Source code for lambeq.backend.grammar

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Grammar category
Lambeq's internal representation of the grammar category. This work is
based on DisCoPy ( which is released under the
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License.


from __future__ import annotations

from import Callable, Iterable, Iterator
from copy import deepcopy
from dataclasses import dataclass, field, InitVar, replace
import json
from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, Protocol, Type, TypeVar
from typing import cast, overload, TYPE_CHECKING

from typing_extensions import Self

    import discopy

[docs] @dataclass class Entity: category: ClassVar[Category]
# Types _JSONDictT = Dict[str, Any] _EntityType = TypeVar('_EntityType', bound=Type[Entity])
[docs] @dataclass class Category: """The base class for all categories.""" name: str Ty: type[Ty] = field(init=False) Box: type[Box] = field(init=False) Layer: type[Layer] = field(init=False) Diagram: type[Diagram] = field(init=False)
[docs] def set(self, name: str, entity: _EntityType) -> _EntityType: setattr(self, name, entity) entity.category = self return entity
@overload def __call__(self, name_or_entity: str) -> Callable[[_EntityType], _EntityType]: ... @overload def __call__(self, name_or_entity: _EntityType) -> _EntityType: ...
[docs] def __call__( self, name_or_entity: _EntityType | str ) -> _EntityType | Callable[[_EntityType], _EntityType]: if isinstance(name_or_entity, str): name = name_or_entity def set_(entity: _EntityType) -> _EntityType: return self.set(name, entity) return set_ else: return self.set(name_or_entity.__name__, name_or_entity)
[docs] def from_json(self, data: _JSONDictT | str) -> Entity: """Decode a JSON object or string into an entity from this category. Returns ------- :py:class:`~lambeq.backend.grammar.Entity` The entity generated from the JSON data. This could be a :py:class:`~lambeq.backend.Ty`, a :py:class:`~lambeq.backend.Box` subclass, or a :py:class:`~lambeq.backend.Diagram` instance. """ data_dict = json.loads(data) if isinstance(data, str) else data _entity_mapping = { 'Cap': Cap, 'Cup': Cup, 'Daggered': Daggered, 'Spider': Spider, 'Swap': Swap, 'Word': Word, 'Ty': self.Ty, 'Box': self.Box, 'Layer': self.Layer, 'Diagram': self.Diagram, } entity_cls = _entity_mapping[data_dict['entity']] return ( # type: ignore[no-any-return] entity_cls.from_json( # type: ignore[attr-defined] data_dict ) )
grammar = Category('grammar')
[docs] @grammar @dataclass class Ty(Entity): """A type in the grammar category. Every type is either atomic, complex, or empty. Complex types are tensor products of atomic types, and empty types are the identity type. Parameters ---------- name : str, optional The name of the type, by default None. objects : list[Ty], optional The objects defining a complex type, by default []. z : int, optional The winding number of the type, by default 0. """ name: str | None = None objects: list[Self] = field(default_factory=list) z: int = 0 category: ClassVar[Category] def __post_init__(self) -> None: assert len(self.objects) != 1 assert not (len(self.objects) > 1 and is not None) if not self.is_atomic: assert self.z == 0 @property def is_empty(self) -> bool: return not self.objects and is None @property def is_atomic(self) -> bool: return not self.objects and is not None @property def is_complex(self) -> bool: return bool(self.objects)
[docs] def to_diagram(self) -> Diagram: return
def __repr__(self) -> str: if self.is_empty: return 'Ty()' elif self.is_atomic: return f'Ty({}){".l"*(-self.z)}{".r"*self.z}' else: return ' @ '.join(map(repr, self.objects)) def __str__(self) -> str: if self.is_empty: return 'Ty()' elif self.is_atomic: return f'{}{".l"*(-self.z)}{".r"*self.z}' else: return ' @ '.join(map(str, self.objects)) def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(repr(self)) def __len__(self) -> int: return 1 if self.is_atomic else len(self.objects) def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Self]: if self.is_atomic: yield self else: yield from self.objects def __getitem__(self, index: int | slice) -> Self: objects = [*self] if TYPE_CHECKING: objects = cast(list[Self], objects) if isinstance(index, int): return objects[index] else: return self._fromiter(objects[index]) @classmethod def _fromiter(cls, objects: Iterable[Self]) -> Self: """Create a Ty from an iterable of atomic objects.""" objects = list(objects) if not objects: return cls() elif len(objects) == 1: return objects[0] else: return cls(objects=objects) # type: ignore[arg-type]
[docs] def count(self, other: Self) -> int: assert other.is_atomic return sum(1 for ob in self if ob == other)
@overload def tensor(self, other: Iterable[Self]) -> Self: ... @overload def tensor(self, other: Self, *rest: Self) -> Self: ...
[docs] def tensor(self, other: Self | Iterable[Self], *rest: Self) -> Self: try: tys = [*other, *rest] except TypeError: return NotImplemented if any(not isinstance(ty, type(self)) or self.category != ty.category for ty in tys): return NotImplemented return self._fromiter(ob for ty in (self, *tys) for ob in ty)
def __matmul__(self, rhs: Self) -> Self: return self.tensor(rhs)
[docs] def rotate(self, z: int) -> Self: """Rotate the type, changing the winding number.""" if self.is_empty or z == 0: return self elif self.is_atomic: return replace(self, z=self.z + z) else: objects = reversed(self.objects) if z % 2 == 1 else self.objects return type(self)(objects=[ob.rotate(z) for ob in objects])
[docs] def unwind(self) -> Self: return self.rotate(-self.z)
@property def l(self) -> Self: # noqa: E741, E743 return self.rotate(-1) @property def r(self) -> Self: return self.rotate(1) def __lshift__(self, rhs: Self) -> Self: if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)) or self.category != rhs.category: return NotImplemented return self @ rhs.l def __rshift__(self, rhs: Self) -> Self: if not isinstance(rhs, type(self)) or self.category != rhs.category: return NotImplemented return self.r @ rhs
[docs] def repeat(self, times: int) -> Self: assert times >= 0 return type(self)().tensor([self] * times)
def __pow__(self, times: int) -> Self: return self.repeat(times)
[docs] def apply_functor(self, functor: Functor) -> Ty: assert not self.is_empty if self.is_complex: return functor.target_category.Ty().tensor( functor(ob) for ob in self.objects ) elif self.z != 0: return functor(self.unwind()).rotate(self.z) else: return functor.ob(self)
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, data: _JSONDictT | str) -> Self: """Decode a JSON object or string into a :py:class:`~lambeq.backend.Ty`. Returns ------- :py:class:`~lambeq.backend.Ty` The type generated from the JSON data. """ data_dict = json.loads(data) if isinstance(data, str) else data _, _ = data_dict.pop('category', None), data_dict.pop('entity') data_dict['objects'] = [cls.from_json(obj_data) for obj_data in data_dict['objects']] return cls(**data_dict)
[docs] def to_json(self, is_top_level: bool = True) -> _JSONDictT: """Encode this type to a JSON object. Parameters ---------- is_top_level : bool, optional This flag indicates that this object is the top-most object and should have the global metadata (e.g. category). This should be set to `False` when calling `to_json` on attribute instances to avoid duplication of said global metadata. """ data_dict: _JSONDictT = { 'entity': self.__class__.__name__, 'name':, 'objects': [obj.to_json(is_top_level=False) for obj in self.objects], 'z': self.z } if is_top_level: data_dict['category'] = return data_dict
[docs] class Diagrammable(Protocol): """An abstract base class describing the behavior of a diagram. This is used by static type checkers that recognize structural sub-typing (duck-typing) and does not need to be explicitly subclassed. """ @property def dom(self) -> Ty: """The domain of the diagram.""" @property def cod(self) -> Ty: """The co-domain of the diagram."""
