Source code for lambeq.backend.drawing.drawable

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Drawable Components
Utilities to convert a grammar diagram into a drawable form.


from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from enum import Enum
import sys

from typing_extensions import Self

from lambeq.backend import grammar
from lambeq.backend.quantum import quantum

X_SPACING = 2.5  # Minimum space between adjacent wires
LEDGE = 0.5  # Space from last wire to right box edge

class WireEndpointType(Enum):
    """An enumeration for :py:class:`WireEndpoint`.

    WireEndpoints in diagrams can be of 4 types:

    .. glossary::

            Domain of a box.

            Codomain of a box.

            Input wire to the diagram.

            Output wire from the diagram.


    DOM = 0
    COD = 1
    INPUT = 2
    OUTPUT = 3

    def __repr__(self) -> str:

class WireEndpoint:
    One end of a wire in a DrawableDiagram.

    kind: WireEndpointType
        Type of wire endpoint.
    obj: grammar.Ty
        Categorial type carried by the wire.
    x: float
        X coordinate of the wire end.
    y: float
        Y coordinate of the wire end.
    coordinates: (float, float)
        (x, y) coordinates.


    kind: WireEndpointType
    obj: grammar.Ty

    x: float
    y: float

    def coordinates(self) -> tuple[float, float]:
        return (self.x, self.y)

class BoxNode:
    Box in a DrawableDiagram.

    obj: grammar.Box
        Grammar box represented by the node.
    x: float
        X coordinate of the box.
    y: float
        Y coordinate of the box.
    coordinates: (float, float)
        (x, y) coordinates.
    dom_wires: list of int
        Wire endpoints in the domain of the box, represented by
        indices into an array maintained by `DrawableDiagram`.
    com_wires: list of int
        Wire endpoints in the codomain of the box, represented by
        indices into an array maintained by `DrawableDiagram`.


    obj: grammar.Box

    x: float
    y: float

    dom_wires: list[int] = field(default_factory=list)
    cod_wires: list[int] = field(default_factory=list)

    def coordinates(self):
        return (self.x, self.y)

    def add_dom_wire(self, idx: int) -> None:
        Add a wire to to box's domain.

        idx : int
            Index of wire in associated `DrawableDiagram`'s
            `wire_endpoints` attribute.


    def add_cod_wire(self, idx: int) -> None:
        Add a wire to to box's codomain.

        idx : int
            Index of wire in associated `DrawableDiagram`'s
            `wire_endpoints` attribute.


    def get_x_lims(self,
                   drawable_diagram: DrawableDiagram) -> tuple[float, float]:
        Get left and right limits of the box.

        drawable_diagram : DrawableDiagram
            `DrawableDiagram` with which this box is associated.


        all_wires_pos = [drawable_diagram.wire_endpoints[wire].x
                         for wire in self.cod_wires + self.dom_wires]

        if not all_wires_pos:  # scalar box
            all_wires_pos = [self.x]

