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Diagram Rewrite
Class hierarchy for allowing rewriting at the diagram level (as opposed
to rewrite rules that apply on the box level).
Subclass :py:class:'DiagramRewriter' to define a custom diagram rewriter.
from __future__ import annotations
__all__ = ['DiagramRewriter',
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from dataclasses import dataclass
from typing import overload
from lambeq.backend.grammar import (Box, Cup, Diagram, Id, Swap,
Ty, Word)
from lambeq.core.types import AtomicType
N = AtomicType.NOUN
S = AtomicType.SENTENCE
class DiagramRewriter(ABC):
"""Base class for diagram level rewriters."""
def matches(self, diagram: Diagram) -> bool:
"""Check if the given diagram should be rewritten."""
def rewrite(self, diagram: Diagram) -> Diagram:
"""Rewrite the given diagram."""
def __call__(self, target: list[Diagram]) -> list[Diagram]:
def __call__(self, target: Diagram) -> Diagram:
def __call__(self,
target: list[Diagram] | Diagram) -> list[Diagram] | Diagram:
"""Rewrite the given diagram(s) if the rule applies.
diagram : :py:class:`lambeq.backend.grammar.Diagram`
or list of Diagram
The candidate diagram(s) to be rewritten.
:py:class:`lambeq.backend.gramar.Diagram` or list of Diagram
The rewritten diagram. If the rule does not apply, the
original diagram is returned.
if isinstance(target, list):
return [self(d) for d in target]
return self.rewrite(target) if self.matches(target) else target
class UnifyCodomainRewriter(DiagramRewriter):
"""Unifies the codomain of diagrams to match a given type.
A rewriter that takes diagrams with ``d.cod != output_type`` and
append a ``d.cod -> output_type`` box.
output_type : :py:class:`lambeq.backend.grammar.Ty`, default ``S``
The output type of the appended box.
output_type: Ty = S
def matches(self, diagram: Diagram) -> bool:
return bool(diagram.cod != self.output_type)
def rewrite(self, diagram: Diagram) -> Diagram:
return diagram >> Box(f'MERGE_{diagram.cod}',
diagram.cod, self.output_type)
class RemoveCupsRewriter(DiagramRewriter):
"""Removes cups from a given diagram.
Diagrams with less cups become circuits with less post-selection,
which results in faster QML experiments.
def matches(self, diagram: Diagram) -> bool:
return True
def _compress_cups(self, diagram: Diagram) -> Diagram:
layers: list[tuple[Box, int]] = []
for box, offset in zip(diagram.boxes, diagram.offsets):
nested_cup = (isinstance(box, Cup)
and layers
and isinstance(layers[-1][0].boxes[0], Cup)
and offset == layers[-1][1] - 1)
if nested_cup:
dom = box.dom[:1] @ layers[-1][0].dom @ box.dom[1:]
layers[-1] = (Box(CUP_TOKEN, dom, Ty()), offset)
layers.append((box, offset))
compressed_diag = Id(diagram.dom)
for box, offset in layers:
compressed_diag = compressed_diag.then_at(box, offset)
return compressed_diag
def _remove_cups(self, diagram: Diagram) -> Diagram:
diags: list[Diagram | Box] = [Id(diagram.dom)]
for box, offset in zip(diagram.boxes, diagram.offsets):
i = 0
off = offset
# find the first box to contract
while i < len(diags) and off >= len(diags[i].cod):
off -= len(diags[i].cod)
i += 1
if off == 0 and not box.dom:
diags.insert(i, box)
left, right = diags[i], Id(Ty())
j = 1
# add boxes to the right until they are enough to contract
# | left | right |
# off | box |
while len(left.cod @ right.cod) < off + len(box.dom):
assert i + j < len(diags)
right = right @ diags[i + j]
j += 1
cod = left.cod @ right.cod
wires_l = Id(cod[:off])
wires_r = Id(cod[off + len(box.dom):])
if box.name == CUP_TOKEN or isinstance(box, Cup):
# contract greedily, else combine
pg_len = len(box.dom) // 2
pg_type1, pg_type2 = box.dom[:pg_len], box.dom[pg_len:]
if len(left.cod) == pg_len and not left.dom:
if pg_type1.r == pg_type2:
new_diag = right >> (left.dagger().r @ wires_r)
else: # illegal cup
new_diag = right >> (left.dagger().l @ wires_r)
elif len(right.cod) == pg_len and not right.dom:
if pg_type1.r == pg_type2:
new_diag = left >> (wires_l @ right.dagger().l)
new_diag = left >> (wires_l @ right.dagger().r)
nbox = Diagram.cups(pg_type1,
is_reversed=pg_type2 != pg_type1.r)
new_diag = left @ right >> wires_l @ nbox @ wires_r
new_diag = left @ right >> wires_l @ box @ wires_r
diags[i:i+j] = [new_diag]
return Id().tensor(*diags)
def rewrite(self, diagram: Diagram) -> Diagram:
# Logic from remove_cups should go here
return self._remove_cups(
class RemoveSwapsRewriter(DiagramRewriter):
"""Produce a proper pregroup diagram by removing any swaps.
Direct conversion of a CCG derivation into a string diagram form
may introduce swaps, caused by cross-composition rules and unary
rules that may change types and the directionality of composition
at any point of the derivation. This class removes swaps,
producing a valid pregroup diagram (in J. Lambek's sense) as
1. Eliminate swap morphisms by swapping the actual atomic types
of the words.
2. Scan the new diagram for any detached parts, and remove them by
merging words together when possible.
diagram : :py:class:`lambeq.backend.grammar.Diagram`
The input diagram.
A copy of the input diagram without swaps.
If the input diagram is not in "pregroup" form,
i.e. when words do not strictly precede the morphisms.