[docs] def to_diagram(self) -> Diagram: """Transform the current object into an actual Diagram object."""
@property def is_id(self) -> bool: """Whether the current diagram is an identity diagram."""
[docs] def apply_functor(self, functor: Functor) -> Diagrammable: """Apply a functor to the current object."""
[docs] def rotate(self, z: int) -> Diagrammable: """Apply the adjoint operation `z` times. If `z` is positive, apply the right adjoint `z` times. If `z` is negative, apply the left adjoint `-z` times. """
def __matmul__(self, rhs: Diagrammable | Ty) -> Diagrammable: """Implements the tensor operator `@` with another diagram.""" def __rshift__(self, rhs: Diagrammable) -> Diagrammable: """Implements composition `>>` with another diagram."""
[docs] @grammar @dataclass class Box(Entity): """A box in the grammar category. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the box. dom : Ty The domain of the box. cod : Ty The codomain of the box. z : int, optional The winding number of the box, by default 0. """ name: str dom: Ty cod: Ty z: int = 0 def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: return getattr(self.to_diagram(), name) def __repr__(self) -> str: return (f'[{}{".l"*(-self.z)}{".r"*self.z}; ' f'{repr(self.dom)} -> {repr(self.cod)}]') def __str__(self) -> str: return f'{}{".l"*(-self.z)}{".r"*self.z}' def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(repr(self))
[docs] def to_diagram(self) -> Diagram: ID = self.category.Ty() dom = super().__getattribute__('dom') cod = super().__getattribute__('cod') return self.category.Diagram(dom=dom, cod=cod, layers=[self.category.Layer(box=self, left=ID, right=ID)])
def __matmul__(self, rhs: Diagrammable | Ty) -> Diagram: return self.to_diagram().tensor(rhs.to_diagram()) def __rmatmul__(self, rhs: Diagrammable | Ty) -> Diagram: return rhs.to_diagram().tensor(self.to_diagram()) def __rshift__(self, rhs: Diagrammable) -> Diagram: return self.to_diagram().then(rhs.to_diagram())
[docs] def rotate(self, z: int) -> Self: """Rotate the box, changing the winding number.""" return replace(self, dom=self.dom.rotate(z), cod=self.cod.rotate(z), z=self.z + z)
@property def l(self) -> Self: # noqa: E741, E743 return self.rotate(-1) @property def r(self) -> Self: return self.rotate(1)
[docs] def unwind(self) -> Self: return self.rotate(-self.z)
[docs] def dagger(self) -> Daggered | Box: return Daggered(self)
[docs] def apply_functor(self, functor: Functor) -> Diagrammable: if self.z != 0: return functor(self.unwind()).rotate(self.z) else: return
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, data: _JSONDictT | str) -> Self: """Decode a JSON object or string into a :py:class:`~lambeq.backend.Box`. Returns ------- :py:class:`~lambeq.backend.Box` The box generated from the JSON data. """ data_dict = json.loads(data) if isinstance(data, str) else data _, _ = data_dict.pop('category', None), data_dict.pop('entity') data_dict['dom'] = cls.category.Ty.from_json(data_dict['dom']) data_dict['cod'] = cls.category.Ty.from_json(data_dict['cod']) return cls(**data_dict)
[docs] def to_json(self, is_top_level: bool = True) -> _JSONDictT: """Encode this box to a JSON object. Parameters ---------- is_top_level : bool, optional This flag indicates that this object is the top-most object and should have the global metadata (e.g. category). This should be set to `False` when calling `to_json` on attribute instances to avoid duplication of said global metadata. """ data_dict: _JSONDictT = { 'entity': self.__class__.__name__, 'name':, 'dom': self.dom.to_json(is_top_level=False), 'cod': self.cod.to_json(is_top_level=False), 'z': self.z } if is_top_level: data_dict['category'] = return data_dict
[docs] @grammar @dataclass class Layer(Entity): """A layer in a diagram. Parameters ---------- box : Box The box in the layer. left : Ty The wire type to the left of the box. right : Ty The wire type to the right of the box. """ left: Ty box: Box right: Ty def __repr__(self) -> str: return f'|{repr(self.left)} @ {repr(} @ {repr(self.right)}|' def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Ty | Box]: iterable_res: Iterable[Ty | Box] = self.unpack() yield from iterable_res @property def dom(self) -> Ty: return self.left @ @ self.right @property def cod(self) -> Ty: return self.left @ @ self.right
[docs] def unpack(self) -> tuple[Ty, Box, Ty]: return self.left,, self.right
[docs] def extend(self, left: Ty | None = None, right: Ty | None = None) -> Self: ID = self.category.Ty() if left is None: left = ID if right is None: right = ID return replace(self, left=left @ self.left, right=self.right @ right)
[docs] def rotate(self, z: int) -> Self: """Rotate the layer.""" if z % 2 == 1: left, right = self.right, self.left else: left, right = self.left, self.right return replace(self, left=left.rotate(z),, right=right.rotate(z))
[docs] def dagger(self) -> Self: return replace(self, left=self.left,, right=self.right)
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, data: _JSONDictT | str) -> Self: """Decode a JSON object or string into a :py:class:`~lambeq.backend.grammar.Layer`. Returns ------- :py:class:`~lambeq.backend.grammar.Layer` The layer generated from the JSON data. """ data_dict = json.loads(data) if isinstance(data, str) else data _, _ = data_dict.pop('category', None), data_dict.pop('entity') data_dict['left'] = cls.category.Ty.from_json(data_dict['left']) _entity_mapping = { 'Cap': Cap, 'Cup': Cup, 'Daggered': Daggered, 'Spider': Spider, 'Swap': Swap, 'Word': Word, 'Box': cls.category.Box, } box_cls = _entity_mapping[data_dict['box']['entity']] data_dict['box'] = box_cls.from_json( # type: ignore[attr-defined] data_dict['box'] ) data_dict['right'] = cls.category.Ty.from_json(data_dict['right']) return cls(**data_dict)