        left = min(all_wires_pos) - LEDGE
        right = max(all_wires_pos) + LEDGE

        return left, right

[docs] @dataclass class DrawableDiagram: """ Representation of a lambeq diagram carrying all information necessary to render it. Attributes ---------- boxes: list of BoxNode Boxes in the diagram. wire_endpoints: list of WireEndpoint Endpoints for all wires in the diagram. wires: list of tuple of the form (int, int) The wires in a diagram, each represented by the indices of its 2 endpoints in `wire_endpoints`. """ boxes: list[BoxNode] = field(default_factory=list) wire_endpoints: list[WireEndpoint] = field(default_factory=list) wires: list[tuple[int, int]] = field(default_factory=list) def _add_wire(self, source: int, target: int) -> None: """Add an edge between 2 connected wire endpoints.""" self.wires.append((source, target)) def _add_wire_end(self, wire_end: WireEndpoint) -> int: """Add a `WireEndpoint` to the diagram.""" self.wire_endpoints.append(wire_end) return len(self.wire_endpoints) - 1 def _add_boxnode(self, box: BoxNode) -> int: """Add a `BoxNode` to the diagram.""" self.boxes.append(box) return len(self.boxes) - 1 def _add_box(self, scan: list[int], box: grammar.Box, off: int, x_pos: float, y_pos: float) -> list[int]: """Add a box to the graph, creating necessary wire endpoints.""" node = BoxNode(box, x_pos, y_pos) self._add_boxnode(node) # Create a node representing each element in the box's domain for i, obj in enumerate(box.dom): nbr_idx = scan[off + i] wire_end = WireEndpoint(WireEndpointType.DOM, obj=obj, x=self.wire_endpoints[nbr_idx].x, y=y_pos + HALF_BOX_HEIGHT) wire_idx = self._add_wire_end(wire_end) node.add_dom_wire(wire_idx) self._add_wire(nbr_idx, wire_idx) scan_insert = [] # Create a node representing each element in the box's codomain for i, obj in enumerate(box.cod): # If the box is a quantum gate, retain x coordinate of wires if box.category == quantum and len(box.dom) == len(box.cod): nbr_idx = scan[off + i] x = self.wire_endpoints[nbr_idx].x else: x = x_pos + X_SPACING * (i - len(box.cod[1:]) / 2) y = y_pos - HALF_BOX_HEIGHT wire_end = WireEndpoint(WireEndpointType.COD, obj=obj, x=x, y=y) wire_idx = self._add_wire_end(wire_end) scan_insert.append(wire_idx) node.add_cod_wire(wire_idx) # Replace node's dom with its cod in scan return scan[:off] + scan_insert + scan[off + len(box.dom):] def _find_box_edges(self, box: grammar.Box, x: float, off: int, scan: list[int]): left_edge = x right_edge = x # dom edges come from upstream wire endpoints if box.dom: left_edge = min(self.wire_endpoints[scan[off]].x, left_edge) right_edge = max( self.wire_endpoints[scan[off + len(box.dom) - 1]].x, right_edge) # cod edges are evenly spaced if box.cod: left_edge = min(x - X_SPACING * len(box.cod[1:]) / 2, left_edge) right_edge = max(x + X_SPACING * (len(box.cod[1:]) - len(box.cod[1:]) / 2), right_edge) return left_edge - LEDGE, right_edge + LEDGE def _make_space(self, scan: list[int], box: grammar.Box, off: int) -> tuple[float, float]: """Determines x and y coords for a new box. Modifies x coordinates of existing nodes to make space.""" if not scan: return 0, 0 half_width = X_SPACING * (len(box.cod[:-1]) / 2 + 1) if not box.dom: if not off: x = self.wire_endpoints[scan[0]].x - half_width elif off == len(scan): x = self.wire_endpoints[scan[-1]].x + half_width else: right = self.wire_endpoints[scan[off + len(box.dom)]].x x = (self.wire_endpoints[scan[off - 1]].x + right) / 2 else: right = self.wire_endpoints[scan[off + len(box.dom) - 1]].x x = (self.wire_endpoints[scan[off]].x + right) / 2 if off and self.wire_endpoints[scan[off - 1]].x > x - half_width: limit = self.wire_endpoints[scan[off - 1]].x pad = limit - x + half_width for node in self.boxes + self.wire_endpoints: if node.x <= limit: node.x -= pad if (off + len(box.dom) < len(scan) and (self.wire_endpoints[scan[off + len(box.dom)]].x < x + half_width)): limit = self.wire_endpoints[scan[off + len(box.dom)]].x pad = x + half_width - limit for node in self.boxes + self.wire_endpoints: if node.x >= limit: node.x += pad left_edge, right_edge = self._find_box_edges(box, x, off, scan) y = 0.0 for upstream_box in self.boxes: bl, br = upstream_box.get_x_lims(self) if not (bl > right_edge or br < left_edge): # Boxes overlap y = min(y, upstream_box.y - 1.0) return x, y def _move_to_origin(self) -> None: """Set the min x and middle-y coordinates of the diagram to 0. Setting the diagram to be centred on the y axis allows us to avoid precomputing the diagram's height. """ min_x = min( [node.x for node in self.boxes + self.wire_endpoints]) min_y = min( [node.y for node in self.boxes + self.wire_endpoints]) max_y = max( [node.y for node in self.boxes + self.wire_endpoints]) mid_y = (min_y + max_y) / 2 for node in self.boxes + self.wire_endpoints: node.x -= min_x node.y -= mid_y
[docs] @classmethod def from_diagram(cls, diagram: grammar.Diagram, foliated: bool = False) -> Self: """ Builds a graph representation of the diagram, calculating coordinates for each box and wire. Parameters ---------- diagram : grammar Diagram A lambeq diagram. foliated : bool, default: False If true, each box of the diagram is drawn in a separate layer. By default boxes are compressed upwards into available space. Returns ------- drawable : DrawableDiagram Representation of diagram including all coordinates necessary to draw it. """ drawable = cls() scan = [] for i, obj in enumerate(diagram.dom): wire_end = WireEndpoint(WireEndpointType.INPUT, obj=obj, x=X_SPACING * i, y=1) wire_end_idx = drawable._add_wire_end(wire_end) scan.append(wire_end_idx) min_y = 1.0 for depth, (box, off) in enumerate(zip(diagram.boxes, diagram.offsets)): x, y = drawable._make_space(scan, box, off) y = -depth if foliated else y scan = drawable._add_box(scan, box, off, x, y) min_y = min(min_y, y) for i, obj in enumerate(diagram.cod): wire_end = WireEndpoint(WireEndpointType.OUTPUT, obj=obj, x=drawable.wire_endpoints[scan[i]].x, y=min_y - 1) wire_end_idx = drawable._add_wire_end(wire_end) drawable._add_wire(scan[i], wire_end_idx) drawable._move_to_origin() return drawable
[docs] def scale_and_pad(self, scale: tuple[float, float], pad: tuple[float, float]): """Scales and pads the diagram as specified. Parameters ---------- scale : tuple of 2 floats Scaling factors for x and y axes respectively. pad : tuple of 2 floats Padding values for x and y axes respectively. """ min_x = min([node.x for node in self.boxes + self.wire_endpoints]) min_y = min([node.y for node in self.boxes + self.wire_endpoints]) for wire_end in self.wire_endpoints: wire_end.x = min_x + (wire_end.x - min_x) * scale[0] + pad[0] wire_end.y = min_y + (wire_end.y - min_y) * scale[1] + pad[1] for box in self.boxes: box.x = min_x + (box.x - min_x) * scale[0] + pad[0] box.y = min_y + (box.y - min_y) * scale[1] + pad[1] for wire_end_idx in box.dom_wires: self.wire_endpoints[wire_end_idx].y = ( box.y + HALF_BOX_HEIGHT * scale[1]) for wire_end_idx in box.cod_wires: self.wire_endpoints[wire_end_idx].y = ( box.y - HALF_BOX_HEIGHT * scale[1])
