Source code for

# Copyright 2021-2024 Cambridge Quantum Computing Ltd.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Module that contains the base class for a lambeq trainer.

Subclass :py:class:`Lambeq` to define a custom trainer.

from __future__ import annotations

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from import Mapping
from datetime import datetime
from enum import Enum
from math import ceil
import os
import random
import socket
import sys
import time
from typing import Any, Callable, TYPE_CHECKING

from import tqdm, trange

    from torch.utils.tensorboard.writer import SummaryWriter

from lambeq.backend.numerical_backend import backend
from lambeq.core.globals import VerbosityLevel
from lambeq.core.utils import normalise_duration
from import Checkpoint
from import Dataset
from import Model
from lambeq.typing import StrPathT

def _import_tensorboard_writer() -> None:
    global SummaryWriter
        from torch.utils.tensorboard.writer import SummaryWriter
    except ImportError as e:  # pragma: no cover
        raise ImportError(
            'tensorboard not found. Please install it using '
            '`pip install tensorboard`.'
        ) from e

EvalFuncT = Callable[[Any, Any], Any]

class EvalMode(Enum):
    """Evaluation mode."""
    EPOCH = 'epoch'
    STEP = 'step'

[docs] class Trainer(ABC): """Base class for a lambeq trainer."""
[docs] def __init__(self, model: Model, loss_function: Callable[..., Any], epochs: int, evaluate_functions: Mapping[str, EvalFuncT] | None = None, evaluate_on_train: bool = True, use_tensorboard: bool = False, log_dir: StrPathT | None = None, from_checkpoint: bool = False, verbose: str = VerbosityLevel.TEXT.value, seed: int | None = None) -> None: """Initialise a lambeq trainer. Parameters ---------- model : :py:class:`.Model` A lambeq Model. loss_function : callable A loss function to compare the prediction to the true label. epochs : int Number of training epochs. evaluate_functions : mapping of str to callable, optional Mapping of evaluation metric functions from their names. evaluate_on_train : bool, default: True Evaluate the metrics on the train dataset. use_tensorboard : bool, default: False Use Tensorboard for visualisation of the training logs. log_dir : str or PathLike, optional Location of model checkpoints (and tensorboard log). Default is `runs/**CURRENT_DATETIME_HOSTNAME**`. from_checkpoint : bool, default: False Starts training from the checkpoint, saved in the log_dir. verbose : str, default: 'text', See :py:class:`VerbosityLevel` for options. seed : int, optional Random seed. """ if log_dir is None: current_time ='%b%d_%H-%M-%S') log_dir = os.path.join( 'runs', current_time + '_' + socket.gethostname()) self.log_dir = log_dir os.makedirs(self.log_dir, exist_ok=True) self.backend = 'numpy' self.model = model self.loss_function = loss_function self.epochs = epochs self.evaluate_functions = evaluate_functions self.evaluate_on_train = evaluate_on_train self.use_tensorboard = use_tensorboard self.from_checkpoint = from_checkpoint self.verbose = verbose self.seed = seed self.train_costs: list[float] = [] self.train_durations: list[float] = [] self.train_epoch_costs: list[float] = [] self.train_epoch_durations: list[float] = [] self.train_eval_results: dict[str, list[Any]] = {} self._train_eval_running: dict[str, list[tuple[int, Any]]] = {} self.val_costs: list[float] = [] self.val_durations: list[float] = [] self.val_eval_results: dict[str, list[Any]] = {} self._val_eval_running: dict[str, list[tuple[int, Any]]] = {} if self.evaluate_functions is not None: for name in self.evaluate_functions: self.val_eval_results[name] = [] self._val_eval_running[name] = [] self.train_eval_results[name] = [] self._train_eval_running[name] = [] if not VerbosityLevel.has_value(self.verbose): raise ValueError(f'`{self.verbose} flag is not supported by ' 'this trainer.') if self.seed is not None: random.seed(self.seed) if self.use_tensorboard: _import_tensorboard_writer() self.writer = SummaryWriter(log_dir=self.log_dir) # load checkpoint self.start_epoch = 1 self.start_step = 0 if self.from_checkpoint: self.checkpoint = self.load_training_checkpoint(self.log_dir) else: self.model.initialise_weights()
