A complete use case¶
In this section we present a complete use case of manual training (without using the training
package), based on the meaning classification dataset introduced in Lorenz et al. [LPM+23]. The goal is to classify simple sentences (such as “skillful programmer creates software” and “chef prepares delicious meal”) into two categories, food or IT. The dataset consists of 130 sentences created using a simple context-free grammar.
We will use a SpiderAnsatz
to split large tensors into chains of smaller ones. For differentiation we will use JAX, and we will apply simple gradient-descent optimisation to train the tensors.
We start with a few essential imports.
import warnings
warnings.filterwarnings('ignore') # Ignore warnings
from jax import numpy as np
import numpy
from lambeq.backend.numerical_backend import set_backend
numpy.random.seed(0) # Fix the seed
np.random = numpy.random
Note the set_backend('jax')
assignment in the above code. This is required to let lambeq know that from now on we use JAX’s version of numpy
Let’s read the datasets.
Input data¶
# Read data
def read_data(fname):
with open(fname, 'r') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
data, targets = [], []
for ln in lines:
t = int(ln[0])
targets.append(np.array([t, not(t)], dtype=np.float32))
return data, np.array(targets)
train_data, train_targets = read_data('../examples/datasets/mc_train_data.txt')
test_data, test_targets = read_data('../examples/datasets/mc_test_data.txt')
import os
TESTING = int(os.environ.get('TEST_NOTEBOOKS', '0'))
train_targets, train_data = train_targets[:2], train_data[:2]
test_targets, test_data = test_targets[:2], test_data[:2]
The first few lines of the train dataset:
['skillful man prepares sauce .',
'skillful man bakes dinner .',
'woman cooks tasty meal .',
'man prepares meal .',
'skillful woman debugs program .',
'woman prepares tasty meal .',
'person runs program .',
'person runs useful application .',
'woman prepares sauce .',
'woman prepares dinner .']
Targets are represented as 2-dimensional arrays:
Array([[1., 0.],
[1., 0.],
[1., 0.],
[1., 0.],
[0., 1.],
[1., 0.],
[0., 1.],
[0., 1.],
[1., 0.],
[1., 0.]], dtype=float32)
Creating and parameterising diagrams¶
First step is to convert sentences into string diagrams:
# Parse sentences to diagrams
from lambeq import BobcatParser
parser = BobcatParser(verbose='suppress')
train_diagrams = parser.sentences2diagrams(train_data)
test_diagrams = parser.sentences2diagrams(test_data)
train_diagrams[0].draw(figsize=(8,4), fontsize=13)

The produced diagrams need to be parameterised by a specific ansatz. For this experiment we will use a SpiderAnsatz
# Create ansatz and convert to tensor diagrams
from lambeq import AtomicType, SpiderAnsatz
from lambeq.backend.tensor import Dim
N = AtomicType.NOUN
S = AtomicType.SENTENCE
# Create an ansatz by assigning 2 dimensions to both
# noun and sentence spaces
ansatz = SpiderAnsatz({N: Dim(2), S: Dim(2)})
train_circuits = [ansatz(d) for d in train_diagrams]
test_circuits = [ansatz(d) for d in test_diagrams]
all_circuits = train_circuits + test_circuits
all_circuits[0].draw(figsize=(8,4), fontsize=13)

Creating a vocabulary¶
We are now ready to create a vocabulary.
# Create vocabulary
from sympy import default_sort_key
vocab = sorted(
{sym for circ in all_circuits for sym in circ.free_symbols},
tensors = [np.random.rand(w.size) for w in vocab]
array([0.5488135 , 0.71518937])
Define loss function¶
This is a binary classification task, so we will use binary cross entropy as the loss.
def sigmoid(x):
return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))
def loss(tensors):
# Lambdify
np_circuits = [c.lambdify(*vocab)(*tensors) for c in train_circuits]
# Compute predictions
predictions = sigmoid(np.array([c.eval(dtype=float) for c in np_circuits]))
# binary cross-entropy loss
cost = -np.sum(train_targets * np.log2(predictions)) / len(train_targets)
return cost
The loss function follows the steps below:
The symbols in the training diagrams are replaced with concrete
arrays.The resulting tensor networks are evaluated and produce results.
Based on the predictions, an average loss is computed for the specific iteration.
We use JAX in order to get a gradient function on the loss, and “just-in-time” compile it to improve speed:
from jax import jit, grad
training_loss = jit(loss)
gradient = jit(grad(loss))
We are now ready to start training. The following loop computes gradients and uses them to update the tensors associated with the symbols.
training_losses = []
epochs = 90
for i in range(epochs):
gr = gradient(tensors)
for k in range(len(tensors)):
tensors[k] = tensors[k] - gr[k] * 1.0
if (i + 1) % 10 == 0:
print(f"Epoch {i + 1} - loss {training_losses[-1]}")
Epoch 10 - loss 0.1838509440422058
Epoch 20 - loss 0.029141228646039963
Epoch 30 - loss 0.014427061192691326
Epoch 40 - loss 0.009020495228469372
Epoch 50 - loss 0.006290055345743895
Epoch 60 - loss 0.004701168276369572
Epoch 70 - loss 0.0036874753423035145
Epoch 80 - loss 0.0029964144341647625
Epoch 90 - loss 0.0025011023972183466
Finally, we use the trained model on the test dataset:
# Testing
np_test_circuits = [c.lambdify(*vocab)(*tensors) for c in test_circuits]
test_predictions = sigmoid(np.array([c.eval(dtype=float) for c in np_test_circuits]))
hits = 0
for i in range(len(np_test_circuits)):
target = test_targets[i]
pred = test_predictions[i]
if np.argmax(target) == np.argmax(pred):
hits += 1
print("Accuracy on test set:", hits / len(np_test_circuits))
Accuracy on test set: 0.8666666666666667
Working with quantum circuits¶
The process when working with quantum circuits is very similar, with two important differences:
The parameterisable part of the circuit is an array of parameters, as described in Section Circuit Symbols, instead of tensors associated to words.
If optimisation takes place on quantum hardware, standard automatic differentiation cannot be used. An alternative is to use a gradient-approximation technique, such as Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation (SPSA).
More information can be also found in [MTdFC23] and [LPM+23], the papers that describe the first NLP experiments on quantum hardware.
See also: