runtime_reqs(runtime_reqs), )
def __str__(self) -> str: return f"∀ {comma_sep_str(self.params)}. {self.body!s}"
[docs] @classmethod def empty(cls) -> PolyFuncType: """Generate an empty polymorphic function type. Example: >>> PolyFuncType.empty() PolyFuncType(params=[], body=FunctionType([], [])) """ return PolyFuncType(params=[], body=FunctionType.empty())
[docs] @dataclass class ExtType(Type): """Extension type, defined by a type definition and type arguments.""" type_def: ext.TypeDef args: list[TypeArg] = field(default_factory=list)
[docs] def type_bound(self) -> TypeBound: from hugr.ext import ExplicitBound, FromParamsBound match self.type_def.bound: case ExplicitBound(exp_bound): return exp_bound case FromParamsBound(indices): bounds: list[TypeBound] = [] for idx in indices: arg = self.args[idx] if isinstance(arg, TypeTypeArg): bounds.append(arg.ty.type_bound()) return TypeBound.join(*bounds)
def _to_serial(self) -> stys.Opaque: return self._to_opaque()._to_serial() def _to_opaque(self) -> Opaque: assert self.type_def._extension is not None, "Extension must be initialised." return Opaque(,, args=self.args, bound=self.type_bound(), ) def __str__(self) -> str: return _type_str(, self.args) def __eq__(self, value): # Ignore extra attributes on subclasses if isinstance(value, ExtType): return self.type_def == value.type_def and self.args == value.args return super().__eq__(value)
def _type_str(name: str, args: Sequence[TypeArg]) -> str: if len(args) == 0: return name return f"{name}<{comma_sep_str(args)}>"
[docs] @dataclass class Opaque(Type): """Opaque type, identified by `id` and with optional type arguments and bound.""" id: str bound: TypeBound args: list[TypeArg] = field(default_factory=list) extension: ExtensionId = "" def _to_serial(self) -> stys.Opaque: return stys.Opaque( extension=self.extension,, args=[arg._to_serial_root() for arg in self.args], bound=self.bound, )
[docs] def type_bound(self) -> TypeBound: return self.bound
[docs] def resolve(self, registry: ext.ExtensionRegistry) -> Type: """Resolve the opaque type to an :class:`ExtType` using the given registry. If the extension or type is not found, return the original type. """ from hugr.ext import ExtensionRegistry, Extension # noqa: I001 # no circular import try: type_def = registry.get_extension(self.extension).get_type( except (ExtensionRegistry.ExtensionNotFound, Extension.TypeNotFound): return self return ExtType(type_def, self.args)
def __str__(self) -> str: return _type_str(, self.args)
@dataclass class _QubitDef(Type): def type_bound(self) -> TypeBound: return TypeBound.Any def _to_serial(self) -> stys.Qubit: return stys.Qubit() def __repr__(self) -> str: return "Qubit" #: Qubit type. Qubit = _QubitDef() #: Boolean type (:class:`UnitSum` of size 2). Bool = UnitSum(size=2) #: Unit type (:class:`UnitSum` of size 1). Unit = UnitSum(size=1)
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class ValueKind: """Dataflow value edges.""" #: Type of the value. ty: Type def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"ValueKind({self.ty})"
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class ConstKind: """Static constant value edges.""" #: Type of the constant. ty: Type def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"ConstKind({self.ty})"
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class FunctionKind: """Statically defined function edges.""" #: Type of the function. ty: PolyFuncType def __repr__(self) -> str: return f"FunctionKind({self.ty})"
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class CFKind: """Control flow edges."""
[docs] @dataclass(frozen=True) class OrderKind: """State order edges."""
#: The kind of a HUGR graph edge. Kind = ValueKind | ConstKind | FunctionKind | CFKind | OrderKind
[docs] def get_first_sum(types: TypeRow) -> tuple[Sum, TypeRow]: """Check the first type in a row of types is a :class:`Sum`, returning it and the rest. Args: types: row of types. Raises: AssertionError: if the first type is not a :class:`Sum`. Example: >>> get_first_sum([UnitSum(3), Qubit]) (UnitSum(3), [Qubit]) >>> get_first_sum([Qubit, UnitSum(3)]) # doctest: +IGNORE_EXCEPTION_DETAIL Traceback (most recent call last): AssertionError: Expected Sum, got Qubit """ (sum_, *other) = types assert isinstance(sum_, Sum), f"Expected Sum, got {sum_}" return sum_, other