[docs] def to_json(self, is_top_level: bool = True) -> _JSONDictT: """Encode this layer to a JSON object. Parameters ---------- is_top_level : bool, optional This flag indicates that this object is the top-most object and should have the global metadata (e.g. category). This should be set to `False` when calling `to_json` on attribute instances to avoid duplication of said global metadata. """ data_dict: _JSONDictT = {'entity': self.__class__.__name__} for attr in ('left', 'right', 'box'): data_dict[attr] = getattr(self, attr).to_json( is_top_level=False ) if is_top_level: data_dict['category'] = return data_dict
_DiagrammableFactory = Callable[..., Diagrammable] _DiagrammableFactoryT = TypeVar('_DiagrammableFactoryT', bound=_DiagrammableFactory)
[docs] @grammar @dataclass class Diagram(Entity): """A diagram in the grammar category. Parameters ---------- dom : Ty The type of the input wires. cod : Ty The type of the output wires. layers : list[Layer] The layers of the diagram. """ dom: Ty cod: Ty layers: list[Layer] special_boxes: ClassVar[dict[str, _DiagrammableFactory]] = {} def __init_subclass__(cls) -> None: cls.special_boxes = {} @classmethod @overload def register_special_box( cls, name: str, diagram_factory: None = None ) -> Callable[[_DiagrammableFactoryT], _DiagrammableFactoryT]: ... @classmethod @overload def register_special_box( cls, name: str, diagram_factory: _DiagrammableFactory ) -> None: ...
[docs] @classmethod def register_special_box( cls, name: str, diagram_factory: _DiagrammableFactory | None = None ) -> None | Callable[[_DiagrammableFactoryT], _DiagrammableFactoryT]: def set_( diagram_factory: _DiagrammableFactoryT ) -> _DiagrammableFactoryT: cls.special_boxes[name] = diagram_factory return diagram_factory if diagram_factory is None: return set_ else: set_(diagram_factory) return None
def __repr__(self) -> str: if self.is_id: return f'Id({repr(self.dom)})' else: return ' >> '.join(map(repr, self.layers)) def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(repr(self))
[docs] @classmethod def fa(cls, left, right) -> Self: return @ cls.cups(right.l, right)
[docs] @classmethod def ba(cls, left, right) -> Self: return, left.r),
[docs] @classmethod def fc(cls, left, middle, right) -> Self: return @ cls.cups(middle.l, middle) @
[docs] @classmethod def bc(cls, left, middle, right) -> Self: return @ cls.cups(middle, middle.r) @
[docs] @classmethod def fx(cls, left, middle, right) -> Self: return ( @ cls.swap(middle.l, right.r) @ >> cls.swap(left, right.r) @ cls.cups(middle.l, middle))
[docs] @classmethod def bx(cls, left, middle, right) -> Self: return ( @ cls.swap(left.l, middle.r) @ >> cls.cups(middle, middle.r) @ cls.swap(left.l, right))
[docs] @classmethod def caps(cls, left: Ty, right: Ty, is_reversed=False) -> Diagrammable: return cls.special_boxes['cap'](left, right, is_reversed)
[docs] @classmethod def cups(cls, left: Ty, right: Ty, is_reversed=False) -> Diagrammable: return cls.special_boxes['cup'](left, right, is_reversed)
[docs] @classmethod def swap(cls, left: Ty, right: Ty) -> Diagrammable: return cls.special_boxes['swap'](left, right)
[docs] def to_diagram(self) -> Self: return self
[docs] @classmethod def id(cls, dom: Ty | None = None) -> Self: if dom is None: dom = cls.category.Ty() return cls(dom=dom, cod=dom, layers=[])
@property def is_id(self) -> bool: return not self.layers @property def boxes(self) -> list[Box]: return [ for layer in self.layers]
[docs] @classmethod def create_pregroup_diagram( cls, words: list[Word], morphisms: list[tuple[type, int, int]] ) -> Self: """Create a :py:class:`~.Diagram` from cups and swaps. >>> n, s = Ty('n'), Ty('s') >>> words = [Word('she', n), Word('goes', n.r @ s @ n.l), ... Word('home', n)] >>> morphs = [(Cup, 0, 1), (Cup, 3, 4)] >>> diagram = Diagram.create_pregroup_diagram(words, morphs) Parameters ---------- words : list of :py:class:`~lambeq.backend.Word` A list of :py:class:`~lambeq.backend.Word` s corresponding to the words of the sentence. morphisms: list of tuple[type, int, int] A list of tuples of the form: (morphism, start_wire_idx, end_wire_idx). Morphisms can be :py:class:`~lambeq.backend.Cup` s or :py:class:`~lambeq.backend.Swap` s, while the two numbers define the indices of the wires on which the morphism is applied. Returns ------- :py:class:`~lambeq.backend.Diagram` The generated pregroup diagram. Raises ------ ValueError If the provided morphism list does not type-check properly. """ types: Ty = cls.category.Ty() boxes: list[Word] = [] offsets: list[int] = [] for w in words: boxes.append(w) offsets.append(len(types)) types @= w.cod for idx, (typ, start, end) in enumerate(morphisms): if typ not in (Cup, Swap): raise ValueError(f'Unknown morphism type: {typ}') box = typ(types[start:start+1], types[end:end+1]) boxes.append(box) actual_idx = start for pr_idx in range(idx): if (morphisms[pr_idx][0] == Cup and morphisms[pr_idx][1] < start): actual_idx -= 2 offsets.append(actual_idx) boxes_and_offsets = list(zip(boxes, offsets)) diagram = for box, offset in boxes_and_offsets: left = diagram.cod[:offset] right = diagram.cod[offset + len(box.dom):] diagram = diagram >> @ box @ return diagram
@property def is_pregroup(self) -> bool: """Check if a diagram is a pregroup diagram. Adapted from :py:class:`discopy.grammar.pregroup.draw`. Returns ------- bool Whether the diagram is a pregroup diagram. """ if self.dom: # pregroup diagrams must have empty domain return False in_words = True for layer in self.layers: if in_words and isinstance(, Word): if not layer.right.is_empty: return False else: if not isinstance(, (Cup, Swap)): return False in_words = False return True
[docs] @classmethod def lift(cls, diagrams: Iterable[Diagrammable | Ty]) -> list[Self]: """Lift diagrams to the current category. Given a list of boxes or diagrams, call `to_diagram` on each, then check all of the diagrams are in the same category as the calling class. Parameters ---------- diagrams : iterable The diagrams to lift and check. Returns ------- list of Diagram The diagrams after calling `to_diagram` on each. Raises ------ ValueError If any of the diagrams are not in the same category of the calling class. """ try: diags = [diagram.to_diagram() for diagram in diagrams] except AttributeError as e: raise ValueError from e if any(not isinstance(diagram, cls) or cls.category != diagram.category for diagram in diags): raise ValueError return diags # type: ignore[return-value]
[docs] def tensor(self, *diagrams: Diagrammable | Ty) -> Self: try: diags = self.lift([self, *diagrams]) except ValueError: return NotImplemented right = dom = self.dom.tensor(*[ diagram.to_diagram().dom for diagram in diagrams ]) left = self.category.Ty() layers = [] for diagram in diags: right = right[len(diagram.dom):] layers += [layer.extend(left, right) for layer in diagram.layers] left @= diagram.cod return type(self)(dom=dom, cod=left, layers=layers)
def __matmul__(self, rhs: Diagrammable | Ty) -> Self: return self.tensor(rhs) def __rmatmul__(self, rhs: Diagrammable | Ty) -> Diagram: return rhs.to_diagram().tensor(self) @property def offsets(self) -> list[int]: """The offset of a box is the length of the type on its left.""" return [len(layer.left) for layer in self.layers] def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Layer]: yield from self.layers def __len__(self) -> int: return len(self.layers) def __getitem__(self, key: int | slice) -> Self: if isinstance(key, slice): if key.step == -1: layers = [layer.dagger() for layer in self.layers[key]] return type(self)(self.cod, self.dom, layers) if (key.step or 1) != 1: raise IndexError layers = self.layers[key] if not layers: if (key.start or 0) >= len(self): return if (key.start or 0) <= -len(self): return return[key.start or 0].dom) return type(self)( layers[0].dom, layers[-1].cod, layers) if isinstance(key, int): if key >= len(self) or key < -len(self): raise IndexError if key < 0: return self[len(self) + key] return self[key:key + 1] raise TypeError
[docs] def then(self, *diagrams: Diagrammable) -> Self: try: diags = self.lift(diagrams) except ValueError: return NotImplemented layers = [*self.layers] cod = self.cod for n, diagram in enumerate(diags): if diagram.dom != cod: raise ValueError(f'Diagram {n} (cod={cod}) does not compose ' f'with diagram {n+1} (dom={diagram.dom})') cod = diagram.cod layers.extend(diagram.layers) return type(self)(dom=self.dom, cod=cod, layers=layers)
[docs] def then_at(self, diagram: Diagrammable, index: int) -> Self: return (self >> ([:index]) @ diagram @[index+len(diagram.dom):])))
def __rshift__(self, rhs: Diagrammable) -> Self: return self.then(rhs)
[docs] def rotate(self, z: int) -> Self: """Rotate the diagram.""" return type(self)(dom=self.dom.rotate(z), cod=self.cod.rotate(z), layers=[layer.rotate(z) for layer in self.layers])
@property def l(self) -> Self: # noqa: E741, E743 return self.rotate(-1) @property def r(self) -> Self: return self.rotate(1)
[docs] def dagger(self) -> Self: if self.is_id: return self else: return type(self)(dom=self.cod, cod=self.dom, layers=[replace(layer, for layer in reversed(self.layers)])
[docs] def transpose(self, left: bool = False) -> Self: """Construct the diagrammatic transpose. The transpose of any diagram in a category with cups and caps can be constructed as follows: .. code-block:: console (default) Left transpose Right transpose │╭╮ ╭╮│ │█│ │█│ ╰╯│ │╰╯ The input and output types of the transposed diagram are the adjoints of the respective types of the original diagram. This means that for diagrams with composite types, the order of the objects are reversed. Parameters ---------- left : bool, default: False Whether to transpose to the diagram to the left. Returns ------- Diagram The transposed diagram, constructed as shown above. """ Cap = self.category.Diagram.special_boxes['cap'] Cup = self.category.Diagram.special_boxes['cup'] Id = if left: top_layer = Id(self.cod.l) @ Cap(self.dom, self.dom.l) mid_layer = Id(self.cod.l) @ self @ Id(self.dom.l) bot_layer = Cup(self.cod.l, self.cod) @ Id(self.dom.l) else: top_layer = Cap(self.dom.r, self.dom) # type: ignore[assignment] top_layer @= Id(self.cod.r) mid_layer = Id(self.dom.r) @ self @ Id(self.cod.r) bot_layer = Id(self.dom.r) @ Cup(self.cod, self.cod.r) return top_layer >> mid_layer >> bot_layer
[docs] def curry(self, n: int = 1, left: bool = True) -> Self: """ """ Cap = self.category.Diagram.special_boxes['cap'] Id = if left: base, exponent = self.dom[:-n], self.dom[-n:] return (Id(base) @ Cap(exponent, exponent.l) >> self @ Id(exponent.l)) else: base, exponent = self.dom[n:], self.dom[:n] return (Cap(exponent.r, exponent) @ Id(base) # type: ignore[return-value] # noqa: E501 >> Id(exponent.r) @ self)
[docs] @classmethod def permutation(cls, dom: Ty, permutation: Iterable[int]) -> Self: """Create a layer of Swaps that permutes the wires.""" permutation = list(permutation) if not (len(permutation) == len(dom) and set(permutation) == set(range(len(dom)))): raise ValueError('Invalid permutation for type of length ' f'{len(dom)}: {permutation}') wire_index = [*range(len(dom))] diagram = for out_index in range(len(dom) - 1): in_index = wire_index[permutation[out_index]] assert in_index >= out_index for i in reversed(range(out_index, in_index)): diagram >>= ([:i])
[docs] @ cls.special_boxes['swap'](*diagram.cod[i:i+2]) @[i+2:]) ) for i in range(permutation[out_index]): wire_index[i] += 1 return diagram
def permuted(self, permutation: Iterable[int]) -> Self: return self >> self.permutation(self.cod, permutation)