def _to_tensorboard(self, *args: Any) -> None: """Write to tensorboard if `use_tensorboard` is set to `True`.""" if self.use_tensorboard: self.writer.add_scalar(*args) def _generate_stat_report(self, train_loss: float | None = None, val_loss: float | None = None, train_duration: float | None = None, val_duration: float | None = None, train_duration_mean: float | None = None, val_duration_mean: float | None = None, eval_mode: str = EvalMode.EPOCH.value, full_timing_report: bool = False) -> str: """Generate the text to display with the progress bar. Parameters ---------- train_loss : float, optional Current training loss. val_loss : float, optional Current validation loss. train_duration: float, optional Accumulated training time for the logging interval. val_duration: float, optional Accumulated validation time for the logging interval. train_duration_mean: float, optional Mean training time per epoch/step for the logging interval. val_duration_mean: float, optional Mean validation time per evaluation for the logging interval. eval_mode: :py:class:`EvalMode`, default: 'epoch' The evaluation mode passed to the :py:meth:`.fit` method. Returns ------- str Formatted text to be displayed """ report = [] for name, value in [('train/loss', train_loss), ('valid/loss', val_loss),]: str_value = f'{value:.4f}' if value is not None else '-----' report.append(f'{name}: {str_value}') for name, value in [('train/time', train_duration), ('valid/time', val_duration)]: str_value = (normalise_duration(value) if value is not None else '-----') report.append(f'{name}: {str_value}') if full_timing_report: # Mean durations are optional - they're mostly important # when verbose='text' for name, value in [(f'train/time_per_{eval_mode}', train_duration_mean), ('valid/time_per_eval', val_duration_mean)]: if value is not None: str_value = normalise_duration(value) report.append(f'{name}: {str_value}') if self.evaluate_on_train and self.evaluate_functions is not None: for name in self.train_eval_results: str_value = (f'{self.train_eval_results[name][-1]:.4f}' if self.train_eval_results[name] else '-----') report.append(f'train/{name}: {str_value}') if self.evaluate_functions is not None: for name in self.val_eval_results: str_value = (f'{self.val_eval_results[name][-1]:.4f}' if self.val_eval_results[name] else '-----') report.append(f'valid/{name}: {str_value}') return ' '.join(report)
[docs] def load_training_checkpoint(self, log_dir: StrPathT) -> Checkpoint: """Load model from a checkpoint. Parameters ---------- log_dir : str or PathLike The path to the `` checkpoint file. Returns ------- py:class:`.Checkpoint` Checkpoint containing the model weights, symbols and the training history. Raises ------ FileNotFoundError If the file does not exist. """ if self.verbose == VerbosityLevel.TEXT.value: print('Restore last checkpoint...', file=sys.stderr) checkpoint_path = os.path.join(log_dir, '') checkpoint = Checkpoint.from_file(checkpoint_path) # load model from checkpoint self.model._load_checkpoint(checkpoint) # load the training history self.train_costs = checkpoint['train_costs'] self.train_durations = checkpoint['train_durations'] self.train_epoch_costs = checkpoint['train_epoch_costs'] self.train_epoch_durations = checkpoint['train_epoch_durations'] self.train_eval_results = checkpoint['train_eval_results'] self.val_costs = checkpoint['val_costs'] self.val_durations = checkpoint['val_durations'] self.val_eval_results = checkpoint['val_eval_results'] self.start_epoch = checkpoint['epoch'] + 1 self.start_step = checkpoint['step'] if self.seed is not None: random.setstate(checkpoint['random_state']) if self.verbose == VerbosityLevel.TEXT.value: print('Checkpoint restored successfully!', # pragma: no cover file=sys.stderr) return checkpoint
[docs] def save_checkpoint(self, save_dict: Mapping[str, Any], log_dir: StrPathT, prefix: str = '') -> None: """Save checkpoint. Parameters ---------- save_dict : mapping of str to any Mapping containing the checkpoint information. log_dir : str or PathLike The path where to store the `` checkpoint file. prefix : str, default: '' Prefix for the checkpoint file name. """ checkpoint = self.model._make_checkpoint() checkpoint.add_many(save_dict) self._add_extra_checkpoint_info(checkpoint) checkpoint.to_file(os.path.join(log_dir, prefix + ''))
@abstractmethod def _add_extra_checkpoint_info(self, checkpoint: Checkpoint) -> None: """Add any additional information to the training checkpoint. These might include model-specific information like the random state of the backend or the state of the optimizer. Use `checkpoint.add_many()` to add multiple items. Parameters ---------- checkpoint : :py:class:`.Checkpoint` The checkpoint to add information to. """ @abstractmethod def _load_extra_checkpoint_info(self, checkpoint: Checkpoint) -> None: """Load additional checkpoint information. This includes data previously added by `_add_extra_checkpoint_info()`. Parameters ---------- checkpoint : mapping of str to any Mapping containing the checkpoint information. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def training_step(self, batch: tuple[list[Any], Any]) -> tuple[Any, float]: """Perform a training step. Parameters ---------- batch : tuple of list and any Current batch. Returns ------- Tuple of any and float The model predictions and the calculated loss. """