class PregroupError(Exception): def __init__(self, diagram): super().__init__(f'Diagram {diagram} is not a pregroup diagram. ' 'A pregroup diagram must be structured like ' '(State @ State ... State) >> (Cups and Swaps)') @dataclass class DrawablePregroup(DrawableDiagram): """ Representation of a lambeq pregroup diagram carrying all information necessary to render it. Attributes ---------- x_tracks: list of int Stores the "track" on which the corresponding `WireEndpoint` in `wire_endpoints` lies. This helps determine the depth of pregroup grammar boxes in the diagram. """ x_tracks: list[int] = field(default_factory=list) def _add_wire_end(self, wire_end: WireEndpoint, x_track=-1) -> int: """Add a `WireEndpoint` to the diagram, with track information.""" self.x_tracks.append(x_track) return super()._add_wire_end(wire_end) @classmethod def from_diagram(cls, diagram: grammar.Diagram, foliated: bool = False) -> Self: """ Builds a graph representation of the diagram, calculating coordinates for each box and wire. Parameters ---------- diagram : grammar Diagram A lambeq diagram. foliated : bool, default: False This parameter is not used for pregroup diagrams, which are always drawn un-foliated. Returns ------- drawable : DrawableDiagram Representation of diagram including all coordinates necessary to draw it. """ if foliated: print('Pregroup diagrams cannot be drawn foliated.' ' Set `draw_as_pregroup` to `False` to see' ' foliation for this diagram.', file=sys.stderr) words = [] grammar_start_idx = len(diagram) for i, layer in enumerate(diagram.layers): if (isinstance(, grammar.Cup) or isinstance(, grammar.Swap)): grammar_start_idx = i break if layer.right or raise PregroupError(diagram) words.append( HSPACE = 0.5 VSPACE = 0.75 BOX_WIDTH = 2 drawable = cls() scan = [] track_ctr = 0 for i, word in enumerate(words): node = BoxNode(word, (HSPACE + BOX_WIDTH) * i + (0.5 * BOX_WIDTH * isinstance(word, grammar.Cap)), 0) for j, ty in enumerate(word.cod): wire_x = ((HSPACE + BOX_WIDTH) * i + (BOX_WIDTH / (len(word.cod) + 1)) * (j + 1)) wire_end_idx = drawable._add_wire_end( WireEndpoint(WireEndpointType.COD, ty, wire_x, 0.25), track_ctr) node.add_cod_wire(wire_end_idx) scan.append(wire_end_idx) track_ctr += 1 drawable.boxes.append(node) depth_map = [0.0 for _ in range(track_ctr)] for layer in diagram.layers[grammar_start_idx:]: off = len(layer.left) box = lx = drawable.wire_endpoints[scan[off]].x rx = drawable.wire_endpoints[scan[off + 1]].x l_track = drawable.x_tracks[scan[off]] r_track = drawable.x_tracks[scan[off + 1]] y = min(depth_map[l_track: r_track + 1]) l_wire_end_idx = drawable._add_wire_end( WireEndpoint(WireEndpointType.DOM, box.dom[0], lx, y - VSPACE / 2), l_track) r_wire_end_idx = drawable._add_wire_end( WireEndpoint(WireEndpointType.DOM, box.dom[1], rx, y - VSPACE / 2), r_track) drawable._add_wire(scan[off], l_wire_end_idx) drawable._add_wire(scan[off + 1], r_wire_end_idx) grammar_box = BoxNode(box, (lx + rx) / 2, y - VSPACE) grammar_box.add_dom_wire(l_wire_end_idx) grammar_box.add_dom_wire(r_wire_end_idx) if isinstance(box, grammar.Swap): l_idx = drawable._add_wire_end( WireEndpoint(WireEndpointType.COD, box.cod[0], lx, y - VSPACE), l_track) r_idx = drawable._add_wire_end( WireEndpoint(WireEndpointType.COD, box.cod[1], rx, y - VSPACE), r_track) grammar_box.add_cod_wire(l_idx) grammar_box.add_cod_wire(r_idx) scan[off] = l_idx scan[off + 1] = r_idx elif isinstance(box, grammar.Cup): # 2 elements of the codomain are consumed. scan = scan[:off] + scan[off + 2:] else: raise PregroupError(diagram) drawable.boxes.append(grammar_box) for i in range(l_track, r_track + 1): depth_map[i] = y - VSPACE min_y = min(depth_map) for i, obj in enumerate(diagram.cod): wire_end = WireEndpoint(WireEndpointType.OUTPUT, obj, drawable.wire_endpoints[scan[i]].x, min_y - VSPACE) wire_end_idx = drawable._add_wire_end(wire_end) drawable._add_wire(scan[i], wire_end_idx) drawable._move_to_origin() return drawable