[docs] def pregroup_normal_form(self): """ Applies normal form to a pregroup diagram of the form ``word @ ... @ word >> wires`` by normalising words and wires seperately before combining them, so it can be drawn with :meth:`draw`. """ words = Id() is_pregroup = True for _, box, right in self: if isinstance(box, Word): if right: # word boxes should be tensored left to right. is_pregroup = False break words = words @ box else: break wires = self[len(words):] is_pregroup = is_pregroup and all( isinstance(box, (Cup, Cap, Swap)) for box in wires.boxes) if not is_pregroup or not words.cod: return self.normal_form() return words.normal_form() >> wires.normal_form()
[docs] def normal_form(self, left: bool = False) -> Diagram: """ Returns the normal form of a connected diagram, see arXiv:1804.07832. Parameters ---------- left : bool, optional Whether to apply left interchangers. Raises ------ NotImplementedError Whenever :code:`normalizer` yields the same rewrite steps twice. """ from lambeq.backend.snake_removal import snake_removal diagram, cache = self, set() for _diagram in snake_removal(diagram, left=left): if _diagram in cache: raise NotImplementedError(f'{str(self)} is not connected.') diagram = _diagram cache.add(diagram) return diagram
[docs] def draw(self, draw_as_pregroup=True, **kwargs: Any) -> None: """Draw the diagram. Parameters ---------- draw_as_pregroup : bool, optional Whether to try drawing the diagram as a pregroup diagram, default is `True`. draw_as_nodes : bool, optional Whether to draw boxes as nodes, default is `False`. color : string, optional Color of the box or node, default is white (`'#ffffff'`) for boxes and red (`'#ff0000'`) for nodes. textpad : pair of floats, optional Padding between text and wires, default is `(0.1, 0.1)`. draw_type_labels : bool, optional Whether to draw type labels, default is `False`. draw_box_labels : bool, optional Whether to draw box labels, default is `True`. aspect : string, optional Aspect ratio, one of `['auto', 'equal']`. margins : tuple, optional Margins, default is `(0.05, 0.05)`. nodesize : float, optional BoxNode size for spiders and controlled gates. fontsize : int, optional Font size for the boxes, default is `12`. fontsize_types : int, optional Font size for the types, default is `12`. figsize : tuple, optional Figure size. path : str, optional Where to save the image, if `None` we call ``. to_tikz : bool, optional Whether to output tikz code instead of matplotlib. asymmetry : float, optional Make a box and its dagger mirror images, default is `.25 * any(box.is_dagger for box in diagram.boxes)`. """ if draw_as_pregroup and self.is_pregroup: from lambeq.backend.drawing import draw_pregroup draw_pregroup(self, **kwargs) else: from lambeq.backend.drawing import draw draw(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def render_as_str(self, **kwargs: Any) -> str: """Render the diagram as text. Presently only implemented for pregroup diagrams. Parameters ---------- word_spacing : int, default: 2 The number of spaces between the words of the diagrams. use_at_separator : bool, default: False Whether to represent types using @ as the monoidal product. Otherwise, use the unicode dot character. compress_layers : bool, default: True Whether to draw boxes in the same layer when they can occur simultaneously, otherwise, draw one box per layer. use_ascii: bool, default: False Whether to draw using ASCII characters only, for compatibility reasons. Returns ------- str Drawing of diagram in string format. """ from lambeq.backend.drawing import render_as_str return render_as_str(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def apply_functor(self, functor: Functor) -> Diagram: assert not self.is_id diagram = functor( for layer in self.layers: left, box, right = layer.unpack() diagram >>= (functor(
[docs] @ functor(box).to_diagram() @ functor( return diagram
@classmethod def from_json(cls, data: _JSONDictT | str) -> Self: """Decode a JSON object or string into a :py:class:`~lambeq.backend.Diagram`. Returns ------- :py:class:`~lambeq.backend.Diagram` The diagram generated from the JSON data. """ data_dict = json.loads(data) if isinstance(data, str) else data _, _ = data_dict.pop('category', None), data_dict.pop('entity') data_dict['dom'] = cls.category.Ty.from_json(data_dict['dom']) data_dict['cod'] = cls.category.Ty.from_json(data_dict['cod']) data_dict['layers'] = [cls.category.Layer.from_json(layer_data) for layer_data in data_dict['layers']] return cls(**data_dict)
[docs] def to_json(self, is_top_level: bool = True) -> _JSONDictT: """Encode this diagram to a JSON object. Parameters ---------- is_top_level : bool, optional This flag indicates that this object is the top-most object and should have the global metadata (e.g. category). This should be set to `False` when calling `to_json` on attribute instances to avoid duplication of said global metadata. """ data_dict: _JSONDictT = {'entity': self.__class__.__name__} for attr in ('dom', 'cod'): data_dict[attr] = getattr(self, attr).to_json(is_top_level=False) data_dict['layers'] = [layer.to_json(is_top_level=False) for layer in self.layers] if is_top_level: data_dict['category'] = return data_dict
[docs] def to_discopy(self) -> 'discopy.monoidal.Diagram': """Export lambeq diagram to discopy diagram. Returns ------- :class:`discopy.monoidal.Diagram` """ from lambeq.backend.converters.discopy import to_discopy return to_discopy(self)
[docs] @classmethod def from_discopy(cls, diagram: 'discopy.monoidal.Diagram') -> Diagram: """Import discopy diagram to lambeq diagram. Parameters ---------- diagram : :class:`discopy.monoidal.Diagram` """ from lambeq.backend.converters.discopy import from_discopy return from_discopy(diagram)