[docs] @abstractmethod def validation_step( self, batch: tuple[list[Any], Any]) -> tuple[Any, float]: """Perform a validation step. Parameters ---------- batch : tuple of list and any Current batch. Returns ------- Tuple of any and float The model predictions and the calculated loss. """
def _get_weighted_mean(self, metric_running: list[tuple[int, Any]]): """Calculate weighted mean of metric from the running results.""" total, batches = 0.0, 0 for (batch_size, metric) in metric_running: total += batch_size * metric batches += batch_size return total / batches def _step_and_eval(self, batch: tuple[list[Any], Any], step_func: Callable, losses: list[tuple[int, Any]], eval_results: dict[str, list[Any]], step_durations: list[Any], evaluate: bool = True) -> Any: """Perform a forward step and evaluate the metrics.""" step_start = time.time() batch_size = len(batch[0]) y_hat, loss = step_func(batch) losses.append((batch_size, loss)) if self.evaluate_functions is not None and evaluate: for metr, func in self.evaluate_functions.items(): res = func(y_hat, batch[1]) eval_results[metr].append((batch_size, res)) step_end = time.time() step_duration = step_end - step_start step_durations.append(step_duration) return loss def _summarize_metric(self, eval_results: dict[str, list[tuple[int, Any]]], results: dict[str, list[Any]], interval: int, status_bar: tqdm, mode: str, full_timing_report: bool = False) -> None: """Calculate the metric results and write them to tensorboard and command-line.""" for name in eval_results: results[name].append(self._get_weighted_mean(eval_results[name])) eval_results[name] = [] # reset self._to_tensorboard(f'{mode}/{name}', results[name][-1], interval) status_bar.set_description( self._generate_stat_report( train_loss=(self.train_costs[-1] if self.train_costs else None), val_loss=self.val_costs[-1] if self.val_costs else None, train_duration=(self.train_durations[-1] if self.train_durations else None), val_duration=(self.val_durations[-1] if self.val_durations else None), full_timing_report=full_timing_report, ) ) def _check_early_stopping(self, early_stopping_criterion: str | None = None, early_stopping_interval: int | None = None, minimize_criterion: bool = True) -> bool: """Determine if training should be stopped based on the specified early stopping configuration. Parameters ---------- early_stopping_criterion : str, optional If specified, the value of this on `val_dataset` (if provided) will be used as the stopping criterion instead of the (default) validation loss. early_stopping_interval : int, optional If specified, training is stopped if the validation loss does not improve for `early_stopping_interval` validation cycles. minimize_criterion: bool, default: True Flag indicating if we should minimize or maximize the early stopping criterion. Returns ------- Boolean Flag if early stopping should be performed. """ factor = 1 if minimize_criterion else -1 early_stopping = False criterion_vals = self.val_costs if early_stopping_criterion is not None: criterion_vals = self.val_eval_results[ early_stopping_criterion ] if (early_stopping_interval is not None and len(criterion_vals) > early_stopping_interval): reference = factor * criterion_vals[-early_stopping_interval - 1] latter_vals = [ factor * val for val in criterion_vals[-early_stopping_interval:] ] early_stopping = reference < min(latter_vals) return early_stopping
[docs] def fit(self, train_dataset: Dataset, val_dataset: Dataset | None = None, log_interval: int = 1, eval_interval: int = 1, eval_mode: str = EvalMode.EPOCH.value, early_stopping_criterion: str | None = None, early_stopping_interval: int | None = None, minimize_criterion: bool = True, full_timing_report: bool = False) -> None: """Fit the model on the training data and, optionally, evaluate it on the validation data. Parameters ---------- train_dataset : :py:class:`Dataset` Dataset used for training. val_dataset : :py:class:`Dataset`, optional Validation dataset. log_interval : int, default: 1 Sets the intervals at which the training statistics are printed if `verbose = 'text'` (otherwise