# Copyright 2021-2024 Cambridge Quantum Computing Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import annotations
__all__ = ['Atom', 'Feature', 'Relation', 'Category']
from collections.abc import Mapping
from dataclasses import dataclass
import re
from typing import Any, ClassVar, TYPE_CHECKING
from lambeq.bobcat.fast_int_enum import FastIntEnum
class Atom(FastIntEnum):
"""The possible atomic types for a category."""
values = ['', 'N', 'NP', 'S', 'PP', 'conj', ',', ';', ':', '.', 'LQU',
'RQU', 'LRB', 'RRB']
names = ['NONE', 'N', 'NP', 'S', 'PP', 'CONJ', 'COMMA', 'SEMICOLON',
is_punct: bool
for atom in Atom._member_map_.values():
from typing import cast
atom = cast(Atom, atom)
atom.is_punct = atom >= Atom.COMMA
class Feature(FastIntEnum):
"""The possible features for a category."""
values = ['', 'X', 'adj', 'as', 'asup', 'b', 'bem', 'dcl', 'em', 'expl',
'for', 'frg', 'intj', 'inv', 'nb', 'ng', 'num', 'poss', 'pss',
'pt', 'q', 'qem', 'thr', 'to', 'wq']
names = ['NONE']
def is_free(self) -> bool:
return self in (Feature.NONE, Feature.X)
class Relation:
category: str
slot: int
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f'{self.category} {self.slot}'
CONJ: ClassVar[Relation]
Relation.CONJ = Relation('conj', 1)
class Category:
r"""The type of a constituent in a CCG.
A category may be atomic (e.g. N) or complex (e.g. S/NP).
# atomic arguments
atom: Atom = Atom.NONE
feature: Feature = Feature.NONE
# shared arguments
var: int = 0
relation: Relation | None = None
# complex arguments
dir: str = '\0'
result: Category | None = None
argument: Category | None = None
# in type raised categories only
type_raising_dep_var: int = 0
def __post_init__(self) -> None:
self.atomic = self.dir == '\0'
self.complex = not self.atomic
self.hash = self._hash()
self.vars = set()
if self.var:
if self.complex:
self.vars.update(self.argument.vars, self.result.vars)
def slash(self,
dir: str,
argument: Category,
var: int = 0,
relation: Relation | None = None,
type_raising_dep_var: int = 0) -> Category:
"""Create a complex category."""
return Category(Atom.NONE,
def translate(self,
var_map: Mapping[int, int],
feature: Feature = Feature.NONE) -> Category:
"""Translate a category.
var_map : dict of int to int
A mapping to relabel variable slots.
feature : Feature, optional
The concrete feature for variable features.
new_var = var_map[self.var]
if self.atomic:
if self.feature == Feature.X and feature != Feature.NONE:
new_feature = feature
new_feature = self.feature
return Category(self.atom, new_feature, new_var, self.relation)
result = self.result.translate(var_map, feature)
argument = self.argument.translate(var_map, feature)
return result.slash(self.dir, argument, new_var, self.relation)
def _str(self,
full: bool = False,
slot_counter: int = 0) -> tuple[str, int]: # pragma: no cover
"""Helper function to stringify a Category."""
if self.atomic:
output = f'{self.atom}'
if self.feature != Feature.NONE:
output += f'[{self.feature}]'
strings = []
for cat in (self.result, self.argument):
string, slot_counter = cat._str(full, slot_counter)
if cat.complex and not string.endswith(('}', '>')):
string = f'({string})'
output = f'{strings[0]}{self.dir}{strings[1]}'
if full and (self.var or self.relation):
if self.complex:
output = f'({output})'
if self.var:
output += f'{{{VARIABLES[self.var]}}}'
if self.relation:
slot_counter += 1
output += f'<{slot_counter}>'
return output, slot_counter
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return self._str(full=True)[0]
def __str__(self) -> str:
return self._str()[0]
def _hash(self) -> int:
"""Helper function to hash a Category."""
t: tuple[Any, ...]
if self.atomic:
t = (self.atom,
Feature.NONE if self.feature == Feature.X else self.feature)
t = (self.result, self.argument, self.dir)
return hash(t)
def __hash__(self) -> int:
return self.hash
def _equals(self, other: Category) -> bool:
"""Helper function to test Category equality."""
if self.hash != other.hash:
return False
if self.atomic:
return (self.atom == other.atom
and (self.feature == other.feature
or (self.atom == Atom.S
and self.feature.is_free
and other.feature.is_free)))
return (self.dir == other.dir
and self.result._equals(other.result)
and self.argument._equals(other.argument))
def __eq__(self, other: Any) -> bool:
return (self is other
or isinstance(other, Category) and self._equals(other))
def _matches(self, other: Category) -> bool:
"""Helper function to test Category pattern matching."""
if self.atomic:
return (self.atom == other.atom
and self.feature in (Feature.NONE, other.feature))
return (self.dir == other.dir
and self.result._matches(other.result)
and self.argument._matches(other.argument))
def matches(self, other: Any) -> bool:
"""Check if the template set out in this matches the argument.
Like == but the NONE feature matches with everything.
return (self is other
or isinstance(other, Category) and self._matches(other))
def bwd(self) -> bool:
"""Whether this is a backward complex category."""
return self.dir == '\\'
def fwd(self) -> bool:
"""Whether this is a forward complex category."""
return self.dir == '/'
def parse(string: str, type_raising_dep_var: str = '+') -> Category:
"""Parse a category string."""
return parse(string, type_raising_dep_var)
VAR_SLOT_REGEX = re.compile(r'(\{(?P<var>[_A-Z]+)\*?})?'
r'(<(?P<slot>\d+)>)?', re.VERBOSE)
CAT_REGEX = re.compile(r'(?P<atom>[A-Z]+|conj|[,.;:])'
CATEGORIES: dict[tuple[str, int], Category] = {}
def parse_variable_id(string: str) -> int:
assert len(string) == 1
return VARIABLES.index(string)
def parse(string: str, type_raising_dep_var: str = '+') -> Category:
var = parse_variable_id(type_raising_dep_var)
return CATEGORIES[string, var]
except KeyError:
category, pos, _ = _parse(string, var)
if pos != len(string):
category, pos, _ = _parse(f'({string})', var)
assert pos == len(string) + 2
CATEGORIES[string, var] = category
return category
def _parse(string: str,
type_raising_dep_var: int,
pos: int = 0,
slots: int = 0,
in_result: bool = True) -> tuple[Category, int, int]:
if string[pos] == '(':
left, pos, slots = _parse(string, 0, pos + 1, slots, in_result)
dir = string[pos]
pos += 1
if in_result:
slots += 1
right, pos, slots = _parse(string, 0, pos, slots, False)
assert string[pos] == ')'
pos += 1
match = VAR_SLOT_REGEX.match(string, pos=pos)
assert match, string[:pos]
var = parse_variable_id(match['var']) if match['var'] else 0
relation = Relation(string, slots) if match['slot'] else None
cat = left.slash(dir, right, var, relation, type_raising_dep_var)
match = CAT_REGEX.match(string, pos=pos)
assert match, string[pos:]
feature = (Feature(match['feature'])
if match['feature'] else Feature.NONE)
var = parse_variable_id(match['var']) if match['var'] else 0
relation = Relation(string, slots) if match['slot'] else None
cat = Category(Atom(match['atom']), feature, var, relation)
return cat, match.end(), slots