[docs] @Diagram.register_special_box('cap') @dataclass class Cap(Box): """The unit of the adjunction for an atomic type. Parameters ---------- left : Ty The type of the left output. right : Ty The type of the right output. is_reversed : bool, default: False Whether the cap is reversed or not. Normally, caps only allow outputs where `right` is the left adjoint of `left`. However, to facilitate operations like `dagger`, we pass in a flag that indicates that the inputs are the opposite way round, which initialises a reversed cap. Then, when a cap is adjointed, it turns into a reversed cap, which can be adjointed again to turn it back into a normal cap. """ left: Ty right: Ty is_reversed: InitVar[bool] = False name: str = field(init=False) dom: Ty = field(init=False) cod: Ty = field(init=False) z: int = field(init=False) def __post_init__(self, is_reversed: bool) -> None: if not self.left.is_atomic or not self.right.is_atomic: raise ValueError('left and right need to be atomic types.') self._check_adjoint(self.left, self.right, is_reversed) = 'CAP' self.dom = self.category.Ty() self.cod = self.left @ self.right self.z = int(is_reversed) @staticmethod def _check_adjoint(left: Ty, right: Ty, is_reversed: bool) -> None: if is_reversed: if left != right.l: raise ValueError('left and right need to be adjoints') else: if left != right.r: raise ValueError('left and right need to be adjoints') def __new__(cls, # type: ignore[misc] left: Ty, right: Ty, is_reversed: bool = False) -> Diagrammable: if left.is_atomic and right.is_atomic: return super().__new__(cls) else: cls._check_adjoint(left, right, is_reversed) diagram = for i, (l_ob, r_ob) in enumerate(zip(left, reversed(right))): diagram = diagram.then_at(cls(l_ob, r_ob), i) return diagram def __reduce__(self): return (self.__class__, (self.left, self.right, bool(self.z % 2))) def __deepcopy__(self, memo) -> Self: left_copy = deepcopy(self.left, memo) right_copy = deepcopy(self.right, memo) return type(self)(left_copy, right_copy, bool(self.z % 2))
[docs] @classmethod def to_right(cls, left: Ty, is_reversed: bool = False) -> Self | Diagram: return cls(left, left.r if is_reversed else left.l)
[docs] @classmethod def to_left(cls, right: Ty, is_reversed: bool = False) -> Self | Diagram: return cls(right.l if is_reversed else right.r, right)
[docs] def rotate(self, z: int) -> Self: """Rotate the cap.""" if z % 2 == 1: left, right = self.right, self.left else: left, right = self.left, self.right is_reversed = (self.z + z) % 2 == 1 return type(self)(left.rotate(z), right.rotate(z), is_reversed=is_reversed)
[docs] def dagger(self) -> Cup: Cup = self.category.Diagram.special_boxes['cup'] return Cup(self.left, # type: ignore[return-value] self.right, is_reversed=not self.z)
[docs] def apply_functor(self, functor: Functor) -> Diagrammable: return functor.target_category.Diagram.special_boxes['cap']( functor(self.left), functor(self.right), is_reversed=bool(self.z) )
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, data: _JSONDictT | str) -> Self: data_dict = json.loads(data) if isinstance(data, str) else data _, _ = data_dict.pop('category', None), data_dict.pop('entity') data_dict['left'] = cls.category.Ty.from_json(data_dict['left']) data_dict['right'] = cls.category.Ty.from_json(data_dict['right']) return cls(**data_dict)
[docs] def to_json(self, is_top_level: bool = True) -> _JSONDictT: data_dict: _JSONDictT = {'entity': self.__class__.__name__, 'is_reversed': bool(self.z)} for attr in ('left', 'right'): data_dict[attr] = getattr(self, attr).to_json(is_top_level=False) if is_top_level: data_dict['category'] = return data_dict
__repr__ = Box.__repr__ __hash__ = Box.__hash__
[docs] @Diagram.register_special_box('cup') @dataclass class Cup(Box): """The counit of the adjunction for an atomic type. Parameters ---------- left : Ty The type of the left output. right : Ty The type of the right output. is_reversed : bool, default: False Whether the cup is reversed or not. Normally, cups only allow inputs where `right` is the right adjoint of `left`. However, to facilitate operations like `dagger`, we pass in a flag that indicates that the inputs are the opposite way round, which initialises a reversed cup. Then, when a cup is adjointed, it turns into a reversed cup, which can be adjointed again to turn it back into a normal cup. """ left: Ty right: Ty is_reversed: InitVar[bool] = False name: str = field(init=False) dom: Ty = field(init=False) cod: Ty = field(init=False) z: int = field(init=False) def __post_init__(self, is_reversed: bool) -> None: if not self.left.is_atomic or not self.right.is_atomic: raise ValueError('left and right need to be atomic types.') self._check_adjoint(self.left, self.right, is_reversed) = 'CUP' self.dom = self.left @ self.right self.cod = self.category.Ty() self.z = int(is_reversed) @staticmethod def _check_adjoint(left: Ty, right: Ty, is_reversed: bool) -> None: if is_reversed: if left != right.r: raise ValueError('left and right need to be adjoints') else: if left != right.l: raise ValueError('left and right need to be adjoints') def __new__(cls, # type: ignore[misc] left: Ty, right: Ty, is_reversed: bool = False) -> Diagrammable: if left.is_atomic and right.is_atomic: return super().__new__(cls) else: cls._check_adjoint(left, right, is_reversed) diagram = @ right) for i, (l_ob, r_ob) in enumerate(zip(reversed(left), right)): diagram = diagram.then_at(cls(l_ob, r_ob), len(left) - 1 - i) return diagram def __reduce__(self): return (self.__class__, (self.left, self.right, bool(self.z % 2))) def __deepcopy__(self, memo) -> Self: left_copy = deepcopy(self.left, memo) right_copy = deepcopy(self.right, memo) return type(self)(left_copy, right_copy, bool(self.z % 2))
[docs] @classmethod def to_right(cls, left: Ty, is_reversed: bool = False) -> Self | Diagram: return cls(left, left.l if is_reversed else left.r)
