Source code for qermit.noise_model.qermit_pauli

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import List

from pytket.circuit import Circuit, Op, OpType, Qubit
from pytket.pauli import Pauli, QubitPauliString, QubitPauliTensor, pauli_string_mult
from pytket.tableau import UnitaryTableau

[docs] class QermitPauli: """For the manipulation of Pauli strings. In particular, how they are changed by the action of Clifford circuits. """ coeff_to_phase = {1 + 0j: 0, 0 + 1j: 1, -1 + 0j: 2, 0 - 1j: 3} def __init__(self, qpt: QubitPauliTensor) -> None: """Initialised with an initial qubit pauli tensor. Other methods will modify this Qubit Pauli Tensor. :param qpt: Initial Qubit Pauli Tensor. """ self.qubit_list = list( self.unitary_tableau = UnitaryTableau(nqb=len(self.qubit_list)) self.qubit_index = {qubit: Qubit(i) for i, qubit in enumerate(self.qubit_list)} self.index_qubit = {Qubit(i): qubit for i, qubit in enumerate(self.qubit_list)} self.input_pauli_tensor = QubitPauliTensor( string=QubitPauliString( map={ self.qubit_index[qubit]: pauli for qubit, pauli in } ), coeff=qpt.coeff, )
[docs] def is_measureable(self, qubit_list: List[Qubit]) -> bool: """Checks if this Pauli would be measurable on the given qubits in the computational bases. That is to say if at least one Pauli on the given qubits anticommutes with Z. :param qubit_list: Qubits on which if measurable should be checked. :raises Exception: Raised if the given qubits are not contained in this Pauli. :return: True if at least one Pauli on the given qubits anticommutes with Z. False otherwise. """ return any( not self.qubit_pauli_tensor.commutes_with( QubitPauliTensor(qubit=qubit, pauli=Pauli.Z) ) for qubit in qubit_list )
[docs] def reduce_qubits(self, qubit_list: List[Qubit]) -> QermitPauli: """Reduces Pauli by removing terms acting on qubits in the given list. A new reduced Pauli is created. :param qubit_list: Qubits in Pauli which should be removed. :return: Reduced Pauli. """ return QermitPauli( QubitPauliTensor( string=QubitPauliString( map={ qubit: pauli for qubit, pauli in if qubit not in qubit_list } ), coeff=self.qubit_pauli_tensor.coeff, ) )
@property def dagger(self) -> QermitPauli: """Generates the inverse of the Pauli. :return: Conjugate transpose of the Pauli. """ return QermitPauli( qpt=QubitPauliTensor( string=self.qubit_pauli_tensor.string, coeff=self.qubit_pauli_tensor.coeff.conjugate(), ) ) def __hash__(self) -> int: return self.qubit_pauli_tensor.__hash__() def __str__(self) -> str: # pragma: no cover return str(self.qubit_pauli_tensor.string) + str(self.qubit_pauli_tensor.coeff) def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: """Checks for equality by checking all qubits match, and that all Paulis on those qubits match. :param other: Pauli to compare against. :return: True is equivalent. """ if not isinstance(other, QermitPauli): return False return self.qubit_pauli_tensor == other.qubit_pauli_tensor
[docs] def apply_circuit(self, circuit: Circuit) -> None: """Commute the Pauli through the circuit. Given a Clifford circuit C, transform the Pauli P to Q such that PC = CQ. :param circuit: Circuit to be applied. """ for command in circuit.get_commands(): if command.op.type == OpType.Barrier: continue if command.qubits != command.args: raise Exception( "Circuit must be purely quantum." f"The given circuit acts on bits {command.bits}" ) self.apply_gate( op=command.op, qubits=command.qubits, )
[docs] def apply_gate(self, op: Op, qubits: List[Qubit]) -> None: """Commute the Pauli through the gate. Given a Clifford gate G, transform the Pauli P to Q such that PG = GQ. :param op: Operation to commute through. :param qubits: Qubit on which the operation acts. :raises Exception: Raised if the given gate is not Clifford. """ if not op.is_clifford(): raise Exception(f"{op} is not a Clifford operation.") if op.is_clifford_type(): self.unitary_tableau.apply_gate_at_end( type=op.type, qbs=[self.qubit_index[qubit] for qubit in qubits], ) elif op.type == OpType.Rz: for _ in range(int((op.params[0] % 2) // 0.5)): self.apply_gate(op=Op.create(OpType.S), qubits=qubits) elif op.type == OpType.Rx: self.apply_gate(op=Op.create(OpType.H), qubits=qubits) for _ in range(int((op.params[0] % 2) // 0.5)): self.apply_gate(op=Op.create(OpType.S), qubits=qubits) self.apply_gate(op=Op.create(OpType.H), qubits=qubits) elif op.type == OpType.PhasedX: self.apply_gate(op=Op.create(OpType.Rz, [-op.params[1]]), qubits=qubits) self.apply_gate(op=Op.create(OpType.Rx, [op.params[0]]), qubits=qubits) self.apply_gate(op=Op.create(OpType.Rz, [op.params[1]]), qubits=qubits) elif op.type == OpType.ZZMax: self.apply_gate(op=Op.create(OpType.CX), qubits=qubits) self.apply_gate(op=Op.create(OpType.S), qubits=[qubits[1]]) self.apply_gate(op=Op.create(OpType.CX), qubits=qubits) elif op.type == OpType.ZZPhase: for _ in range(int((op.params[0] % 2) // 0.5)): self.apply_gate(op=Op.create(OpType.ZZMax), qubits=qubits) else: raise NotImplementedError( f"{op} if clifford but is not supported. " "Please request the developers support this operation." )
[docs] def pre_apply_pauli(self, pauli: Pauli, qubit: Qubit) -> None: """Transform Pauli P into PQ, where Q is the give pauli. :param pauli: Pauli to multiply by. :param qubit: Qubit on which pauli to multiply by should act. """ mult_string, mult_coeff = pauli_string_mult( qubitpaulistring1=self.qubit_pauli_tensor.string, qubitpaulistring2=QubitPauliString(qubit=qubit, pauli=pauli), ) mult_string_map = { self.qubit_index[qubit]: pauli for qubit, pauli in } mult_string = QubitPauliString(map=mult_string_map) self.input_pauli_tensor = QubitPauliTensor( string=mult_string, coeff=self.qubit_pauli_tensor.coeff * mult_coeff ) self.unitary_tableau = UnitaryTableau(nqb=len(self.qubit_list))
[docs] def post_apply_pauli(self, pauli: Pauli, qubit: Qubit) -> None: """Transform Pauli P into QP, where Q is the give pauli. :param pauli: Pauli to multiply by. :param qubit: Qubit on which pauli to multiply by should act. """ mult_string, mult_coeff = pauli_string_mult( qubitpaulistring1=QubitPauliString(qubit=qubit, pauli=pauli), qubitpaulistring2=self.qubit_pauli_tensor.string, ) mult_string_map = { self.qubit_index[qubit]: pauli for qubit, pauli in } mult_string = QubitPauliString(map=mult_string_map) self.input_pauli_tensor = QubitPauliTensor( string=mult_string, coeff=self.qubit_pauli_tensor.coeff * mult_coeff ) self.unitary_tableau = UnitaryTableau(nqb=len(self.qubit_list))
[docs] def get_control_circuit(self, control_qubit: Qubit) -> Circuit: """Controlled circuit which acts Pauli. :param control_qubit: Qubit on which circuit is controlled. :return: Controlled circuit acting Pauli. """ circ = Circuit() circ.add_qubit(control_qubit) # TODO: in the case that this is secretly a controlled Y a controlled # Y should be applied. Otherwise there is additional noise added in # the case of a CY. phase = self.coeff_to_phase[self.qubit_pauli_tensor.coeff] for qubit, pauli in circ.add_qubit(id=qubit) if pauli == Pauli.Z or pauli == Pauli.Y: circ.CZ( control_qubit=control_qubit, target_qubit=qubit, opgroup="pauli check", ) if pauli == Pauli.X or pauli == Pauli.Y: circ.CX( control_qubit=control_qubit, target_qubit=qubit, opgroup="pauli check", ) if pauli == Pauli.Y: phase += 1 phase %= 4 for _ in range(phase): circ.S( control_qubit, opgroup="phase correction", ) return circ
@property def circuit(self) -> Circuit: """Circuit which acts Pauli. :return: Circuit acting Pauli. """ circ = Circuit() phase = self.coeff_to_phase[self.qubit_pauli_tensor.coeff] for qubit, pauli in circ.add_qubit(id=qubit) if pauli == Pauli.Z or pauli == Pauli.Y: circ.Z(qubit) if pauli == Pauli.X or pauli == Pauli.Y: circ.X(qubit) if pauli == Pauli.Y: phase += 1 phase %= 4 circ.add_phase(a=phase / 2) return circ @property def qubit_pauli_tensor(self) -> QubitPauliTensor: """Current state of the Pauli, following any operations which may have been acted upon it until now. :return: Current state of the Pauli. """ mislabled_qpt = self.unitary_tableau.get_row_product( paulis=self.input_pauli_tensor ) correct_map = { qubit:, Pauli.I) for index, qubit in self.index_qubit.items() } return QubitPauliTensor( string=QubitPauliString( map=correct_map, ), coeff=mislabled_qpt.coeff, )