ignored). If `None`, the statistics are printed at the end of each epoch. eval_interval : int, default: 1 Sets the number of epochs at which the metrics are evaluated on the validation dataset. If `None`, the validation is performed at the end of each epoch. eval_mode : :py:class:`EvalMode`, default: 'epoch' Sets the evaluation mode. If `'epoch'`, the metrics are evaluated after multiples of `eval_interval` epochs. If `'step'`, the metrics are evaluated after multiples of `eval_interval` steps. Ignored if `val_dataset` is `None`. early_stopping_criterion : str, optional If specified, the value of this on `val_dataset` (if provided) will be used as the stopping criterion instead of the (default) validation loss. early_stopping_interval : int, optional If specified, training is stopped if the validation loss does not improve for `early_stopping_interval` validation cycles. minimize_criterion: bool, default: True Flag indicating if we should minimize or maximize the early stopping criterion. full_timing_report: bool, default: False Flag for including mean timing statistics in the logs. Raises ------ ValueError If `eval_mode` is not a valid :py:class:`EvalMode`. """ if self.from_checkpoint: self._load_extra_checkpoint_info(self.checkpoint) # calculate evaluation step if eval_mode == EvalMode.EPOCH.value: evaluation_step = eval_interval * train_dataset.batches_per_epoch elif eval_mode == EvalMode.STEP.value: evaluation_step = eval_interval else: raise ValueError(f'Invalid evaluation mode: {eval_mode}.') # check that early stopping critera is in available list if (early_stopping_criterion is not None and self.evaluate_functions is not None and early_stopping_criterion not in self.evaluate_functions): raise ValueError('Invalid early stopping criterion: ' f'{early_stopping_criterion}. ' 'Should be one of ' f'{self.evaluate_functions.keys()}') # Used for early stopping factor = 1 if minimize_criterion else -1 best_epoch = 0 best_step = 0 logging_step = log_interval * evaluation_step total_steps = self.epochs * train_dataset.batches_per_epoch # initialise progress bar step = self.start_step if val_dataset is not None: batches_per_validation = ceil( len(val_dataset) / val_dataset.batch_size) disable_tqdm = self.verbose != VerbosityLevel.PROGRESS.value status_bar = tqdm(total=float('inf'), bar_format='{desc}', desc=self._generate_stat_report(), disable=disable_tqdm, leave=True, position=0) # start training loop with backend(self.backend): early_stopping = False best_val_criterion = float('inf') for epoch in trange(self.start_epoch, self.epochs + 1, desc='Epoch', disable=disable_tqdm, leave=False, position=1): epoch_start = time.time() train_losses: list[tuple[int, Any]] = [] for batch in tqdm(train_dataset, desc='Batch', total=train_dataset.batches_per_epoch, disable=disable_tqdm, leave=False, position=2): step += 1 t_loss = self._step_and_eval( batch, self.training_step, train_losses, self._train_eval_running, self.train_durations, self.evaluate_on_train ) self._to_tensorboard('train/step_loss', t_loss, step) status_bar.set_description( self._generate_stat_report( train_loss=t_loss, val_loss=(self.val_costs[-1] if self.val_costs else None), train_duration=self.train_durations[-1], val_duration=(self.val_durations[-1] if self.val_durations else None), full_timing_report=full_timing_report, ) ) self._to_tensorboard('train/time', self.train_durations[-1], step) # calculate metrics on train dataset if self.evaluate_on_train and step % evaluation_step == 0: self._summarize_metric( self._train_eval_running, self.train_eval_results, epoch, status_bar, mode='train', full_timing_report=full_timing_report, ) # evaluate metrics on validation data if val_dataset is not None and step % evaluation_step == 0: val_loss: list[tuple[int, Any]] = [] for v_batch in tqdm(val_dataset, desc='Validation batch', total=batches_per_validation, disable=disable_tqdm, leave=False, position=2): v_loss = self._step_and_eval( v_batch, self.validation_step, val_loss, self._val_eval_running, self.val_durations, ) status_bar.set_description( self._generate_stat_report( train_loss=t_loss, val_loss=v_loss, train_duration=self.train_durations[-1], val_duration=self.val_durations[-1], full_timing_report=full_timing_report, ) ) self.val_costs.append( self._get_weighted_mean(val_loss) ) status_bar.set_description( self._generate_stat_report( train_loss=t_loss, val_loss=self.val_costs[-1], train_duration=self.train_durations[-1], val_duration=self.val_durations[-1], full_timing_report=full_timing_report, ) ) self._to_tensorboard('val/loss', self.val_costs[-1], epoch) self._to_tensorboard('val/time', self.val_durations[-1], epoch) self._summarize_metric( self._val_eval_running, self.val_eval_results, epoch, status_bar, mode='val', full_timing_report=full_timing_report, ) # save