[docs] @classmethod def to_left(cls, right: Ty, is_reversed: bool = False) -> Self | Diagram: return cls(right.r if is_reversed else right.l, right)
[docs] def rotate(self, z: int) -> Self: """Rotate the cup.""" if z % 2 == 1: left, right = self.right, self.left else: left, right = self.left, self.right is_reversed = (self.z + z) % 2 == 1 return type(self)(left.rotate(z), right.rotate(z), is_reversed=is_reversed)
[docs] def dagger(self) -> Cap: Cap = self.category.Diagram.special_boxes['cap'] return Cap( # type: ignore[return-value] self.left, self.right, is_reversed=not self.z )
[docs] def apply_functor(self, functor: Functor) -> Diagrammable: return functor.target_category.Diagram.special_boxes['cup']( functor(self.left), functor(self.right), is_reversed=bool(self.z) )
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, data: _JSONDictT | str) -> Self: data_dict = json.loads(data) if isinstance(data, str) else data _, _ = data_dict.pop('category', None), data_dict.pop('entity') data_dict['left'] = cls.category.Ty.from_json(data_dict['left']) data_dict['right'] = cls.category.Ty.from_json(data_dict['right']) return cls(**data_dict)
[docs] def to_json(self, is_top_level: bool = True) -> _JSONDictT: data_dict: _JSONDictT = {'entity': self.__class__.__name__, 'is_reversed': bool(self.z)} for attr in ('left', 'right'): data_dict[attr] = getattr(self, attr).to_json(is_top_level=False) if is_top_level: data_dict['category'] = return data_dict
__repr__ = Box.__repr__ __hash__ = Box.__hash__
[docs] @dataclass class Daggered(Box): """A daggered box. Parameters ---------- box : Box The box to be daggered. """ box: Box name: str = field(init=False) dom: Ty = field(init=False) cod: Ty = field(init=False) z: int = field(init=False) def __post_init__(self) -> None: = + '†' self.dom = self.cod = self.z =
[docs] def rotate(self, z: int) -> Self: """Rotate the daggered box.""" return type(self)(
[docs] def dagger(self) -> Box: return
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, data: _JSONDictT | str) -> Self: data_dict = json.loads(data) if isinstance(data, str) else data _, _ = data_dict.pop('category', None), data_dict.pop('entity') box = cls.category.Box.from_json(data_dict['box']) return box.dagger() # type: ignore[return-value]
[docs] def to_json(self, is_top_level: bool = True) -> _JSONDictT: data_dict: _JSONDictT = { 'entity': self.__class__.__name__, 'box':, } if is_top_level: data_dict['category'] = return data_dict
__repr__ = Box.__repr__ __hash__ = Box.__hash__
[docs] @Diagram.register_special_box('spider') @dataclass class Spider(Box): """A spider in the grammar category. Parameters ---------- type : Ty The atomic type of the spider. n_legs_in : int The number of input legs. n_legs_out : int The number of output legs. """ type: Ty n_legs_in: int n_legs_out: int name: str = field(init=False) dom: Ty = field(init=False) cod: Ty = field(init=False) z: int = field(default=0, init=False) def __post_init__(self) -> None: if not self.type.is_atomic: raise TypeError('Spider type needs to be atomic.') = 'SPIDER' self.dom = self.type ** self.n_legs_in self.cod = self.type ** self.n_legs_out def __new__(cls, # type: ignore[misc] type: Ty, n_legs_in: int, n_legs_out: int) -> Diagrammable: if type.is_atomic: return super().__new__(cls) else: size = len(type) total_legs_in = size * n_legs_in return ( cls.category.Diagram.permutation( type ** n_legs_in, [j for i in range(size) for j in range(i, total_legs_in, size)] ) >> *(cls(ob, n_legs_in, n_legs_out) for ob in type) ).permuted([ j for i in range(n_legs_out) for j in range(i, len(type) * n_legs_out, n_legs_out) ]) ) def __reduce__(self): return (self.__class__, (self.type, self.n_legs_in, self.n_legs_out)) def __deepcopy__(self, memo) -> Self: typ = deepcopy(self.type, memo) n_legs_in = deepcopy(self.n_legs_in, memo) n_legs_out = deepcopy(self.n_legs_out) return type(self)(typ, n_legs_in, n_legs_out)
[docs] def rotate(self, z: int) -> Self: """Rotate the spider.""" return type(self)(self.type.rotate(z), len(self.dom), len(self.cod))
[docs] def dagger(self) -> Self: return type(self)(self.type, self.n_legs_out, self.n_legs_in)
[docs] def apply_functor(self, functor: Functor) -> Diagrammable: return functor.target_category.Diagram.special_boxes['spider']( functor(self.type), self.n_legs_in, self.n_legs_out )
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, data: _JSONDictT | str) -> Self: data_dict = json.loads(data) if isinstance(data, str) else data _, _ = data_dict.pop('category', None), data_dict.pop('entity') data_dict['type'] = cls.category.Ty.from_json(data_dict['type']) return cls(**data_dict)
[docs] def to_json(self, is_top_level: bool = True) -> _JSONDictT: data_dict: _JSONDictT = { 'entity': self.__class__.__name__, 'type': self.type.to_json(is_top_level=False), 'n_legs_in': self.n_legs_in, 'n_legs_out': self.n_legs_out } if is_top_level: data_dict['category'] = return data_dict
__repr__ = Box.__repr__ __hash__ = Box.__hash__
[docs] @Diagram.register_special_box('swap') @dataclass class Swap(Box): """A swap in the grammar category. Swaps two wires. Parameters ---------- left : Ty The atomic type of the left input wire. right : Ty The atomic type of the right input wire. """ left: Ty right: Ty name: str = field(init=False) dom: Ty = field(init=False) cod: Ty = field(init=False) z: int = field(default=0, init=False) def __post_init__(self) -> None: if not self.left.is_atomic or not self.right.is_atomic: raise ValueError('Types need to be atomic') = 'SWAP' self.dom = self.left @ self.right self.cod = self.right @ self.left def __new__(cls, # type: ignore[misc] left: Ty, right: Ty) -> Swap | Diagram: if left.is_atomic and right.is_atomic: return super().__new__(cls) else: diagram = @ right) for start, ob in enumerate(right): for i in reversed(range(len(left))): diagram = diagram.then_at(cls(left[i], ob), start + i) return diagram def __reduce__(self): return (self.__class__, (self.left, self.right)) def __deepcopy__(self, memo) -> Self: left_copy = deepcopy(self.left, memo) right_copy = deepcopy(self.right, memo) return type(self)(left_copy, right_copy)