The class trades off diagrammatic simplicity and conformance to a
formal pregroup grammar for a larger vocabulary, since each word
is associated with more types than before and new words (combined
tokens) are added to the vocabulary. Depending on the size of
your dataset, this might lead to data sparsity problems during
In the following example, "am" and "not" are combined at the CCG
level using cross composition, which introduces the interwoven
pattern of wires.
.. code-block:: text
I am not sleeping
─ ─────────── ─────────────── ────────
n n.r·s·s.l·n s.r·n.r.r·n.r·s n.r·s
│ │ │ │ ╰─╮─╯ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ │ ╭─╰─╮ │ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ ╰╮─╯ ╰─╮──╯ │ │ │ │
│ │ │ ╭╰─╮ ╭─╰──╮ │ │ │ │
│ │ ╰──╯ ╰─╮─╯ ╰─╮──╯ │ │ │
│ │ ╭─╰─╮ ╭─╰──╮ │ │ │
│ ╰────────╯ ╰─╮──╯ ╰╮─╯ │ │
│ ╭─╰──╮ ╭╰─╮ │ │
╰────────────────╯ ╰─╮──╯ ╰────╯ │
╭─╰──╮ │
│ ╰──────────╯
Rewriting with the :py:class:`RemoveSwapsRewriter` class will return:
.. code-block:: text
I am not sleeping
─ ─────────── ────────
n n.r·s·s.l·n n.r·s
╰───╯ │ │ ╰────╯ │
│ ╰──────────╯
removing the swaps and combining "am" and "not" into one token.
class _Word:
"""Helper class for
word: Word
offset: int
class _Morphism:
"""Helper class for
morphism: Box
start: int
end: int
offset: int
deleted: bool = False
def matches(self, diagram: Diagram) -> bool:
if not diagram.is_pregroup:
diagram = diagram.normal_form()
except ValueError as e:
raise ValueError('Not a valid pregroup diagram.') from e
return True
def _remove_detached_cups(self, diagram: Diagram) -> Diagram:
"""Remove any detached cups from a diagram.
Helper function for
:py:method:`RemoveSwapsRewriter.remove_swaps` method.
if not diagram.is_pregroup:
raise ValueError('Not a valid pregroup diagram.')
atomic_types = [ob for b in diagram.boxes
for ob in b.cod if isinstance(b, Word)]
scan = list(range(len(atomic_types)))
# Create lists with offset info for words and morphisms
words: list[RemoveSwapsRewriter._Word] = []
morphisms: list[RemoveSwapsRewriter._Morphism] = []
for box, offset in zip(diagram.boxes, diagram.offsets):
if isinstance(box, Word):
words.append(self._Word(box, offset))
start = scan[offset]
end = scan[offset + len(box.dom) - 1]
if isinstance(box, Cup):
del scan[offset : offset + len(box.dom)]
morphisms.append(self._Morphism(box, start, end, offset))
# Scan each word for detached cups
new_words: list[Word] = []
for w_idx, wrd in enumerate(words):
rng = range(wrd.offset, wrd.offset + len(wrd.word.cod))
scan = list(rng)
for mor in morphisms:
if (isinstance(mor.morphism, Cup) and mor.start in rng
and mor.end in rng):
del scan[mor.start - wrd.offset:
mor.start - wrd.offset + 2]
mor.deleted = True
if len(scan) == len(rng):
# word type hasn't changed
elif len(scan) > 0:
# word type has been reduced in length
typ = Ty().tensor(*[atomic_types[i] for i in scan])
new_words.append(Word(wrd.word.name, typ))
# word type has been eliminated, merge word label
# with next one
next_wrd = words[w_idx + 1]
new_wrd = Word(f'{wrd.word.name} {next_wrd.word.name}',
next_wrd.word = new_wrd
# Compute new word offsets
total_ofs = 0
wrd_offsets = []
for w in new_words:
total_ofs += len(w.cod)
# Create new morphism and offset lists
new_morphisms: list[Box] = []
mor_offsets: list[int] = []
for m_idx, m in enumerate(morphisms):
if not m.deleted:
# morphism is not deleted, add it with its offset
# cup is deleted, adjust all above offsets if required
for j in range(m_idx):
if (not morphisms[j].deleted
and morphisms[j].start > morphisms[m_idx].start):
mor_offsets[j] -= 2
new_diag = Id(diagram.dom)
for box, offset in zip(new_words+new_morphisms,
new_diag = new_diag.then_at(box, offset)
return new_diag
def rewrite(self, diagram: Diagram) -> Diagram:
atomic_types = [ob for b in diagram.boxes
for ob in b.cod if isinstance(b, Word)]
scan = list(range(len(atomic_types)))
# Create lists with offset info for words and morphisms
words: list[tuple[Box, int]] = []
morphisms: list[tuple[Box, int]] = []
for box, offset in zip(diagram.boxes, diagram.offsets):
if isinstance(box, Word):
words.append((box, offset))
morphisms.append((box, offset))
# Detect Swaps and swap the actual types
for box, ofs in morphisms:
if isinstance(box, Swap):
tidx_l = scan[ofs]
tidx_r = scan[ofs + 1]
tmp = atomic_types[tidx_l]
atomic_types[tidx_l] = atomic_types[tidx_r]
atomic_types[tidx_r] = tmp
elif isinstance(box, Cup):
del scan[ofs: ofs + 2]
new_diagr = Id(diagram.dom)
for wrd, ofs in words:
new_diagr = new_diagr.then_at(
for mor, ofs in morphisms:
if not isinstance(mor, Swap):
new_diagr = new_diagr.then_at(mor, ofs)
return self._remove_detached_cups(new_diagr)