best model criterion_vals = self.val_costs if early_stopping_criterion is not None: criterion_vals = self.val_eval_results[ early_stopping_criterion ] criterion_val = factor * criterion_vals[-1] if criterion_val < best_val_criterion: best_val_criterion = criterion_val best_epoch = epoch best_step = step self.save_checkpoint( {'epoch': epoch, 'train_costs': self.train_costs, 'train_durations': self.train_durations, 'train_epoch_costs': self.train_epoch_costs, 'train_eval_results': self.train_eval_results, 'val_costs': self.val_costs, 'val_durations': self.val_durations, 'train_epoch_durations': self.train_epoch_durations, # noqa: E501 'val_eval_results': self.val_eval_results, 'random_state': random.getstate(), 'step': step}, self.log_dir, prefix='best_' ) # print training stats if verbose is set to 'text' if (self.verbose == VerbosityLevel.TEXT.value): # pragma: no cover if step % logging_step == 0: prefix = '' if eval_mode == EvalMode.EPOCH.value: space = (len(str(self.epochs)) - len(str(epoch)) + 2) * ' ' prefix += f'Epoch {epoch}:' + space if eval_mode == EvalMode.STEP.value: step_space = (len(str(total_steps)) - len(str(step)) + 2) * ' ' prefix += f'Step {step}:' + step_space train_duration = ( sum(self.train_durations[-logging_step:]) if self.train_durations else None ) train_duration_mean = ( train_duration / (log_interval * eval_interval) ) if train_duration else None val_duration = ( sum(self.val_durations[-log_interval:]) if self.val_durations else None ) val_duration_mean = ( val_duration / log_interval ) if val_duration else None print( prefix + self._generate_stat_report( train_loss=(self.train_costs[-1] if self.train_costs else None), val_loss=(self.val_costs[-1] if self.val_costs else None), train_duration=train_duration, val_duration=val_duration, train_duration_mean=train_duration_mean, val_duration_mean=val_duration_mean, eval_mode=eval_mode, full_timing_report=full_timing_report, ), file=sys.stderr ) # check for early stopping early_stopping = self._check_early_stopping( early_stopping_criterion, early_stopping_interval, minimize_criterion ) if early_stopping: break # inner epoch loop epoch_end = time.time() epoch_duration = epoch_end - epoch_start self.train_epoch_durations.append(epoch_duration) # calculate epoch loss self.train_epoch_costs.append( self._get_weighted_mean(train_losses)) self._to_tensorboard('train/epoch_loss', self.train_epoch_costs[-1], epoch) self._to_tensorboard('train/time_per_epoch', self.train_epoch_durations[-1], epoch) # save training stats checkpoint self.save_checkpoint( {'epoch': epoch, 'train_costs': self.train_costs, 'train_durations': self.train_durations, 'train_epoch_costs': self.train_epoch_costs, 'train_eval_results': self.train_eval_results, 'train_epoch_durations': self.train_epoch_durations, 'val_costs': self.val_costs, 'val_durations': self.val_durations, 'val_eval_results': self.val_eval_results, 'random_state': random.getstate(), 'step': step}, self.log_dir) if early_stopping: if self.verbose == VerbosityLevel.TEXT.value: print('Early stopping!\n' f'Best model (epoch={best_epoch}, ' f'step={best_step}) saved to\n' f'{os.path.join(self.log_dir, "")}', file=sys.stderr) break # break outer epoch loop status_bar.close() # Summarize timing statistics total_training_time = sum(self.train_durations) training_time_per_epoch = normalise_duration( total_training_time / len(self.train_epoch_durations)) training_time_per_step = normalise_duration( total_training_time / len(self.train_durations)) total_training_time_s = normalise_duration( total_training_time) total_validation_time = None validation_time_per_eval = None if len(self.val_durations): total_validation_time = sum(self.val_durations) validation_time_per_eval = normalise_duration( total_validation_time / len(self.val_durations)) total_validation_time_s = normalise_duration( total_validation_time) timing_summary_desc = ( f'train/time: {total_training_time_s}' f' train/time_per_epoch: {training_time_per_epoch}' f' train/time_per_step: {training_time_per_step}' f' valid/time: {total_validation_time_s}' f' valid/time_per_eval: {validation_time_per_eval}' ) if self.verbose == VerbosityLevel.TEXT.value: print('\nTraining completed!', file=sys.stderr) # Display timing summary regardless of verbosity print(timing_summary_desc, file=sys.stderr)