[docs] def rotate(self, z: int) -> Self: """Rotate the swap.""" if z % 2 == 1: left, right = self.right, self.left else: left, right = self.left, self.right return type(self)(left.rotate(z), right.rotate(z))
[docs] def dagger(self) -> Self: return type(self)(self.right, self.left)
[docs] def apply_functor(self, functor: Functor) -> Diagrammable: return functor.target_category.Diagram.special_boxes['swap']( functor(self.left), functor(self.right) )
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, data: _JSONDictT | str) -> Self: data_dict = json.loads(data) if isinstance(data, str) else data _, _ = data_dict.pop('category', None), data_dict.pop('entity') data_dict['left'] = cls.category.Ty.from_json(data_dict['left']) data_dict['right'] = cls.category.Ty.from_json(data_dict['right']) return cls(**data_dict)
[docs] def to_json(self, is_top_level: bool = True) -> _JSONDictT: data_dict: _JSONDictT = {'entity': self.__class__.__name__} for attr in ('left', 'right'): data_dict[attr] = getattr(self, attr).to_json(is_top_level=False) if is_top_level: data_dict['category'] = return data_dict
__repr__ = Box.__repr__ __hash__ = Box.__hash__
[docs] @dataclass class Word(Box): """A word in the grammar category. A word is a :py:class:`~.Box` with an empty domain. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the word. cod : Ty The codomain of the word. z : int, optional The winding number of the word, by default 0 """ name: str cod: Ty dom: Ty = field(init=False) def __post_init__(self) -> None: self.dom = self.category.Ty() def __repr__(self) -> str: return f'Word({}, {repr(self.cod), {repr(self.z)}})' def __hash__(self) -> int: return hash(repr(self))
[docs] def rotate(self, z: int) -> Self: """Rotate the Word box, changing the winding number.""" return type(self)(, self.cod.rotate(z), self.z + z)
[docs] def dagger(self) -> Daggered: return Daggered(self)
[docs] @classmethod def from_json(cls, data: _JSONDictT | str) -> Self: data_dict = json.loads(data) if isinstance(data, str) else data _, _ = data_dict.pop('category', None), data_dict.pop('entity') data_dict['cod'] = cls.category.Ty.from_json(data_dict['cod']) return cls(**data_dict)
[docs] def to_json(self, is_top_level: bool = True) -> _JSONDictT: data_dict: _JSONDictT = { 'entity': self.__class__.__name__, 'name':, 'cod': self.cod.to_json(is_top_level=False), 'z': self.z, } if is_top_level: data_dict['category'] = return data_dict
Id =
[docs] @dataclass(init=False) class Functor: """A functor that maps between categories. Parameters ---------- target_category : Category The category to which the functor maps. ob : callable, optional A function that maps types to types, by default None ar : callable, optional A function that maps boxes to Diagrammables, by default None Examples -------- >>> n = Ty('n') >>> diag = Cap(n, n.l) @ Id(n) >> Id(n) @ Cup(n.l, n) >>> diag.draw( ... figsize=(2, 2), path='./snake.png') .. image:: ./_static/images/snake.png :align: center >>> F = Functor(grammar, lambda _, ty : ty @ ty) >>> F(diag).draw( ... figsize=(2, 2), path='./snake-2.png') .. image:: ./_static/images/snake-2.png :align: center """ target_category: Category
[docs] def __init__( self, target_category: Category, ob: Callable[[Functor, Ty], Ty], ar: Callable[[Functor, Box], Diagrammable] | None = None ) -> None: self.target_category = target_category self.custom_ob = ob self.custom_ar = ar self.ob_cache: dict[Ty, Ty] = {} self.ar_cache: dict[Diagrammable, Diagrammable] = {}
@overload def __call__(self, entity: Ty) -> Ty: ... @overload def __call__(self, entity: Box) -> Diagrammable: ... @overload def __call__(self, entity: Diagram) -> Diagram: ... @overload def __call__(self, entity: Diagrammable) -> Diagrammable: ...
[docs] def __call__(self, entity: Ty | Diagrammable) -> Ty | Diagrammable: """Apply the functor to a type or a diagrammable. Parameters ---------- entity : Ty or Diagrammable The type or diagrammable to which the functor is applied. """ if isinstance(entity, Ty): return self.ob_with_cache(entity) else: return self.ar_with_cache(entity)
[docs] def ob_with_cache(self, ob: Ty) -> Ty: """Apply the functor to a type, caching the result.""" try: return deepcopy(self.ob_cache[ob]) except KeyError: pass if ob.is_empty: ret = self.target_category.Ty() else: ret = ob.apply_functor(self) self.ob_cache[ob] = ret return ret
[docs] def ar_with_cache(self, ar: Diagrammable) -> Diagrammable: """Apply the functor to a diagrammable, caching the result.""" try: return deepcopy(self.ar_cache[ar]) except KeyError: pass if not ar.is_id: ret = ar.apply_functor(self) else: ret = self.ar_cache[ar] = ret cod_check = self.ob_with_cache(ar.cod) dom_check = self.ob_with_cache(ar.dom) if ret.cod != cod_check or ret.dom != dom_check: raise TypeError(f'The arrow is ill-defined. Applying the functor ' f'to a box returns dom = {ret.dom}, cod = ' f'{ret.cod} expected dom = {dom_check}, cod = ' f'{cod_check}') return ret
[docs] def ob(self, ob: Ty) -> Ty: """Apply the functor to a type.""" if self.custom_ob is None: raise AttributeError('Specify a custom ob function if you want to ' 'use the functor on types.') return self.custom_ob(self, ob)
[docs] def ar(self, ar: Box) -> Diagrammable: """Apply the functor to a box.""" if self.custom_ar is None: raise AttributeError('Specify a custom ar function if you want to ' 'use the functor on boxes.') return self.custom_ar(self, ar)